Omi And Winant And Bonilla-Silva's Approach In Understanding The Distinction Between Ethnicity And Race Case Study

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Omi & Winant, Bonilla-Silva, and Loveman all have different approach in understanding the distinction between ethnicity and race. Omi & Winant and Bonilla-silva all made a distinction between ethnicity and race, and study race through the lens of power relation, while Loveman argued that it is important to study these two side by side. DuBois articulate blackness as both race and ethnicity with the approach of “Double-Consciousness”.

First, I will examine Omi and Winant’s approach. They made a clear distinction between ethnicity and race and only discussed how races are formed. They also define race as a constantly being transformed by political struggle and it is a concept which signifies and symbolizes social conflicts and interests by …show more content…

Like Omi & Winant, Bonilla-Silva think that race is a categorization that assigned by dominant group and the members in the subordinate group act according to the expectation of the dominant group, whether the members aware or not. According to Bonilla-Silva, race acquired a life of their own and do not need human as actor to function. (Bonilla-Silva 1997,p.475) Unlike Omi & Winant, Bonilla-silva explained that race and ethnicity is different in a way that power is removed from ethnicity and have different history. In the other words, ethnicity do not involve power relation, it is more about self-determination. The differences of race and ethnicity, according to Bonilla-silva, are whether it is internal(self-determination) or external(imposed by dominant group) and the degree of power …show more content…

She argued that “race exist only if they are conscious of their existence and act as a collectivity.” (Bonilla-Silva 1999, p.900) That is, the member of the group need to be aware of the existence of race, where Bonilla-Silva argued the other way. “Wherever there are social, political and ideological practices that produce differential status between racialized social groups(Races). Racial and class or gender consciousness is always a contingent matter in all social collectivities. Consciousness thus cannot be taken as the factor determining whether races have a social existence.” (Bonilla-Silva 1999, p.

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