Transportation Essay

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Do you ever feel like you are waiting at a red light in your car for what seems like forever? Well, that’s because “ The average person throughout their lifetime spends five years waiting in lines and queues where roughly six months of that is waiting at traffic lights”(How). Cities and towns have faced a transportation problem and they are looking for ways to tackle the issue. Transportation is a big part of one’s everyday life, and it is impossible to avoid it. Transportation plays a crucial role in the way we travel to things like school and work. Humans need transportation to get from place A to place B. There are different kinds of transportation, but the most common one in modern society is automobiles. Although transportation of automobiles is a quick way of traveling at the moment. Automobiles bring issues like health problems, air pollution, and high expenses. This is because humans always manage to take the easy way out without looking at the long-term effects that come with automobiles. …show more content…

Humans are spending too much time driving and not enough time on their physical activity. Not enough physical activity can lead to obesity, and obesity can lead to other health problems. According to Mindell, “Cycling or walking for transport puts physical activity into the daily routine, matching the health benefits of more formal exercise, such as gym membership or organized sport at less cost”(Mindell). If humans spend less time in their cars, and more time into walking and cycling the conditions of their health will increase. Walking or riding a bike costs way less than getting a gym membership. By walking you can save money because it’s free to walk places. Mindell values transportation that involves any kind of exercise versus driving everywhere. He values human health and everyday physical

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