Psychological Impact Essays

  • The Psychological Impact of War on Youth

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    English philosopher; “War does not determine who is right - only who is left.” There are many consequences of war, such as economic, developmental and security: however an important one is humanitarian, more specifically, the psychological effect that war and violence impacts on the population. In most literature, the protagonist in a war event is often depicted as an older individual, one who is in their adult years, and their journey through the event. Nevertheless in Bernard Cornwell’s The Last

  • The Psychological Impact of Terrorist Attacks

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    Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and acute stress disorder (ASD) are two stress disorders that occur after a traumatizing experience. PTSD is defined as a disorder that follows a distressing event outside the range of normal human experience and that is characterized by features such as intense fear, avoidance of stimuli associated with the event, and reliving the event. Acute stress disorder is defined as a disorder that is characterized by feelings of anxiety and helplessness and caused by

  • Social Psychological Factors Underlying the Impact of Advertising

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    Psychology in advertising has long been used as an effective means to sell a product or service. Understanding the underlying concepts that affect human psychology can help a company better sell their product or alternatively can help a consumer understand marketing strategies that get them to buy products. Persuasion is the changing of attitudes by presenting information about another attitude. This information is then processed one of two ways: centrally or peripherally. If it is processed centrally

  • Pregnancy and Eating Disorders

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    can provoke extreme distress (Rand et al., 1987). Very little is known about the impact of pregnancy on women with anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa. Despite the fact that amenorrhea, the lack of menstruation, and infertility are common features of these syndromes, some women have been able to conceive, even at below normal body weight (Lemberg & Phillips, 1989). Information is lacking in general on psychological impact on the mother-to-be as well as on the course of pregnancy from a medical and nutritional

  • humor race and misunderstanding

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    book, despite its accurate reflection of 19th century dialect, in and of itself is an illustration of misunderstanding. Nigger. Although it has acquired additional connotations in today’s society, at base, it still evokes an intense emotional and psychological response. Even now, in print or in speech, the word nigger causes one to cringe. Today, no one would tolerate being referred to as a nigger let alone called a nigger to their face. However, Jim and every other black, free or slave, endured that

  • All Quiet On The Western Front: Themes

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    War is a savage and gratuitous evil, war is unnatural, and war is responsible for the destruction of an entire generation. Remarque is very clear on the strength of his themes, and uses graphic imagery to convey to the reader the physical and psychological impact that war has on humanity. But Remarque uses more than graphic description to support his themes. Remarque also utilizes a very defined nature motif, with the forces of nature constantly rebelling against the conflict it plays battleground to

  • The Psychology of The Gambler

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    speaking so plainly, but I know how addicted you are to gambling.  Though I am not your mentor, nor wish to be, at least I have a right to require that you shall not actually compromise me" (Dostoyevsky 1-2).  The theme of gambling and its psychological impact on the characters pervades The Gambler.  Because of his own gambling addiction and his intimate knowledge of the class-conscious casino society of his era, Dostoyevsky does an excellent job of showing the psychology that compels the problem

  • Ancient Egyptian Religious Architecture

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    at the time. Thousands of years ago, 'Ancient Egypt accepted the challenge of reeds and swamps, hot sands and floods, and build the 'first' nation' (Romer:75, 1982). There were few things to impress themselves upon the Egyptian mind; their psychological impact however was immense. There was the Nile itself, source of all life, there was the mysterious regularity of the Sun, Moon and stars; there was fertility and death. It was out of fear and mystery of these things that "...the Egyptians made their

  • Intertextuality in Buffy The Vampire Slayer

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    forms of intertextuality play a key role in producing this experience. In cult TV shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer (BtVS), these forms of intertextuality are used in abundance, and BtVS is therefore an excellent vehicle for exploring their psychological impact. Krzywinska (2002) notes that BtVS demands a sophisticated level of engagement by viewers, and that this is encouraged by a number of strategies, including intertextual references. She notes that the show makes many references, for example

  • Domestic Violence Against Women and Children

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    sibling abuse, or elder abuse. Most authorities suggest that domestic violence is typically expressed in violence against women and children. Such acts of violence can involve health care professionals in the treatment of physical injuries, the psychological impact upon the victim, or the aggressive behavior of the abuser. Often governmental agencies are called upon to investigate such matters to ensure the safety of the victims or to determine appropriate punishment for the offender. However, given the

  • The Psychological Impact of Incarceration

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    who love you and care about you that keep you going throughout the tough times of life and when they are taken out of the equation, and so no longer being around is starting to look better and better. It is a sad thing. No one deserves to have psychological problems this severe due to the lack of funding and treatment for these individuals. Literally, all they have you do to prevent you from trying to commit suicide have you strip down naked, take anything that you may use to hurt yourself with. Then

  • The Psychological Impact of Injury on Athletes

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    demonstrated that injury has a psychological impact on athletes (Quinn & Fallon, 1999). Indeed, sports practitioners often witness negative psychological impacts such as depression and in extreme cases suicidal tendencies in the injured athlete (Jevon & Johnston, 2003). Injuries have a dramatic impact upon an athlete’s life (Deutsch, 1985), Crossman (1997) interviewed athletic trainers and established that 47% of respondents believed that every injured athlete suffered psychological trauma. Walker, Thatcher

  • The Psychological Impact of Social Networking

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    Technology has had a great impact on the way the world communicates. Access to technology has become an integral part of education, socialization and industry related requirements, and accordingly Internet usage is evolving and growing rapidly. MySpace, Twitter, Skype, and Facebook are some of the online connections people use today to stay in contact with friends, coworkers, and family. Communicating in today’s society has become a lot easier with social networking sites allowing us to communicate

  • Understanding the Psychological Impacts of Stress

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    stressful, especially when my child is in the terrible two’s. Furthermore, Science Daily’s article “Stress Changes How People Make Decisions” and the Stress Management Society’s article “How Food Can Help Your Stress Levels” prove that all stress has an impact on one’s life. Science Daily’s article “Stress Changes How People Make Decisions” states that stressed people focus on the more positive outcomes when it comes to decision

  • The Psychological Impact of Bullying on Children

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    The Hidden Effects of Bullying Dedin Eka Nurpratama Do parents know what happened to their children out of their control? There is a great chance that there are some problems at school that children get, it can be a fighting, vandalism, or bullying. We know that bullying is the biggest problem in school, there are a lot of news on TV or newspaper that tell about bullying. Bullying can happen because the bully wants to avenge his/her experienced. Bullying can occur because of many things, and someone

  • The Biological and Psychological Impact of Smoking Cigarettes

    4620 Words  | 10 Pages

    Biological and Psychological Impact of Smoking Cigarettes I have been set the assignment to construct a detailed and comprehensive scientific essay. The essay must be related to an area of the AS course(AQA). I have decided to do my essay on the "biological and psychological impacts of smoking cigarettes". I will provide a brief section on the history of smoking and cigarettes. I will then discuss the composition and contents of cigarettes and the biological and psychological effects of smoking

  • The Psychological Impact of Colonialism on the Victimization of Africans

    1070 Words  | 3 Pages

    The psychological impact of colonialism on the victimization of Africans While the economic and political damage of the scramble for Africa crippled the continent’s social structure, the mental warfare and system of hierarchy instituted by the Europeans, made the continent more susceptible to division and conquest. The scramble for partition commenced a psychological warfare, as many Africans were now thrust between the cultural barriers of two identities. As a result, institutions for racial

  • It's Time to Speak Out Against Domestic Violence

    555 Words  | 2 Pages

    Somewhere in America at this very moment, a woman is being abused. She will be left with bruises, cuts, broken bones, and scars. The scars that last forever are not physical; however, they are ones of mental anguish. Her abuser is not a stranger, rather her husband or boyfriend. In this country, domestic violence is almost as common as giving birth. There is, however, hope for these women; help is available. Domestic violence occurs way too often in American society. There are many reasons

  • The Different Impacts Diversity Has on an Individual

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    The Different Impacts Diversity Has on an Individual Diversity refers to the presence of individual human characteristics that make people different from one another (Schermerhorn, Hunt, and Osborn, 2005). Among these individual human characteristics are demographic differences, such as age, gender, sexual-orientation, ablebodiedness, race and ethnicity, and religion. Diversity and demographic differences can impact individual behavior by creating discrimination, stereotypes and prejudices in

  • Psychological Impact of Nazi Propaganda on German Citizens

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    of propaganda during their reign in the Third Reich, they used many means of propaganda such as posters, cartoons, radio, film, etc. The German citizens’ constant exposure to all of this propaganda from all directions had a deep psychological and psychoanalytical impact on them, it redefined their identity and who they were as well as what they thought of the world around them. Nazi propaganda often had deep symbolic meaning usually associated with anti-semitism and German nationalism, these elements