Temperature Affect Essays

  • How Temperature Affects Grove Organisms

    511 Words  | 2 Pages

    Temperature can determine the chemical reactions in metabolism. When temperature is high, chemical reaction will increase which will have more metabolic activities. In contrast, when temperature is low, metabolic activity will decrease. Metabolic level has an high impact on activity levels. Thus, temperature will affect C. nemorails’ activity level. As temperature increases C. nemoralis’ activity level will increase and as temperature decreases C. nemoralis’ activity level will decrease. However

  • How Does Water Temperature Affect Photosynthesis

    531 Words  | 2 Pages

    Water temperature changes will not produce an effect on photosynthetic properties of freshwater algae. Temperature affects photosynthesis by allowing the algae or aquatic vegetation to photosynthesize and respire when there is an optimum room temperature. As water temperature rises, the rate of photosynthesis increases, providing there are adequate amounts of nutrients, but if water temperature plummets and there is a lack of sufficient amounts of nutrients, then the rate of photosynthesis will decrease

  • Does The Temperature Of Hydrochloric Acid Affect The Rate Of The

    1028 Words  | 3 Pages

    Does The Temperature Of Hydrochloric Acid Affect The Rate Of The Chemical Reaction Between Hydrolic Acid And Magnesium? Analysis Temperature of Time taken for Seconds hydrochloric acid 0c magnesium to react 14 141 20 80 27 73 39 55 50 52 60 51 Hydrochloric acid + magnesium magnesium chloride + hydrogen 2 Hcl MG MGCL2 H2 From my

  • How Temperature Affects The Activity Level Of The Cepaea Nemoralis

    1152 Words  | 3 Pages

    The objective of this study was to determine how temperature affects the activity level of the Cepaea nemoralis. Both experiments showed the same relative trend of increased movement in a warm environment as opposed to decreased movement in a cold environment. Both trials had a much greater mean distance travelled over one minute in the warm environment than they did in the cold environment. However, many snails displayed no activity in the cold environment by retracting into their shells and whenever

  • How Does Temperature Affect Reaction Time

    1158 Words  | 3 Pages

    Temperature and Reaction Time Age and gender of a person have a slight effect of the body`s temperature. Due to the fact as you age your body finds it harder to control the core body temperature, meaning you could be less aware of yourself overheating or have a lessened realization/awareness of a sudden drop in your body's temperature . A newborn baby can also have difficulty with core temperature and could be high one moment and low the next , but after one year the baby ages and starts to develop

  • How Temperature Affects the Rate of Reaction in the Reaction of Magnesium and Hydrochloric Acid

    1518 Words  | 4 Pages

    How Temperature Affects the Rate of Reaction in the Reaction of Magnesium and Hydrochloric Acid Aim === I am trying to find out what affect heat has on the reaction between hydrochloric acid and magnesium. Introduction ============ There are a number of things that affect rates of reaction, such as temperature, concentration of acid, catalysts, agitation, surface area, and pressure in experiments. I have chosen to investigate temperature, which will be the only variable

  • How Does Optimum Temperature Affect The Activity Of Alpha Amylase

    501 Words  | 2 Pages

    Temperature and pH have large effects on the enzymatic activity of alpha amylase. This was determined by measuring the reaction rates by varying the temperatures and pH of a reaction. Figure 1 indicates that as the temperature increases the reaction rate increases. When the reaction rate reaches its maximum level this indicates the optimum temperature. The optimum temperature is where the enzyme preforms at its highest capacity. The optimum temperature in relation to this experiment was 37°C. This

  • The Factors that Affect the Temperature Change Between Copper Sulphate and Iron Filings

    623 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Factors that Affect the Temperature Change Between Copper Sulphate and Iron Filings Aim The aim of this piece of coursework is toinvestigate the factors that affect the temperature change between Copper Sulphate and Iron filings. Affecting factors Ø The concentration of Copper Sulphate Solution (CuSO4) Ø The amount of Iron filings (Fe) used I have chosen to experiment using the 1st factor I will have to change the concentration of the Copper Sulphate Solution (CuSO4) Prediction

  • How Does Temperature Affect Yeast

    891 Words  | 2 Pages

    This experiment tests how temperature of water added to yeast in bread dough affects the rising of the bread. The research done for this experiment mainly focuses on how large the range of temperatures should be, and when yeast dies. Research was also collected on exactly how yeast makes bread rise, and what other ingredients allow the yeast to do that. Half the research collected was on why bread rises and what variables should be controlled. In “Kitchen Science”, the writer explained that when

  • Does Temperature Affects Sprite And Mentos?

    616 Words  | 2 Pages

    Introduction If The Temperature of the sprite is increased then the geyser’s size will increase because the chemicals inside the Mentos and sprite will be more irritated and burst out more violently. This is caused because of something called nucleation which is when carbon dioxide in the soda mixes with the chemicals of mentos the fizz is acting all bottled up like how you shake a bottle of coke but instead with mentos that is x10. The mentos acts as a booster for the fizz so think of it as a

  • Investigation of Whether Temperature Affects Enzyme Activity

    832 Words  | 2 Pages

    CE Determining if temperature affects enzyme activity This investigation is using a range of temperature in order to find weather or not Temperature affects enzyme activity. I will: 1. Observe the effects of different temperatures on enzyme activity 2. Infer the relationship between the two 3. Use a line graph to display data and draw a conclusion Research Question How does temperature affect enzymes activity? Variables Independent Variable: Temperature Dependent Variable:

  • How Does Temperature Affect The Rate Of Reaction

    943 Words  | 2 Pages

    Effect of temperature on rate of reaction. INTRODUCTION The rate of a reaction is the speed taken for a chemical reaction to happen, if that reaction has a lower rate, that means the molecules combine at a slower speed than reaction with a higher rate. Some reactions take thousands of years, while others like our experiment can happen in less than a few minutes. An example of very slow reactions is how long it takes for ancient plants and fish to become fossils, this is called carbonization.

  • How Thickness and Length Affect the Resistance of a Wire

    1497 Words  | 3 Pages

    Thickness and Length Affect the Resistance of a Wire I plan to investigate how the length and thickness of a wire affects the resistance. I plan to do this by keeping the voltage the same by using a variable resistor and measure the current when varied lengths and thicknesses of wire is in a circuit ===================================================================== Variables ========= There are a few factors that can affect the resistance. These are; * Temperature * Thickness

  • Beetroot Experiment

    1099 Words  | 3 Pages

    Beetroot Experiment We are trying to find how the temperature affects the rate at which the anthocyanin pigment leaves the cells, and at what point does the call wall melt. Beetroot Experiment =================== Task ---- We are trying to find how the temperature affects the rate at which the anthocyanin pigment leaves the cells, and at what point does the call wall melt. Please note the two results highlighted found in "test 4" have not been included into my results, as

  • The Length of a Wire Affects Its Resistance

    928 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Length of a Wire Affects Its Resistance Scientific Enquiry: I know that metals are good conductors of electricity. Metals are good conductors because their electrons are easily released allowing electricity to flow. The electrons can carry current because they split up from the positive ions, so they are free to move and to carry current. Factors that affect resistance: 1. Length – the longer the wire the more atoms there are for the current to push through. 2. Width –

  • Why does Children Need to be Educated about Drug Abuse?

    804 Words  | 2 Pages

    drugs may experience decrease awareness level and concentration. People driving under the influence of drug ... ... middle of paper ... ...il. They are also side effects that can affect the brain. People tend to have learning disabilities, low self esteem, depression, stress, and less concentration. These indeed affect people academic work in school, and poor performance at work. Drugs abusers also behavioral attitudes they exhibit. They have a sudden change in their personality, attitudes, and mood

  • Diabetic Neuropathy

    1981 Words  | 4 Pages

    Feldmen, & Vinick). Autonomic Neuropathy affects the internal organs primarily. It can affect the cardiovascular system by hampering its ability to regulate pulse, blood pressure, and body temperature. It can affect the digestive system with gastroparesis, dysphagia, and uncontrollable weight loss and malnutrition. Frequent urinary tract infections are common, as well. Sexual responses, other than drive and desire, are also affected in this type. It can affect the individual's ability to recognize

  • Opposing The Development of the Chu Molybdenum Mine

    811 Words  | 2 Pages

    I oppose the development of the Chu molybdenum mine because its negative effects extend beyond the site. This mine will affect the quality of life of the residents of Vanderhoof adversely by reducing air and water quality, food sources and revenue. Vanderhoof is a small, geographic centre that supplies food and mineral resources to neighboring cities (BCC, 2009) hence, many of its residents, tourists and neighbors will be directly affected by this project. The project is very expensive to establish

  • How Temperature Affects the Rate of Respiration in Yeast Cells

    873 Words  | 2 Pages

    How Temperature Affects the Rate of Respiration in Yeast Cells Aim: The aim of this investigation is to find out how temperature affects the rate of respiration in yeast cells. [IMAGE]Apparatus: The pieces of equipment I will be using are as follows: * Measuring Cylinder (10cm³ and 50cm³) [IMAGE] * Test Tubes * [IMAGE]Distilled Water * [IMAGE]Glucose solution (0.5g-1.0g) [IMAGE] * Yeast suspension (0.5g-1.0g) [IMAGE] * Water Baths (Electronic) [IMAGE] *

  • Inhalants Essay

    1423 Words  | 3 Pages

    reality is that most of them do not know the real effects the drug can have on a person. The problem is that people are each day becoming more addictive to drugs without knowing how harmful it is for them and their bodies, how it can have a great affect in their brains damaging themselves. It is important that people are aware all of the effects drug can have and that there are solutions for it. This is the purpose of this essay, to talk about a drug and its effect and explain how science is being