Undocumented Youth Essay

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Undocumented youth have the opportunity to go to school K-12, but face difficulty and barriers to pursuing higher education. People say that education is free and everybody can have access to it. Others say that education is the keys that can open all doors. If education is free why do people not have access to it and to those keys? What does undocumented youth means? Well that question that a lot of people have different perspective and definitions about it. But for me, an undocumented youth is a person who moves to a specific place without a certain documents that allow them to be there. Or have the permission to be at that place, but once arrive, they wasn’t able to gather all documents that she or he needs to be called “legal”. …show more content…

We all move around the world and chose to be stay where we want to be. For instance, when someone moves to Africa, India or other part of this country in development, they do not worried about being legal. Of course they will need a Visa to be able to be there and once the set food they 're about having a Social Security like it mandatory in the United States. However when is the opposite, those people have to worried about being legal. Meaning having a Social Security, for example. Among us there are a lot of diverse people, even our ancestor are from different places. No one can say that they are not from a specific place, because before these diverse people gathered here, our great-parents, parents were from different places, People move to the United States “ the land of opportunity” to the search for that American Dream. In High School I had a friend who’s story really touch me. With our bond , she was able to trust me and to share her story with me. Lesly is a young girl who came from Guatemala to Washington, D.C at a young age. When she came here she had a dream like many us. She dream that one day she will go to High School and graduate and make her way to college. Unfortunately, every things change when she found out that her status will not allow her to pursue her college education after High School. She dropout from High …show more content…

Former President of the United State, George W. Bush, announced the “No Child Left Behind” initiative no child, no matter your State status, will be left behind. Every student will and needs to have access to the same educational opportunities. If we look at history, many people came here, worked hard to construct and to improve the economy and today the same scenarios are still in play. And the least that we can give to undocumented students is to have them treated like citizens and allow them to have the same opportunity and access to education like citizens

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