Types of School Students

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Everyone that has attended public high school has observed a split in the peers that he attends class with. The same can be said of my own experiences. Sitting in class, I have noticed many different types of students. Some tend to be more hard working and reserved than others. Though there are many more than three kinds of students, I feel that students can be generalized into three fairly common groups: the Hard Workers, the Slackers, and what I call the In-Betweeners. The first (and least common) of the three groups is the Hard Workers. These students can easily be distinguished by their tendency to make high grades. These are the students that vigorously take notes and are sure to turn in their assignments as soon as possible. The Hard Workers spend free-time in class either reading books, studying notes, or working ahead on assignments. Though the studiousness of the Hard Workers is exquisite, they lack in a vital area: social status. The Hard Workers tend to be quiet in class, often having qualities of an introvert. While the rest of class maybe talking about current events...

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