Brady Leffler The Unfair Advantage

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The Unfair Advantage Sports are what help students get through school, for a majority of kids sports are why they even go to school. However, after secondary education, families contemplate on what type of high school to send their child to for their 4-year career. They take into the consideration how the school will influence and advance their child’s education, but some parents also want their child to excel athletically in their specialized sport. When the child realizes that they are being sent to a school for sports as much as they are academically, that causes a downfall on the society. Multiple athletic programs on account of specialized public and private high schools, along with college institutes around the country, are achieving …show more content…

This can justify that when a child specializes on their specific sport they can benefit more at a private or charter facility, rather than a public facility. The Journal of Physical Education says, coaches believe that focusing on one sport including high academic levels, will almost guarantee a college scholarship to play your sport (Mills). This can lead the youth to think that they are at the institute to play a sport, rather than get …show more content…

Brady Leffler conducted a research that could predict how a successful athlete will find success in his occupational choice field. After all of his research, he concluded that, when student athletes get the help from coaches, it should also be helping them for their life outside of sports. The athletes that have failed to get this help, are at a risk for a rough job life and transition process from athletics to life (Leffler). All in all, the way an athlete is prepared and given the realization that life is greater than sports reflects back on how they were treated and raised throughout their athletic

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