Parent Involvement

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Through my research, I have found that many secondary parents feel that they have lost a great deal of communication with both the school and the teachers. I feel that through weekly e-mails and monthly newsletters, I would be able to keep communication up-to-date for the parents. Another loss in the classroom is parent participation. I plan on initiating a “Let Us Teach You” night, so students can present their recent work and show their parents what they have learned. I also plan on including a “Classroom Needs List”, on the newsletter, which will allow the parents to be involved, even if they are not physically in the classroom. Communication does not stop with e-mails. There are times that teachers need to call a parent as well as plan a parent/teacher conference. I believe that these are effective ways in keeping the parent involved as well as helping the teacher to insure each student is successful in their class.
With the technology we have today, it would seem to be a waste to not incorporate as much as possible into the communication process. With that said, I would set up a blind copy weekly e-mail, that would provide the parents with information regarding classroom assignments, projects, due dates, etc. With this, it allows the parents to know what is going on in the classroom and what is coming up. I do not believe that the e-mail will be limited to just those items I listed, but can be an ever evolving system. Also, this allows me to know when an e-mail address no longer works, and provides me the opportunity to contact that parent to get updated information and to touch base with them regarding the classroom and their child. Another form of communication is a monthly newsletter. Again, it allows me a cha...

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... expectations. This is also a chance for the teacher to see if the parents have concerns and how he/she can assist the parents.
The process of getting information to a parent, from a teacher, is an every changing and evolving dilemma. Add to that, the involvement of parents in the classroom, which becomes more and more difficult as students get higher in their education, and you end up with many gaps in the information highway. It is imperative that teachers continuously reach out to the parents in order to keep the communication lines open. In keeping parents up-to-date with the classroom expectations, and curriculum, and in reaching out to the parents to get them involved in the classroom, I feel that a teachers job is made easier, because with open communication, teachers and parents alike feel that they are working as a team to insure the students success.

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