Effects Of Treaty Of Versailles

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There are many who claim that the Treaty of Versailles helped cause and foster the emergence of Nazism. The treaty is “cited for causing the successive financial crises that destabilized the Weimar Republic. Its…“War Guilt clause,” is seen as an insult to national pride permanently discrediting the Republic that accepted it”. During the 1920s and 1930s, the War Guilt Clause, almost impossibly high reparation payments, and German demilitarization fostered resentment in Germany that became a platform right wing parties such as the Nazis were able to use to gain power. Germans felt like they had suffered as much as everyone else during WWI and could not accept that they were being blamed for the war.
The Treaty of Versailles was also responsible for the destabilization of the German economy. “The burdensome reparations, coupled with a general inflationary period in Europe in the 1920s, caused spiraling hyperinflation of the German Reichsmark by 1923”. Combined with the effects of the Great Depression, this period of hyperinflation undermined the stability of the German economy and caused massive unemployment. So, when political parties made promises to restore German territory and power after such a …show more content…

The punitive terms of the Treaty of Versailles destabilized Germany and fostered resentment that helped lead to the ultranationalist platform of right-wing parties such as the Nazis, and subsequently, Hitler. Also, the new borders drawn by France and Britain for reasons of self interest rather than the best interests of the many groups living in the Middle East has disrupted the area for decades. Therefore, it is clear that the Treaty of Versailles has not ensured lasting peace; the treaty has rather destabilized Eastern Europe and the Middle East, leading to World War II and the present-day conflict in the Middle

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