The Use of Technology in Teaching English

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1 Background

Technological improvement has gone hand-in-hand with the growth of English and change the way we communicate and learn. Moreover, the way of teaching English has also been modified from time to time as information are easily gathered and shared from all over the world. The widespread of internet, e-mail and others, is beneficial for English educators as the accessibility to teaching sources, media, techniques, methods, and assessments are abundant and can be easily gathered from anywhere at anytime. Since traditional way of teaching has been viewed to be irrelevant with recent improvements of technology of information and communication (Suryadi, 2008), educators are encouraged to make use of technology development in English classroom teaching-learning process.

However, in Indonesia the awareness of the use of technology in teaching is still as low as the availability of technology-based teaching media (Wahid, 2008). Although 90 % of senior high school and 95% of vocational school already have computer facility, only 25% of senior high school and 20% of vocational school that have internet access (Mohandas, 2003) for teaching and learning activities. In addition, most of the English teachers in Indonesia would rather using book as it is cheaper and more available than multimedia or technology that is considered expensive (Perkasa, 2011).

Whereas, multimedia and other technology devices have useful effects for language learning because of richness and authentic comprehensible input they can provide (Brett, 1995; Egbert & Jessup, 1996; Khalid, 2001). Several research on the use of video as one of multimedia offered strong evidence that video can give the students exposure to an authentic visual learning environment...

... middle of paper ... Teach Any Subject. Allyn & Bacon.

Stempleski, S. and Tomalin, B. 1990. Video in Action. Prentice Hall International Group.

Stiles, M.J. and Orsmond P. 2002. Managing Active Student learning with a Virtual Learning Environment in Educational development through Information and Communications Technologies, Fallows. S. J. and Bhanot, R. Kogan Page

Wahid, Fathul. 2008. Peran teknologi Informasi Dalam Moderenisasi Pendidikan Bangsa. Simposium Nasional Pendidikan [pdf article] Retrieved 20/07/11 from

Xiaoning, Wang. 2007. On the Use of Video Clips in College English Teaching. Canadian Social Science Vol.3 No.2 April 2007.

Ryu, Jiyeo et all. 2009. Dual Coding Theory. Educational Psychology 523[Online article] Retrieved 05/08/11 from

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