Understanding of Transgender and Intersex

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Transgender and intersexed are not what one typically contemplates of when thinking about societies general interpretation of gender definitions. Transgender meaning that one’s gender expression does not match their assigned sex and intersex being person who is born with a reproductive or sexual anatomy that doesn’t fit the typical definitions of female or male. The concept of transgender and intersex disrupts the very thought of gender being a binary. The biological body is stereotypically assumed to be a single organically combined natural object categorized by one and only one of the two offered sex statuses, is discernibly no such thing (Stryker). This disruption in turn works towards adding to our understanding of gender. It’s safe to say that although evidence like transgender and intersex show that there are deviations from gender binaries, people still have a hard time straying from social norms. This poses problems for not only the people that are intersex and trans, people without the specific qualifications who have different characteristics are labeled also. Although trans and intersex are often seen as wide of the mark, they offer us an alternative way of thinking about gender, while showing us that even though we are different there are still commonalities.
The problems of transgender and intersex people are being identified more now than ever because of its relation to feminism. Feminism is a philosophy that looks to gain equally within people. Thus, feminism can also expand to people beyond the basic male or female expression. More specifically, the concept of transgender feminism looks to marginalize gender expression as well as normative ones (Stryker).
Documented information such as the documentary Orchids...

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...eenhouse still notes how the progress in the different areas of normal deviance, however uneven, are ultimately linked to one another.
Together transgender and intersexed issues reveal that gender should undoubtedly be considered outside of the typical gender binaries of male and female. Not only should other categories be added to the list of choices different approaches to dealing with the deviations of intersex and transgender should be developed. As Emily Greenhouse expressed in her article if the attitudes and approaches towards intersex and transgender individuals where different some of the issues that were revealed in the documentary Orchids could be avoided.

Works Cited

Greenhouse, E. (2013, 12 30). A new era for intersex rights. The New Yorker. Retrieved from http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/newsdesk/2013/12/a-new-era-for-intersex-rights.html

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