Understanding Global Warming

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Global warming, a topic circling the planet, brings up controversial debates among people. Believe it or not, global warming is occurring right now and is creating many problems for the planet. Most people do not understand the seriousness of global warming, but all the signs stand right in front of our eyes. Global warming, triggered by humans, harms the planet and will destroy our world unless prevented by humans. Understanding global warming is the first step to fixing the problem. Global warming simply stands for the average increase of temperature, which results in climate change. Hot temperatures one day and freezing temperatures the next show exactly how global warming works. Now, this strange temperature pattern may not sound like a big deal, but it plays a major role in how life will look for future generations. In fact, these weather patterns already greatly affect our lives; imagine how severe the effects will be for our grandchildren. Another term used to describe global warming is the greenhouse effect. When gases are released into the atmosphere, they stay there and trap sunlight from escaping. This trapped sunlight heats up the Earth, making the overall temperature of Earth increase. This effect happens naturally and prevents the Earth from forming an ice ball, but human creations that release extra gases are causing more heat to be trapped and accelerating global warming. For years, people have debated about whether global warming was human or nature caused, now ninety seven percent of scientists agree that it is human based. Some people continue to argue about whether global warming is real or not, which is absurd. According to a Yale project, 15 percent of Americans believe that scientists make up all their d... ... middle of paper ... ...ear of Extremes: Did Climate Change Just Hit Home." Dateline NBC. NBC. 06 Apr. 2014. Television. Costello, Carol, and The Opinions Expressed in This Commentary Are Solely Those of Carol Costello. "Why Are We Still Debating Climate Change?" CNN. Cable News Network, 24 Feb. 2014. Web. 26 Apr. 2014. Global Warming. By: Feinstein, Dianne, Vital Speeches of the Day, 0042742X, Jan2007, Vol. 73, Issue 1 Global Warming and the Threat of Ecological Catastrophe. By: Hughes, Geoffrey, Canadian Dimension, 00083402, Jul/Aug2006, Vol. 40, Issue 4 Huddleston, Nancy, and National Research Council. "Climate Change: Lines of Evidence." Scribd. Earthandlife, n.d. Web. 19 Apr. 2014. Russel, Corvin. "The End Days." The End Days 44.1 (2010): n. pag. History Reference Center. Web. 21 Apr. 2014. "What You Can Do." EPA. Environmental Protection Agency, n.d. Web. 19 Apr. 2014.

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