Reflection Of Communication In Communication

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Either inherited from your ancestors or found through past experiences, we all eventually discover there is an art to communicating that not all of us possess. As humans, we are unwillingly communicating with our environment and every stakeholder within that environment. Through verbal and nonverbal cues, the use of space and body language, we interact with one another in a continuous and flowing fashion. Learning how to communicate effectively is arguably one of the most valuable traits a human can possess, but whether we have the ability or not, it can be refined just as any skill can. It is to this effect, that as students and young adults we exercise our communication skills to be more successful human beings.
As a student of the Introduction …show more content…

Generally, the message is the variable the speaker has the most control over, however since I was provided with a curriculum my message could only be manipulated so much. This lead me to spend a large portion of my preparation brainstorming examples that my audience could relate too. If your audience can relate to what you’re saying they will me more receptive to the message. I believed this topic would be too difficult for the class to grasp, however they proved me wrong. After generalizing each lesson the class surprised me with many of their responses and even their ability to review the lesson after each activity was finished. By simplifying the message for my audience to better understand, they were able to contribute a considerable amount to the lessons and seemed to have a lot of take-a-ways from the …show more content…

There is no dispute that handling a large group of elementary school students is no easy feat. It would be up to me, the source, to make the message relatable for the audience and present it in a way that would best suit them. By asking them questions, keeping the topic simple, and using visuals, I could appeal to my audience and present my message. Thankfully, there is a common trend in the elementary school environment that a point system is used to award good behavior. Additionally, school wide they have implemented various attention grabbers, such as code words or clapping cues to help regain control of the class. Using this point system and various “attention grabbers,” I could keep my audience engaged and effectively present the

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