Solute Concentration Essays

  • The Solute Concentration of a Potato

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    The Solute Concentration of a Potato To find out what the solute concentration of a potato is, this shall be done by finding out the effect of Osmosis on a potato. Prediction: That if there is more water outside the potato than inside, the potato will increase in size. If however there is less water outside the potato than within, then I shall expect the potato to shrink in size. I think this because of the laws of Osmosis. Osmosis is the diffusion of water through a partially permeable

  • The Effect of Solute Concentration on the Rate of Osmosis

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    The Effect of Solute Concentration on the Rate of Osmosis Aim: To test and observe how the concentration gradient between a potato and water & sugar solution will affect the rate of osmosis. Introduction: Osmosis is defined as, diffusion, or net movement, of free water molecules from high to low concentration through a semi-permeable membrane. When a substance, such as sugar (which we will be using in the experiment we are about to analyse), dissolves in water, it attracts free

  • The Effect of Solute Concentration on Osmosis in Potatoes

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    The Effect of Solute Concentration on Osmosis in Potatoes AIM: to find out the effect of solute concentration on osmosis in potatoes. This is to find the equivalent osmotic potential. [IMAGE] PREDICTION: Osmosis is the movement of water particles from a high concentration to a low concentration through a partially permeable membrane. Osmosis happens when a partially permeable membrane allows small water particles to pass in or out towards a low water concentration. To reach an equivalent

  • Investigate the Cell Sap Concentration of Solute in a Potato Chip using Osmosis

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    Investigate the Cell Sap Concentration of Solute in a Potato Chip using Osmosis Aim The aim of the experiment is to investigate the cell sap concentration of solute in a potato chip using osmosis and produce a figure informed by the investigation as to what this is. Background Information A factor that effects how much water moves into a cell is the solute concentration within it. Water moves in and out of cells by diffusion, this diffusion is called osmosis. Osmosis is the diffusion of water

  • The Movement of Water and Solutes in Plants

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    The Movement of Water and Solutes in Plants During the process of osmosis, water molecules move from an area that is hypotonic to an area that is hypertonic. A hypotonic area is one in which has less solute and a hypertonic area is one which has more solute. Plant cells, such as the ones in the epidermis and cortex regions of the roots of the plant, all have living contents, which are enclosed by a cell surface membrane and a thick, quite inelastic cellulose cell wall. The cell wall

  • How Various Mechanisms By Which Substances Cross The Cell Me

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    membrane is regulated. Diffusion is the movement of molecules form one area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration. Concentration gradient causes the molecules to move from higher concentration to a lower concentration. The side of the membrane that has the higher concentration is said to have the concentration gradient. It drives diffusion because substances always move down their concentration gradient. The pressure gradient also plays a role in diffusion. Where this is a pressure

  • Determining the Water Potential of a Potato Chip

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    The addition of solutes decreases water potential making it more negative. Therefore it is less likely to move from one place to another. Pure water has a water potential of zero, by adding solutes you make the water potential more negative. In plants water potential depend on two things, Osmotic potential (due to presence or absence of solutes) and pressure potential (due to turgor pressure). To work out water potential you use this equation Water potential = solute potential + pressure

  • Investigation of Osmosis in Plant Tissue

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    osmosis. The main factors which affect osmosis are: Pressure Temperature Surface area Solute Concentration Plant Tissue We will be investigating solute concentration as this is the easiest factor to measure and will give us the most accurate results. We will mainly investigate the different rate of osmosis when potato cells are placed in solution with different solute concentrations. We are going to use potatoes as they have homologues cells (all their cells are the same).

  • A Comparison of the Water Potential of Potato and Sweet Potato Tubers

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    or loss of water when samples of the tissue are placed in a range of concentrations of sucrose solutions. Background information Osmosis is the movement of water molecules from a region of their higher concentration to a region of their lower concentration through a semi permeably membrane. If the cell is surrounded by pure water (which has a water potential of zero), or by a solution that has a lower concentration and therefore a higher water potential, than that of the cell’s contents

  • Investigating Osmosis in Potatoes

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    experiment is to determine the solute concentration of potato tissue; i.e. To investigate at which point the sucrose concentration is the same as the solute concentration inside the potato (an equilibrium is reached) Introduction Osmosis is the movement of water molecules from an area of high concentration; (a weak solution), to an area of low concentration; (a strong solution), through a partially permeable membrane. My experiment will prove that the concentration inside the potato is lower

  • Investigation of How Plants Absorb Water Through Osmosis

    700 Words  | 2 Pages

    exposing potatoes to different concentration of sucrose and water. I will be taking down the changes that occur within the weight that either been gained or lost on the potato. To make it a fair test I will make sure that the tests will be conducted fairly. Osmosis: is the diffusion of fluid through a semi-permeable membrane from a solution with a low solute concentration to a solution with a high solute concentration until there is an equal concentration of fluid on both sides of the membrane

  • Tank Chromatography.

    2593 Words  | 6 Pages

    very reliable and easy to perform. Aim: Our aim was to use paper chromatography to separate various inks (both permanent and water based) into their core pigments. We could use the formula Rf = the distance moved by each solute (measured to the centre of each solute stain) / the distance moved by the solvent. This would give us the Rf values for each pigment in the ink. These Rf values should be constant for each individual pigment. Apparatus: Ø Chromatography Paper Ø Three permanent

  • Effects of salt on freezing point of water

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    Blank 1 Blankity Blank Blankity Blank Mr. Blank 4/9/02 Effects of Salts on the Freezing Point of Water In this experiment, you will study the effect that several solutes have on the Freezing Point of water. When a solute is dissolved in a liquid, the temperature at which that liquid freezes decreases, because the molecules of the solute become attached to the water molecules, making it more difficult for the water to form its crystaline shape and form into ice. This process is called Freezing Point

  • Solubility of Potassium Chlorate

    686 Words  | 2 Pages

    The formula of solubility is: SOLUBILITY(g/100g)= (SOLUTE / SOLVENT) * 100 I did an experiment to prove this and find the solubility of potassium chlorate, an ionic solid. Apparatus: 2g potassium chlorates, some distilled water, a stand, a clamp, two beakers, a thermometer, a test tube, and a measuring cylinder. Method: 1. Put the potassium chlorate into the test tube, and then put 4g distilled water. 2. Then the solute (which is the salt) dissolves in water (the solvent)

  • Mitochondria

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    extends into the folds of the inner membrane called cristae which dramatically increase the surface area of the inner membrane. Cristae extend into a dense material called the matrix, an area which contains RNA, DNA, proteins, ribosomes and range of solutes. This is similar to the contents of the chloroplast stroma and like the chloroplast, the mitochondrion is a semi-autonomous organelles containing the machinery for the production of some of its own proteins. The main function of the mitochondrion

  • Mitochondria

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    sausage-shaped structures that move, change their shape and divide. They are distinct organelles with two membranes, the inner membrane and the outer membrane. The outer membrane is smooth and limits the organelle. It is highly permeable to small solutes such as molecules and ions, but it blocks off passages of proteins and other macromolecules. The inner membrane of the mitochondria is folded into shelf like structures called cristae. The cristae does not even allow the passage of small ions and

  • An Investigation of Factors Affecting the Rate of Osmosis

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    high water concentration to a region of low water concentration. [IMAGE] A semi permeable membrane is a membrane with very small holes in it; they are so small that only water molecules can pass through them. Bigger molecules such as glucose cannot pass through it. In actual fact water molecules pass both ways through the membrane, but because there are more water molecules in the high concentration region than the other there is a steady net flow into the lower concentration region.

  • The Effect of a Concentration of Water on the Mass of a Potato

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    The Effect of a Concentration of Water on the Mass of a Potato Aim: My aim is to find the percentage change of mass when a small piece of potato is placed in to molar sucrose solution Apparatus: * Molar sucrose solution 0.0 - 0.5 * Potato * Cutting board * Knife * Weighing machine * Glass test tube * Glass test tube holder Plan: - ======= My plan is too find the percentage change of mass of a small piece of potato when placed in to molar sucrose solution


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    SCIENCE REPORT AMMONIUM NITRATE NH4NO3 Problem Our task was to investigate what the optimum ratio of solute to solvent that will produce the maximum cooling/heating effect? Hypothesis With a smaller quantity of water (50mls) and the same amount of Ammonium Nitrate added. After any period of time the mixture will be a cooler temperature than that of a mixture with a larger quantity of water. Variables „X     Water „X     Teaspoons „X     Time „X     Ammonium Nitrate „X     Thermometer „X     Stirring

  • Investigate the factors affecting the rate of Osmosis

    1562 Words  | 4 Pages

    water from a lower concentration of solute to a higher concentration of solute, through a partially permeable membrane. In a high concentration of water the amount of solute (e.g. sucrose) is low. This could be called a weak or dilute solution. In a low concentration of water the amount of solute is high. This could be called a strong or concentrated solution. When a partially permeable membrane divides two such solutions, the water will move from the area of high concentration to the area of low