United States Health Care System

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Health Care has been an issue in the United States, for many years the United States health care has been on the rise and will continue to rise. Among, contribute to the high cost of health care is with new technology, which helps assist physician with medical treatment and early detection of health issues. The higher costs are also due to the U.S. has embracing into the information and communications technology into improving the administration of its system. Hence, the contribute to the rise of health care cost which is by raising insurance premiums higher and the cost of health care. Nonetheless, the U.S achieves very well in some of the major health care area, such as, a high rate for screening and survival for different types of cancers and cancer care. With that saying, U.S needs to starts focusing on lifestyles that lead to poor health, U.S care fall short compared with other developing countries. Many countries have implemented universal health coverage for years with effective results compared to the U.S health care system to both China and Brazil. First we start by looking at the life expectancy in areas that has changed over the past century. Our life expectancy is correlated to how we take care of our health, meaning our complete physical mental and social well-being. Many people just look at the biological side of health, but health is also including social and the environment we live in. According to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD, 2013), “Life expectancy has increased in the United States over the past decades, but less rapidly than in other OECD countries. This can be due to gaps in health insurance coverage and proper proportion of the U.S. population”. Life expectancy at birth... ... middle of paper ... ...ivate health. Moreover, health expenditure covers the establishment of health services both preventive and curative, family planning activities, nutrition activities, and emergency aid designated for health. The United States spends much more on health per capita than most countries, spending $9,146 in 2013 compares to China 646 and Brazil 1,454. Hence, with the high spending in health care you would expect the U.S to have a lower mortality rates and higher life expectancy with the amount of money being spent. As one can see, that the United States Health Care system should be a great system and with the help of advance technology we are able to provide much more efficient and effective health care service. Even though, the U.S may seem to be fallen behind in certain areas of the Health Care system, it also falls on the person to be able to take care of themselves.

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