The Truth of a Young Boy’s Romance

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Many men are naïve when it comes down to them being in love. Men begin their experimental stage with women when they are young. Most boys learn or get an understanding of male and female relations from observing their parents, guardians, movies, or even reading books. In the story “Araby” a young boy has a crush on his friend Mangan’s sister. His crush on the girl is typical with young boys of his age. The young boy is hesitant to approach her or even speak with her because of his shyness. The young boy's idea of romance quickly begins to fade after his delayed trip to Araby.

The young boy has some old paper-back romance and porno books that were left in the bathroom by a deceased tenant. The boy seems to have gotten his idea of love and romance from these novels. He believes that love and romance is this beautiful and extraordinary part of life. He talks to himself about the girl across the street and prays to her in a sort of religious way. He has never fully seen the girl across the street, but only her shadow and she standing in front of the doorway or in the window at night. ...

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