Metropolitan Region Essay

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A. A metropolitan region is a region consisting of one or more central cities and their surrounding suburbs. Metropolitan areas determine the changes in the structure and the dynamics of a particular region. For example, North East Ohio consists of Cleveland, Akron and Youngstown and their surrounding suburbs.
According to the Charter, a metropolitan area is a “fundamental economic unit of the contemporary world” (1). Metropolitan regions defines the world geographic characteristics but their boundaries are subjected to change. Therefore metropolitan regions are patterns made by government policy, powerful policy actors and natural life as urban life is organized into “multiple centers that are cities, towns, and villages” (1).
Urban Sociology focus on the metropolitan region …show more content…

Different type of cities are created because of individual choices, private policy actors and government policies because of sprawl and metropolitan polarization. The Cleveland Region map shows the difference in community classifications terms. The Cleveland Region map help develop ways to understand tax base sharing.
Cities together lacks the social and strains moving from the core. Regions develop communities based off “income, race and fascial conditions” (Ameregis 3). One community has problems, including weak tax bases, poverty and lack of resources. Another community fully developed may have a low poverty rate, weak tax bases and suffering from social needs. Only a select percentage according to the Revenue Study have strong tax bases, expensive housing and great investment development.
The Cleveland Region map shows how two out of six living in a suburb that is a stressed or at risk because of polarization and sprawl. The map shows six types of communities where most of them are not doing well except two. The fact is a metropolitan region as a whole, relating to the different communities within the region are faces consequences because of the patterns in ways the region is

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