The Progressive Era in the United States

535 Words2 Pages

The Progressive Era was a period of social activism and political reform in the United States that flourished from the 1890’s to the 1920’s. It began as a social movement, but grew into a political one. Progressives, those that supported this movement, all started out from the support of American society, rather than from rural west and southern areas. As time went on, progressivism was seen to be within an individual rather than the society the individual is in. They believe if the individual was succeeding, then so would the society. The ability to achieve a better world is in each individual’s faith that they possess. Many of the progressives had similar shared values that were the spirit of progressivism. They also put faith in science, which was a value most thought would benefit the future. As the rise of progressive continued many professions became available. Many jobs sought as a part of this movement were medicine, law, business, education, and social work. This is the beginning of a new world which is similar to ours now.

Theodore Roosevelt was one of the biggest proponents of the Progressive movement. He was not a fan of big business having too much control or a corrupt monopoly on industries. Theodore Roosevelt also believed that strong corporations were good for America. He would encourage the help of businesses he deemed “moral” to monitor and take down other greedy businesses. His actions against corrupt big businesses earned him the nickname trust-buster. Roosevelt even pressed for an income tax that would affect the wealthy; however this proposal was not constitutional. Rather than change the proposal, Teddy was determined to make the Constitution fully adaptable to the political demands of the majority, an...

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... and return control to moral citizens. This allowed the country to preserve American ways for future generations. Theodore Roosevelt, William Taft, and Woodrow Wilson were all key pioneers in the Progressive Era.

Works Cited

Divine, Robert A. American past and Present. 10th ed. Vol. 2. Boston: Library of Congress, 2011. Print.

Pando. History 132. 3 Mar. 2014. Class Notes. Forsythtech Community College, Winston-Salem.

The Progressive Era. Crash Course, n.d. Web. .

"The Progressive Movement." The Progressive Movement. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Mar. 2014.<>.

"Leaders of the Progressive Era." Boundless. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Mar. 2014.<>;.

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