Understanding a child's strengths and weaknesses

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Being a parent is by far the most fulfilling and toughest job anyone can have. One way to make the job of being a parent a little easier is by learning a child’s strengths and weaknesses. The importance of knowing a child’s strengths and weaknesses can be found throughout the short stories “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker and “I Stand Here Ironing” by Tillie Olsen. Assessing a child’s strengths and weaknesses is something that teachers have been doing in the classroom for a very long time. The techniques that teachers use in the classroom can also be used in the home by parents. Through recognizing a child’s strengths and weaknesses, a parent can better understand their child, which in return will build a positive and stronger bond.

Teachers assess a child’s strengths and weaknesses in the classroom to figure out the best way for the child to learn. The theory is that children learn in one of three ways: visually, auditorily, and kinesthetically (Fliess, Paragraph 1). So how do teachers identify students’ learning types? According to Dr. James Keefe, former director of research for the National Association of Secondary School Principals, only ten to fifteen percent of schools use formal tests to determine learning styles. Most teachers, however, especially in elementary school, observe their students closely to determine learning styles. Then the teachers use learning style strategies that individualize instruction to take advantage of each student’s learning type (Staff). Understanding a students learning style is imperative to building a strong bond between teacher and student. Once a teacher has identified the students learning style they can tailor instruction as needed. Students learn more efficiently and success...

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... n.d. Web. 19 Jan 2012. http://www.education.com/magazine/article/Ed_Learning_Working/.

Fox , Jenifer . "10 Tips for Discovering Your Child's Strengths. Paragraphs 2,10. " Huffpost Healthy Living . N.p., 16 Sep 2009 . Web. 19 Jan 2012. .

Olsen , Tillie . I Stand Here Ironing . 6th ed. New York : McGraw-Hill, 2007. 706-710. Print.

Staff, Eduguide . "Types of Learning Style. Paragraph 2 ." EduGuide . N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Jan 2012. .

"Understanding Your Child's Uniqueness. Paragraph 2." U of A Division of Agrictulture . N.p., 30 Nov 2011. Web. 19 Jan 2012. http://www.arfamilies.org/family_life/parenting/insight/understanding_childs_uniquens s.htm

Walker, Alice. Everyday Use. 6th ed. New York : McGraw-Hill, 2007. 743-749. Print.

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