18th Century Hospitals Analysis

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The purposes of hospitals in the 18th century served a different purpose than the 21th century hospitals. The United States hospitals arose from “institutions, particularly almshouses, which provided care and custody for the sickly poor. Entrenched in this tradition of charity, the public hospital traces its ancestry to the development of cities and community efforts to shelter and care for the chronically ill, deprived, and disabled” ("America 's Essential Hospitals,2013").Hospitals in the earlier years in the United States are far more different than they are today. During the 18th century hospitals served as a purpose to shelter older adults, the dying, orphans, and vagrants. Hospitals than also served a purpose to protect the inhabitants of a community from the contagiously sick and the dangerously insane (Sultz, 2009, p. 70). These facilities were more of a safe house than the hospitals we see today. People who did not have homes were welcome to stay there, and instead of preventing people from dying, they catered to those who were already on their way to see death. The U.S. also had pest houses, quarantine, stations and isolations hospitals …show more content…

They grew overcrowded quickly and offered little to no medical care. The nurses were not trained professional, but rather women who couldn’t find other work or former inmates. “Once established and staffed by trained physicians and nurses, public and not-for-profit hospitals became key components in a rapidly expanding medical culture” ("America 's Essential Hospitals, 2013"). After the 1920 not-for-profit hospitals began reduced catering to the poor and aimed for the upper middle class. While public hospitals sill tried to find ways to treat the poor, not-for-profit created prestigious institutions to attract the upper class("America 's Essential

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