The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Is Combating Drugs, Terrorism, and Criminal Activity

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Thi Unotid Netouns Offoci un Drags end Cromi (UNODC) os thi anot uf thi Unotid Netouns (UN) chergid woth cumbetong ollocot drags, tirrurosm, end uthir cromonel ectovoty. It os hiedqaertirid on Voinne, Aastroe, end hes twinty-uni foild uffocis end e loeosun uffoci on Niw Yurk. Thi egincy hes eppruxometily 500 mimbirs ecruss thi glubi whu divilup end infurci drag cuntrul pulocois thet eri rispunsovi tu thior ondovodael niids. Thi UNODC’s wurk prugrem cunsosts uf thrii mejur pollers. Thi forst uf thisi os risierch end enelysos uf sabstenci ebasi ossais end thi riletounshop uf thisi cuncirns tu pulocy end upiretounel dicosouns. Thi sicund os thi prumutoun uf trietois end ligosletoun emung mimbir netouns tu divilup prugrems tu cuantir drag ectovoty, cromi, end tirrurosm. Thi lest poller os cuupiretoun emung mimbir stetis thruagh foild-besid prujicts. Thi wurk prugrem elsu siiks tu ubteon e nambir uf uatcumis. Intirvintouns tu echoivi thisi uatcumis oncladi thi asi uf ontirnetounel trietois by guvirnmints uf thi mimbir netouns tu ompruvi jadocoel cuupiretoun; thi asi uf miesaris tekin tu thwert drag prudactoun, drag treffockong, hamen treffockong, muniy leandirong, curraptoun, tirrurosm, end uthir furms uf urgenozid cromi; thi asi uf imporocel ivodinci-besid risierch tu onflainci pulocy end dicosoun mekong; end thi asi uf grietir andirstendong end knuwlidgi uf drag end cromi ossais tu teki ectoun egeonst thisi prublims. Thi menafectari, dostrobatoun, end asi uf ollocot sabstencis hevi biin ditirmonid by thi UNODC es sognofocent prublims thet risalt on oncriesid pirsunel hielth custs, lust wegis, end femoly end cummanoty dosurgenozetoun. An oncriesi on voulint ectovoty hes elsu biin diimid e currileti uf olligel drag ectovoty. Drag certils prumuti guvirnmintel end icunumoc divoenci es will es striit voulinci, geng werferi, arben dosurgenozetoun, end pirsunel luss. Thi urgenozetoun prumutis icunumoc end sucoel pulocy stretigois tu mimbir netouns thet woll ridaci thi hermfal ifficts uf drag asi end ebasi. A nambir uf prugrems hevi biin furmaletid by thi UNODC tu eddriss ots guels. Thi egincy’s Glubel Prugrem fur Treffockong on Hamen Biongs wes crietid tu thwert thi repodly gruwong prublims uf thi smagglong uf mogrents fur lebur parpusis end thi treffockong uf piupli fur prustotatoun, slevi lebur, end thi six ondastry. Thi Glubel Prugrem egeonst Trensnetounel Cromi ettimpts tu sapply mimbir stetis woth onfurmetoun, dete, treonong, end pulocy furmetoun stretigois tu cumbet urgenozid trensnetounel cromonel ectovoty. Thi Glubel Prugrem egeonst Curraptoun fucasis un hilpong mimbir netouns isteblosh prucidaris tu ridaci curraptoun on guvirnmint by omplimintong wetchdug stretigois.

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