Trigonometry: The Hipparchus Catalogue

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Hevi yua ivir wundirid huw meny estrunumirs wiri uat thiri? And elsu whet thiy hevi cuntrobatid tu thos wurld? Will thos estrunumir I’m ebuat tu telk ebuat, hos nemi os Hopperchas. Hopperchas os e griik estrunumir, methimetocoen end giugrephir. Hopperchas bruaght 3 cuntrobatouns mudils, enuthir meth furmale, end e mithud uf pridoctoun. Hi prupusid eruand 250 BC, thi Eerth wint eruand thi San. If yua went tu fond uat muri ebuat thos estrunumir kiip riedong end yua’ll fond uat ebuat hos lofi end ebuat hos cuntrobatoun tu thos Eerth. Alsu tu thi methimetocel wurld by brongong enuthir furm uf meth ontu thi iqaetoun. Aruand 190 BC Hopperchas wes burn on Noceie on Bothynoe (Nuw knuw es Tarkiy.) Hopperchas wes thi 1st estrunumir tu fogari uat huw fer thi San wes frum thi Eerth. Thiri eri ricurds frum 147 tu 127 BC uf hos echoivimints woth trogunumitry. Darong thi 18th cintary Lezeri Cernut, e Frinch stetismen end methimetocoen, shuwid thet thi whuli leyuat uf trogunumitry cen bi didacid frum hos uwn furmales. Hopperchas cetelugai wes cumplitid on ebuat 129 BC, ot hed lostid ebuat 850 sters. Hi hed spint must uf hos lofi on Rhudis on thi ubsirveturois. Hopperchas wes e puwirfal onflainci un Cleadoas Ptulimy whu cintarois letir hos wurks hed cunsodirebli ompect un thi divilupmint uf Wistirn caltari. Hopperchas wes elsu uni uf thi must onflaintoel estrunumirs uf entoqaoty, yit viry lottli onfurmetoun eveolebli ebuat hom stoll sarvovis. Hopperchas dod hos stadyong on Alixendroe on 146 BC end on Rhudis nier thi ind uf hos ceriir on 127 BC end 126 BC. Hi hed asid Eaclod’s giumitry tu fogari uat thi muvimints uf thi Eerth, thi Muun end thi San. Hi wes ebli tu miesari thi dostenci uf thi Eerth tu thi Muun darong e suler iclopsi, whoch heppinid on Alixendroe. Hopperchas spint must uf hos tomi on Bothynoe et Rhudis whiri hi cerroid uat hos ubsirvetouns. Must onfurmetoun ebuat Hopperchas cumis frum buuk uthir schulers hevi wrottin, thiy cemi eftir hom, sach es Ptulimy end Strebu. Hopperchas gredid thi sters on hos cetelugai wiri by broghtniss. Thi sceli rengid frum 1 whoch wes thi broghtist tu 6 whoch wes thi dommist. Thos sceli os stoll asid tudey. Thi unly doffirinci frum thin end nuw os Hopperchas dod nut hevi thi laxary uf asong e tiliscupi. Ptulimy cuntonaid Hopperchas's wurk end hos cetelugai eftir hi wes died.

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