Spermatozoon Essays

  • Oocyte Cryopreservation

    944 Words  | 2 Pages

    Oocyte Cryopreservation A recent New York Times article titled "For Women Worried About Fertility, Egg Bank is a New Option" written by Sally Wadyka, focuses on the new improved technology of Oocyte cryopreservation, or the freezing of eggs. It has become a recent trend for women to wait till later in their lives to start a family. Until recently, there was no procedure available for women to store their eggs to be used at a later date. Because of this trend and the new advances in the field of

  • The Cartesian Theory Of Embryonic Development

    587 Words  | 2 Pages

    By the beginning of the 18th century, the theory of preformation was widely accepted and had become the dominant model of embryonic development. The research indicated, “This time period saw the beginning of the concept of emboîtement, meaning encasement: the idea that each offspring is contained pre-formed within the gonads of its parents” (Lawrence 2013). Nicolas Malebranche contributed to this theory and the model by creating a fully reasoned explanation of it based on the Cartesian principles

  • Miracle Essay Summary: Life's Greatest Miracle

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    Before watching “Life’s Greatest Miracle,” I knew conceiving a baby is a complex and difficult process. However, I did not realize just how complex and difficult that process actually is. Conceiving a baby takes a lot more than meets the eye: it takes DNA from both genders, the right timing and so much more. It comes as no surprise that our bodies are made to reproduce and that the urge to procreate is a fundamental part of life. Reproduction is what allows us to create generation after generation

  • Reproductive Endocrinologist: A Case Study

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    I am Dr. Renita Sun and I am a reproductive endocrinologist. I mostly see patients about fertility related problems. The setting of my practice primarily takes place in low income neighborhood with the focus on women aged 18-30. Nowadays women are having children at a later age. It is understandable that women want to gain their education first before they settle down which is around 30. Starting at about age 32, a woman’s chances of conceiving decrease gradually but significantly. At 30, the chance

  • Having A Baby Essay

    703 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Start of Life I love babies they are so cute and adorable, But having a baby is not that easy and before the baby is born or form it goes through a lot of process. Having a baby is a beautiful thing and everyone was once a baby in their life. Everyone was once an egg and had to grow in their mom’s stomach to become a person. Before the baby can be born it has to stay in their mom stomach for about 40weeks or sometimes less. The baby is form when the sperm from the male enter the female and attach

  • Neolamprologus Pulcher Qualitative Experiment

    590 Words  | 2 Pages

    Taborsky, Skubic, and Bruinties conducted a qualitative experiment on the effects of female N. pulcher egg size and clutch volume to the amount of helpers present (2007). In a given period, N. pulcher females reproduce around 100-300 eggs at a single time. Neolamprologus pulcher, which aid in protecting N. pulcher offspring’s, defend on average 36 offspring’s and in return are given an area to live for security. Two experiments were conducted to evaluate how fertile N. pulcher females react to intraspecific

  • Victimization of Women in a Male Dominated and Male Defined World

    1678 Words  | 4 Pages

    The brutality and ruthless insidiousness of the male dominated scientific regime can be seen in stark silhouette when one comes to understand how even theories constructed for no purpose other than to entrench male privilege and power fall victim to the ram-rod assault of Linear Progress. For example, the belief that the entire human organism in miniature form -- the homunculus -- was contained in the spermatozoa, was predicated on the assumption that the male is normative and active -- ejaculating

  • The Reproductive System

    1020 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Reproductive System The male and female reproductive systems are different with both having specific roles. The Male Reproductive System ============================ The main structures of the male reproductive system are the testes, the penis and several glands. Male sperm carries genetic information and are produced continually from the start of puberty. The primary spermatocyte divides by meiosis make two secondary spermatocytes and then four, which have half the amount

  • Male and Female Roles in Sexual Selection

    1105 Words  | 3 Pages

    Missing results graphs Why It Matters Sexual selection occurs across all species and is a key part of evolution. It allows animals to increase their fitness. Here are several interesting examples of cryptic female choice and male competition: 1) Males may perform courtship dances to show off their good genes. One species in which courtship dances can be observed are jumping spiders. Male spiders of this species wave their legs and arms to show females their abilities. Females choose a

  • Taste Buds Outside The Mouth and Male Birth Control

    857 Words  | 2 Pages

    Recently, there have been advances in scientific research that has led to the discovery of taste receptors that are outside of the mouth. These taste receptors are scattered throughout the entire body, with large concentrations on the testicles and anus. Sweet and Umami taste receptors are present in this area and can present a minor taste sensation (though nowhere near as well as our mouths can). Through a simple lab test on rats, scientists were able to disable the taste receptors to see if it

  • Summary: Fertility Success With IUI

    782 Words  | 2 Pages

    Page Title Fertility Success with IUI Meta Title (70 characters) Fertility Success with IUI | Austin Fertility Center Meta Description After suffering a miscarriage, Elizabeth and her husband Paul welcomed two daughters into the world with help from IUI and our Austin fertility center. Comments Live Date (AMY) URL (AMY) Fertility Success with Intrauterine Insemination, IUI A pregnancy loss ultimately led to IUI at Texas Fertility Center For Elizabeth and her husband Paul, the journey to building

  • Black Apollo Of Science: The Life Of Ernest Everett Just

    870 Words  | 2 Pages

    Today many names are attributed to marine biology for their great contributions, but few lay as forgotten as the African-American biologist, Ernest Everett Just. For many years after his death, Just’s work lay buried beneath a pile of other rising studies. Then, in 1983, with the publication of Kenneth R. Manning’s famous book, Black Apollo of Science: The Life of Ernest Everett Just, nearly 40 years after his death, Just’s work was brought into the biological community, and he was given international

  • Analysis Of Contraception

    1045 Words  | 3 Pages

    In this paper, my aim is to argue that Don Marquis ' claim that abortions are immoral is flawed due to the objection of contraception. Marquis ' argument is built around the idea that morality on killing a human being is not based on taking away the victim 's life but rather through taking away their valuable future. "The category that is morally central to this analysis is the category of having a valuable future like ours; it is not the category of personhood"( Marquis, 192). He elaborates on this

  • The Female Reproductive System

    646 Words  | 2 Pages

    The reproductive system is one of the most vital systems because it determines whether a species will survive. The reproductive system produces human offspring. One of the most prevalent diseases of the reproductive system is prostate cancer. Prostate cancer occurs when the cells of the prostate begin to grow and divide uncontrollably. One out of six men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in the United States. Some of the key parts of the reproductive system are to learn how a female egg is fertilized

  • Sex Determination and Differentiation

    656 Words  | 2 Pages

    Sex determination is decided by the 23rd pair of chromosomes commonly known as the sex chromosomes. Males have XY as their 23rd pair and females have XX. A female gamete, the ovum, can only receive only the X chromosome and the male gamete, the spermatozoon can receive either the X or the Y chromosome when meiosis occurs. Therefore the male sperm is responsible for the sex determination of the baby. Example: Figure 1: a Punnet square showing that there is an equal opportunity for a foetus to

  • Ethics hinder scientific research. Do you agree?

    562 Words  | 2 Pages

    Ethics hinder scientific research. Do you agree? Ever since the scientific revolution, there have been countless breakthroughs in the scientific field. From the invention of the light bulb to the computers we stare at daily, it is axiomatic that such things can only happen due to the advancement in science. However, a myriad of scientific researches today have received strong opposition due to the ethical concerns regarding the research. This essay will agree that ethics hinder scientific research

  • Stem Cells Controversy

    619 Words  | 2 Pages

    When Marry Shelley says, “…how dangerous is the acquirement of knowledge…” she is correct to an extent. A perfect example of this is stem cell research. It is amazing, stem cells can grow new organs, repair old ones, and cure conditions that were thought to be incurable before; however, at the current moment, the most convenient way to harvest stem cells is by harvesting the cells from an embryo, which is destroyed in the process. Although stem cells from embryos are the main focus right now,

  • Gametogenesis Essay

    2132 Words  | 5 Pages

    1.0 How does an egg becomes an adult? Human pregnancy begins with the fusion of an egg and a sperm within the female reproductive tract, but extensive stages precedes this event. First, both male and female sex cells must pass through a long series of changes under a process called gametogenesis. As the human embryologist Larsen (1997) states that gametogenesis is the process that converts primordial germ cells into mature sex gametes in the male (spermatozoa, or sperms), and in the female (definitive

  • Anatomy And Physiology

    968 Words  | 2 Pages

    Human anatomy is the scientific study of the structure of the human body. Physiology is the scientific study of the function of the human body. Anatomy and physiology are both derived from Greek words. The term anatomy means “to cut up” and the term physiology means “the study of nature”. Anatomy and physiology are both subdivisions of biology, which is the study of living organisms. In ancient times the word anatomize was used more commonly than the word dissect. Most terms used in the language

  • Homosexuality in Melville's, Moby Dick

    1213 Words  | 3 Pages

    their hands for the gentle globules. Such an abounding, affectionate, friendly, loving feeling did this avocation beget; that at last I was continually squeezing their hands, and looking up into their eyes" (322-323). The word "sperm" is short for spermatozoon, a mature male reproductive cell. The word appropriately symbolizes the all male crew by referring to the biological essence of masculinity. Therefore, the langua... ... middle of paper ... ...ortant a factor as the men in the relationship