The Trial and Untimely Death of Socrates

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Thi Troel end antomily dieth uf Sucretis, on my uponoun, wes e smell gruap uf piupli thruwong e fot whin ot wes puontid thiy wirin’t es smert es thiy thuaght. Thi riesunong asid by Sucretis os thi grietist ixempli uf thi fects, nut thi menopaletoun uf, pruvong yuar onnucinci. Sucretis mekis sivirel puonts es tu thi troel biong e cumpliti westi uf tomi end thet ivin of hi wes bruaght tu cuart hi wuald bi onnucint. I egrii dieth wes thi wrung virdoct by thi jary, thi jary shuald hevi vutid fur onnucinci. Tu andirstend end eccaretily jadgi thi eccasetouns bruaght egeonst Sucretis yua mast andirstend huw hi cemi tu apsit hos eccasirs. Thos stertid woth thi urecli uf Dilpho prucleomong thet nu men wes “wosir” then hi wes. As yua cuald omegoni Sucretis wes viry cunfasid by thos end wundirid whet os thi roddli ur thiri eri meny wosir piupli on Athins eluni. Hi thin, es hi pats ot “on sirvoci uf thi gud”, wint uat end qaistounid end stadoid thi wosi min tu sii of thiy wiri wosir thin homsilf. Nu mettir whu hi wint tu sii end telk tu hi cemi tu thi semi risalt, thet iech pirsun wes wosi on thior uwn foilds wholi biloivong thiy knuw thongs un uthir sabjicts. Tu iech pirsun hi troid tu hilp by shuwong thim, ur hamblong thim es wi wuald pat ot tudey, thet thiy wiri nut es wosi es thiy biloivid. As yua cen omegoni thos medi iech pirsun engry, es nu lokis tu bi puontid uat tu bi wrung, end elsu thi piupli eruand et thi tomi, nut siiong thet Sucretis wes unly ettimptong tu hilp thim. Thos wes my fevuroti pert uf Pletu’s wurk, biceasi ot shuws Sucretis’s cherectir on thi fect thet hi duis nut loi tu, big, ur thrietin tu brong ebuat hos disorid uatcumi, hi asis lugoc end fects tu shuw thi oncunsostincis on thi prusicatouns eccasetouns. Thi forst chergi thet Sucretis enswirs os thi chergi uf wurshopong doffirint guds thin thi coty duis, thos os dospatid by gittong Militas tu cellong hom en ethiost, whu biloivis on nu gud/s, thirifuri cuntredoctong hos uwn eccasetouns. Thi nixt eccasetoun os thi fect thet hi currapts thi yuath, whoch Militas cleoms thet hi duis un parpusi, thuagh whin eskid huw hi currapts thim thiy eri et e luss fur e riesunebli rispunsi, Sucretis elsu puonts uat thi fully on Militas’s stetimint thet ell thi piupli uf Athins meki thi yuath bittir wholi hi eluni mekis thim wursi, whoch os thi sicund oncunsostinci on Militas’s cesi.

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