Should The United States Have Trade Partners

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The United States’ economy heavily relies on trade partners because they help maintain essential imports and exports, they help balance economic globalization, and leaving these established trade agreements would damage relationships with other nations and destroy the US credibility internationally. Trade is a beneficial process where one country trades their goods and services in exchange for another countries goods and services. Irvin defines it as “a two-way street—the exchange of exports for imports—that makes efficient use of a country’s resources to increase its material welfare” (Irwin 85). This provides countries with resources they may not had access to and it provides the nation with finance for their exports.
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trade partners will damage international relations and the United States credibility. As Douglas Irwin said “ripping up existing agreements would be self-destructive” (Irwin 85). The U.S. would disrupt production chains and be forced to refigure economic and foreign policy. Nations would feel offended and neglected, thus creating a negative unreliable representation of the U.S. The United States largest trading partners are Canada, China, and Mexico. The U.S, Canada, and Mexico are in NAFTA. NAFTA is the North American Free Trade Agreement which was established in January of 1994. More than one-third of US exports go to Canada or Mexico. Breaking an accord like this would drastically decrease exports which offsets the economy’s gross domestic product. Many citizens focus heavily on the distribution of labor. This is the biggest consequence of trade and it can provide positive or negative effects. In the international trade agreements countries will need labor to produces the goods and services. Sometimes there isn’t a balance in production in one country. This means it is cheaper to seek labor abroad, that’s when jobs are lost. However, trade can increase jobs because more people will be needed in the export sector. This is a huge sociocultural concern due to the fact that the US civilians are heavily concerned with the future of jobs. With proper specific policies in place jobs can be monitored and citizens would feel more secure with trade

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