American Curriculum Traditions

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Curriculum Traditions
The American society have had several experimentation on the different kind of education systems and each one has had positive and negative sides. The decision to relook at the education system in place comes from observers who believe that there an identity that speaks of the past and the lesson along the way. This means that the stakeholders in the education system need a fact-finding and evaluation of the values in the current system before recommending a switch to previous system.
Traditional curricula and cultural literacy is the most suitable for the Americans. People must be alive with the challenges that give them an identity as early in their learning as possible. Every country borrows a lot of persuasion to …show more content…

This aspect of learning is not substantial in the current generation of elites and that makes them out of touch with important aspects of being educated. In this article, the importance of traditional approach to education will be explored with reference to the American society. There is evidence that an attitude that a student learns concerning education will not change. This is true so that, if a student is attending a non career related lesson they would have the same attitude as if the reverse was the case. This is strength of traditional cultural learning that is not replicated in other modern …show more content…

Every parent is alive to the different struggles that their fore fathers fought to have the kind of living they are in today and would like that knowledge passed down to generations. This makes education the best conduit for those important lessons. Most of the parents and teachers will feel heartbroken when they realize that students as far as high school grade have no information about certain civil wars according to Hirsh. A child learns more from the manner in which parents express the importance of learning to their education. This compares to when they are learning from their teachers back at school. Traditional cultural education utilizes the home and school environments in the early childhood education to enhance the right attitudes towards education in a

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