Obese Essay

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The United States of America is one of the most obese countries in the world and the worst thing is that the kids thinks that it is ok to be obese because when they look around at society that’s all they see. One third of every American kid is overweight, and with the way Americans eat, it will continue to rise (“Obesity”). America is one of the richest countries in the world but is one of the most obese countries in the world and that is not good because children think that it is ok to stay inside all day and play video games and while doing that the parents are bringing the kids food instead of making them get up and getting it themselves. Kids now a days need to learn that just PE in school is not going to help them get in shape because their is not enough time for the class to do it and kids need exercise the more the better. If kids play outside they are less likely to be obese and less likely to get diabetes because they are being active instead of doing nothing but eating and watching TV (“Curbing”). One of the best things that people can do is be active whether that play sports or just go outside and run but it is not good for anyone especially kids to not go outside and just stay inside. Another way is to eat right whether that be salads or eat …show more content…

It is true that genetics can influence weight but most kids can have a healthy child life if they exercise and eat right. Also parents say “It’s just baby fat and that their kids will outgrow the weight as they get older” (“Curbing”). The one thing parents to worry about when their children are obese is that the kid is at risk of having high blood pressure, heart disease, bone problems, high cholesterol, and diabetes (“Obesity”). It has been studied that schools that were built close to a fast food restaurant has a higher obesity rating that those that are built farther away from a fast food restaurant

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