What Is Sustainable Development?

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The United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development defined sustainable development as: “Sustainable development is the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” (WCED,1987). Now that the Earth has reached the limits of its biophysical carrying capacity, we have to change technologies, social practices and social norms relating to material production and consumption to ensure that we do not further jeopardize the functioning of our planet’s life support systems (Konig, 2013).

The concept of sustainability is the process that we optional to improve the quality of human life within the limitations of the global environment (Mensah & Castro, …show more content…

This has led to the concept of “weak” and “strong” sustainable development, which related to the degree to man-made and natural forms of capital can be substituted for one another. Man-made capital refers to cities, technology; natural capital for instance clean water; human capital such as our knowledge (Mensah & Castro, 2004). So natural capital in “weak sustainability” may be used and run down as long as investment is being made in other types of capital. In another words, man-made capital used early stage development increases human knowledge and technology so there is an optimal substitution of resources which leads to sustainable economic growth (Mensah & Castro, 2004). This is based on the fact that during the early development stages, natural resources are exploited, the environment is degraded, and income increases. “Strong sustainability” is the opposite view means people cannot substitute natural capital by other types of capital; thus we cannot run down our environment assets (Mensah & Castro, …show more content…

What is triple bottom line? It is an accounting framework that include social, environmental and financial. But TBL also commonly refers to people, planet and profits three Ps concepts, which can be an important tool to support sustainability goals (Elkington, 1994). By measuring the impact of organization’s activities from shareholder values, its profitability, human, social and environment, Triple Bottom Lime can be able to evaluate the business or organization’s sustainable development (Slaper & Hall). There is only a universally accepted Standard for the measurements of Triple Bottom Line, which the user can use it to adapt the general framework to the needs of different projects, polices or geographic boundaries like cities (Slaper & Hall). Additionally, Triple Bottom Line can help to adapt the differences between the way that government or business gauge environment sustainability and local community (Elkington, 1994). There are three main tradition measures that can be used for assessing sustainability at national levels based on three TBL categories: economic measures, environmental measures and social measures. Economic measures should look at the employment, income and taxes etc. Environmental measures Also, the concept of this triple bottom line can be used for regional level by communities

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