Quantitative marketing research Essays

  • Importance Of Quantitative Research

    796 Words  | 2 Pages

    Business calls for implementing creative strategies and results from quantitative research can be an effective tool. Utilizing quantitative research can lead to a company’s growth in areas of training of personnel, customer satisfaction, productivity, and marketing. Quantitative research is used to quantify the problem by way of generating numerical data or data that can be transformed into useable statistics. (Wyse) Quantitative research uses questionnaires and surveys usually consist of telephone surveys

  • Primary vs. Secondary Research

    1096 Words  | 3 Pages

    Primary vs. Secondary Research When conducting research, when is it conducive to use primary research over secondary research and vice versa? Both research techniques are viable and beneficial. They each have purpose and can be used as a marketing research template when conducting research. Both techniques are equipped with tools that can be used to guide a researcher through the research process. If these tools are properly adhered to, the research process can be seamless and quite effective. Moreover

  • Marketing Research Tools

    1271 Words  | 3 Pages

    Marketing Research Tools Marketing research is important for any organization because it provides value to the bottom line. It is a collection of data, which translates into a tangible asset by implementing the information into active processes. Marketing Research is defined by McDaniel & Gates (2007) as the “planning, collections, and analysis of data relevant to marketing decision making and the communication of the results of this analysis to management” (p. 5). Marketing research serves two

  • Marketing Research

    801 Words  | 2 Pages

    distribute information to help them making decision. Marketing research is the way to gather information in area that link to consumer to figure out what they want to contribute company opportunity in market as well as organization developing because of uncertainly market need. There is several method of marketing research that company can use for improve their products or services. Depending on analysis procedure, qualitative research and quantitative research are used to highlight. Moreover, each method

  • Marketing Research: Primary vs. Secondary Research

    1211 Words  | 3 Pages

    Marketing Research: Primary vs. Secondary Research “Primary data are gathered specifically for the research project at hand. Secondary data is data that have been previously gathered for some other purpose.” (Burns & Bush, 2006). This paper will explore the differences in primary and secondary research when using qualitative and quantitative approaches. The paper will further discuss the tools that are used for each approach. Quantitative & Qualitative Approaches “Quantitative research is defined

  • Marketing Research Tools

    1012 Words  | 3 Pages

    Marketing Research Tools This paper will help demonstrate the differences between different marketing research tools. Three means of data collection for market research are quantitative, qualitative, and pluralistic (Burns & Bush, 2006). Qualitative research allows probing questions on small groups, yet obtains more feedback (McDaniel & Gates, 2007). The moderator or interviewer generally has special skills to deliver the content using exploratory research. By contrast, larger groups use quantitative

  • Negative Media Exposure for Red Bull Energy Drink

    1855 Words  | 4 Pages

    primary and secondary research shown that negative publicity does not affect buyer behaviour to a great extent. Secondary research clearly states that Red Bull contains excessive amount of chemicals, some publications even compare it to highly addictive drugs as well as blaming the product for some deaths. Secondary data also helped us identify a growing number of competitors that Red Bull has, the number exceeds a hundred. However, surprisingly to most, secondary research reports show that the

  • The Nature of Quantitative Research

    1337 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Nature of Quantitative Research Quantitative Research Defined: According to Huysamen (1997), "descriptions of quantitative research typically discern a cycle of successive phases of hypothesis formulation, data collection, analysis and interpretation." Using a deductive approach, quantitative research seeks to establish facts, make predictions, and test hypotheses that have already been stated. A large part of the data analysis of quantitative research is statistical, striving to show

  • Marketing Case Study Of The Mayo Clinic's Foreign Market

    1321 Words  | 3 Pages

    understands foreign markets and how they operate. Foreign research greatly differs from domestic research. " The basic difference between domestic and foreign market research is the broader scope needed for foreign research, necessitated by higher levels of uncertainty.......... a countries political stabilty, cultural attributes, and geographical characteristics are some of the kinds of things that are not ordinarily gathered by domestic marketing research but they are required for a sound assessment of a

  • Quantitative And Qualitative Research Strategies

    916 Words  | 2 Pages

    Bryman and Bell (2015), a research strategy is “a general orientation to the conduct of business research” (p. 37). Researchers distinguish between a qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research. While qualitative research focuses on understanding texts and words and usually applies an inductive approach, quantitative data aims at measuring numerical and statistical data and typically follows a deductive approach (Bryman & Bell, 2015, pp. 37–38). A mixed methods research combines qualitative

  • Marketing Research Tools

    1307 Words  | 3 Pages

    Marketing Research Tools Once a decision is made to use marketing research, management goals and objectives determine the type of selection methods used. There are a wide range of market research tools and methods available to decision makers. Depending on the goals and objectives of the company, researchers have many options. Some of the research tools include mail and web surveys, personal interviews, and focus groups. This paper will discuss and differentiate among the various tools used in primary

  • Essay On Quantitative Methods

    1237 Words  | 3 Pages

    Quantitative methods in the social sciences are an effective tool for understanding patterns and variation in social data. They are the systematic, numeric collection and objective analysis of data that can be generalized to a larger population and seek to find cause in variance (Matthews and Ross 2010, p.141; Henn et al. 2009, p.134). These methods are often debated, but quantitative measurement is important to the social sciences because of the numeric evidence that can be used to drive more

  • Essay On The Likert Scale And The Stapel Scale

    678 Words  | 2 Pages

    When a group or organization needs to conduct research, they can utilize the effectiveness of a well-organized but yet simple questionnaire or scale. This simple approach will help answer many questions that the group or organization is looking to explore. Even though I mentioned simple questionnaire, putting one of these questionnaires or scale together involves using different techniques and approaches to effectively interpret each and every response. The following examples of scales are just a

  • The Pros and Cons of Social Surveys in Sociological Research

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    Advantages and Limitations of Social Surveys in Sociological Research To survey something, is to carry out a systematic overview so that a researcher can produce a comprehensive general report on it. Survey method is often used by positivist sociologists seeking to test their hypotheses, and to investigate causes and examine variables. As with every other sociological research, survey has its own advantages and limitations. Positivist research, which is in the scientific tradition, begins with

  • Chronic Stress Research Paper

    849 Words  | 2 Pages

    When the data was received, the food choices were coded to fit a likert scale from 1 to 5. The daily stress questionnaire was scored, with questions 2 and 3 being reversed scored as they were positive questions. The highest score possible was a 16, and those that fell in the 8 to 16 range were classified as high chronic stress, while those ranging from 1 – 7 were low chronic stress. All data received was laid out in excel and then transferred into statview. Results We analyzed the food choices

  • The Benefits Of Social Research In Social Science

    1187 Words  | 3 Pages

    answers to questions formulated beforehand is called research.” “A comprehensive way of generating and dissimilating information or knowledge is also called research.” However the information has to be accurate or correct. Research does not always guide decisions. Research is not searching the same thing again and again. Research is usually conducted with a certain objective. The objective you want to acquire with your research is called research objective. For instance, you want to improve your

  • Marketing Research Milestone 2

    615 Words  | 2 Pages

    In order to solve our research problem, we used a descriptive research design with two types of sample surveys that estimated the strength of competition, what attributes students value most in a haircut, and the potential effect of promotional tools on demand. The answers to our experiment will ultimately give us a general idea of how promotional tools will affect the demand of our target market, what our target market wants, and an overall sense of competition intensity. The first questionnaire

  • Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Research Methods

    1948 Words  | 4 Pages

    Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Research Methods Introduction This paper will discuss the approaches that can be used to conduct quantitative, qualitative and mixed method research that is based on a problem statement and a purpose statement that have been developed to study the adoption of sales force automation technology. This paper will also provide the advantages and disadvantages of quantitative, qualitative and mixed method research and the associated approaches discussed below

  • Research Methodology

    2173 Words  | 5 Pages

    Introduction This chapter aims to explain the research methodology carried out throughout the research study. Firstly the selected research design is defined and described. This is followed by an explanation of the research approach and subject paradigm chosen for the research. Subsequently, this chapter focuses on describing the secondary data methodology used in the literature review of the research. Later, the information regarding to the primary data methodology is given. This section explicates

  • Exploratory Research Sociology

    691 Words  | 2 Pages

    As a sociologist, conducting research outside of the laboratory in a structured manner is necessary to produce accurate results. Sociologists conduct research outside of the laboratory to better learn about the people they are analyzing. Many different types of research are used by a sociologist to better understand the phenomena they are researching. Lastly, sociologists use the scientific method to provide structure and repeatability to their research. To gather unbiased data, sociologists conduct