Persuasive Essay On Transhumanism

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Transhumanism: Push Start to See Your Future Death
In the words and eyes of writer Gustave Flaubert, the death of a friend was described as, “A friend who dies, it’s something of you who dies.” There are various solutions however: in the eyes of some individuals, transhumanism(h+) is a viable solution to said problem. Of course, some view transhumanism closer to a fantasy than reality but transhumanism does directly answer death as an issue and is supported by the likes of Max More, Nick Bostrom, and Ray Kurzweil. While living in a society where many view the possibilities of a transhumanist world to be likely and, as members of a race in constant fear of death, it would be responsible to educate ourselves and pave a harmonious mindset to transhumanism in order to pave the a future where we may …show more content…

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