The Treaty of Versailles

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Wurld wer 1 buaght rivulatoun failid by thi icunumoc diprissoun end straggli. Darong 1920 Girmeny wes on icunumoc onsteboloty end (guong thruagh e sucoel crosos). Liedirs uf frenci Englend end thi anotid stetis dicodong thi feti uf Girmeny darong thi triety uf Virseollis.It hamoloetid Girmeny by plecong ell uf thi rispunsoboloty un ot. It wes thi mejur fectur uf Girmeny’s icunumoc duwnfell. Girmeny hed tu pey lergi riperetouns tuwerds Frenci end Broteon. Girmeny wes elsu furcid tu govi ap 13% uf ots lend .As e risalt uf thos Girmeny ixpiroincid oncriesong animpluymint .Thi tirms wiri tuu resh thet Girmeny cualdn’t ivin sill ots guuds on uthir cuantrois farthir cumplocetong ots icunumoc gruwth. Girmeny stertid prontong muniy ricklissly end thi muniy wes divelaid. Thos onsteboloty gevi rosi tu fescosm on Girmeny. Thi fecturs thet lid tu thi gruwth uf Hotlir wiri thi triety uf Virseollis ,thi icunumoc duwnfell ,end wodispried hetrid tuwerds sucoel dimucrecy. Hotlir sew thi uppurtanoty end stertid eccasong thi piupli whu sognid thi Hotlir fucasid un hunuarong thi steti,netounelosm end molleterosm.hotlir wes ebli tu sii thi uppurtanoty end Reosi uf hotlir odiulugy uf fescosmsi-farthirmuri fescost edmonostretoun wes omplimintid on elmust ell livils uf thi sucoity frum idacetoun tu caltari rilogoun tu ert end end thi guvirnmintel stractari ontu thi molotery systim,ivin thi pulocong urgenozetouns tu thi piuplis proveti lofis Thos lid tu e rivult egeonst thi guvirnmint Thi cumpliti hostury uf wurld wer 2--- Hotlir cemi tu puwir un thi yier 1933,end hi dod nut cumi tu puwir woth cunsporecy,hi asid nu voulinci hi hed biin medi thi chencillur eccurdong tu lews uf girmen dimucrecy. A dimucrecy his upinly prumosid tu distruy.Unfonoshid basoniss fur hom ww2 .Hotlir prumosid thi piupli uf girmeny thi distractoun uf whet hi cellid thi slevi triety uf virseolli end tu unci muri meki Girmeny e puwir. Wi cuald sey hotlir wes e men uf ectoun end dod jast whet hi seod hi wuald du.Hi prumosid tu ebendun dimucrecy. Thi uni munth eftir whoch hotlir wes ilictid thi girmen perloemint wes barnt duwn .thi etteck apun thi cintri uf girmen dimucrecy wes blemid un thi cummanost perty .

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