Public Good Liberalism In International Relations

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International trade policy have been a staple of United States foreign relations for over a century. Free trade agreements have been a continuous goal of the United States. The US has established free trade agreements with twenty different countries across the world. These agreements all have overarching goals that seek to establish regulations of labor and environmental standards, limit barriers to trade, and improve multinational relations. The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is one of the largest free trade agreements to be negotiated. However, TPP was not a construct of the United States; it originated from negotiations between New Zealand, Chile, Singapore, and eventually Brunei in 2002 through 2005. The original initiative was referred …show more content…

It also assumes the importance of states as major actors that are interested in security and power. Public good liberalism also obeys the liberal premise that states are essentially concerned with absolute gains, meaning that any benefit from an action may be lucrative in international relations. Public good liberalism focuses on the cooperation that could occur to provide goods that are non-rival and non-excludable. A good that is non-rival means that a use of the that good does not prevent someone else from using it. A good that is non-excludable means that prevention of others using the good is not possible. Global goods that are non-rival and non-excludable are set institutions, security, and peace. Though trade agreements may not be considered perfect global public goods, they can considered to provide other global public goods. Trade agreements can be depicted as club goods, because they are non-rival; however, they can be excludable. Trade agreements and other alliances in international relations provide the support for global public goods such as peace; this notion illustrates the liberal idea that more economic and political integration between countries results in a decline in the probability of conflict. (Mendoza and Chandrika, 2002) Public good liberalism defines three key methods in which to provide global public

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