Oxygen Production Essays

  • Investigation to Determine the Relationship Between Surface Area and Rate of Oxygen Production

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    Investigation to Determine the Relationship Between Surface Area and Rate of Oxygen Production To determine the relationship between surface area and rate of oxygen production when a potato is placed in hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) solution. Background Information ---------------------- Potato contains enzymes such as catalase. Catalase are protein molecules, which are found in animal and plant cells. Catalase speeds up specific reactions in the cells. They all have very specific duty

  • Temperature's Effect on the Production of Oxygen From Yeast and Hydrogen Peroxide

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    Temperature's Effect on the Production of Oxygen From Yeast and Hydrogen Peroxide Planning Aim --- My aim is to discover how temperature effects the production of oxygen from yeast and hydrogen peroxide. I will mix yeast with hydrogen peroxide and use an upturned measuring cylinder to measure how much oxygen is produced. To find out how much hydrogen peroxide and yeast I will use,

  • The Effect of Light Intensity on the Rate of Oxygen Production in a Plant While Photosynthesis is Taking Place

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    Effect of Light Intensity on the Rate of Oxygen Production in a Plant While Photosynthesis is Taking Place Hypothesis: I predict that as the intensity of light is increased, so would the photosynthesis. Furthermore, I predict that if the light intensity increases, the rate of photosynthesis will increase at a proportional rate and more oxygen will be produced and therefore the oxygen levels will increase. However, the lower the light intensity, less oxygen will be produced which would affect this

  • Catalase Lab Report

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    it remains unchanged at the end of the reaction. This is a type of reaction where a molecule is broken down into smaller pieces. It is called an anabolic reaction. This experiment is the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide to form water and oxygen in the air. Catalase is found in a cell organelle called the peroxisome. Peroxisomes in animal cells are occupied in the decomposition of

  • The Effect Of Oxygen Concentration On Potato Chips

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    Surface Area and Rate of Oxygen Production Investigate: To determine the relationship between surface area and rate of oxygen production when potato tissue is placed in Hydrogen peroxide solution Planning ======== My prediction I predict that the bigger surface area of the potato chips, the faster the rate of reaction of the hydrogen peroxide is being use

  • Oxy Fuel Welding Essay

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    gas welding and oxy fuel cutting which are all use fuel and oxygen to cut and weld metals together. It all started with the famous chemist Edmund Davy, who is suppose to be considered as the first man to make acetylene. By accident in 1836 Edmund while trying to make potassium created a black compound which was mixed with water create a gas that burned greatly. Edmund wanted to use this gas to make lights but the materials and production would cost to much. Calcium carbide was not identified until

  • Theoretical Approaches to Speech Production

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    Theoretical Approaches to Speech Production There are two main theories of Speech production, Spreading Activation Theory - SAT (Dell, 1986: Dell & O’Seaghdha, 1991) and Word- Form Encoding by Activation and Verification – WEAVER++ (Levelt et al., 1989: 1999). The SAT theory was devised by Dell (1986) then revised by Dell & O’Seaghda (1991). The theory works on a 4 level connectionist model: parallel and dynamic. The Semantic level is the meaning of what is going to be said. The Syntactic

  • Economics In Our Daily Life Essay

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    They can help to save money , resources , labor, and time . Microeconomics is the study of an overall economy . In studying microeconomics you study a wider range of services , productions , exchanges . While not as discriminate as macroeconomics , you can get a broader picture and grasp the basic concepts of an economy . Macroeconomics studies the study a single aspect of an economy , lets say the mining of coal . You don't research

  • Role Of Arche And Apeiron In Early Presocratic Philosophy

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    Arche and Apeiron in Early Presocratic Philosophy Metaphysical speculation began, long before it was so named, among the presocratic Greeks as an enquiry into cosmology and first principles from two utterly disparate perspectives. The first of these, propounded by Herakleitos, noted the incessant flux (panta rhei) which characterises phenomena; the second, advanced by his contemporary Parmenides, taught the doctrine of a single immutable substance. These rivalling perspectives endure to this

  • Hamlet the Play and the Movie

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    different ways. Hamlet the movie with Mel Gibson shows different things than the play, but there are three major differences between the two. The three major differences are in the way both of the productions start out, differences in the scene that the players put on a play, and differences in the way the productions end. The first difference is in the way the play and the movie begins. The play starts out with guards standing guard at the castle with Horatio, Hamlet?s friend. The guards and Horatio

  • Shortleaf Pine (Pinus echinata) and Pulp and Lumber Production

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    Shortleaf Pine (Pinus echinata) and Pulp and Lumber Production Introduction Shortleaf pine (Pinus echinata) is commercially one of the four most important conifers in the southeastern United States. In fact, shortleaf pine has the widest range of all southern pines, spreading from Florida to New Jersey and from North Carolina to Oklahoma Sidney Investments, a firm based in Dallas, Texas, is considering the purchase of a 360 acre parcel of forested land located in the Quachita Mountains of eastern

  • Communism

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    Communism had one of the greatest political impacts than any other political ideas in the 20th century around the world. What is important and interesting about communism is its background, concept, and why many countries apply to this idea. This essay will generally focus on the background, ideology, and why the countries and political parties applied to this idea. Communism did not exist until the 18th century. The idea of communism originated from the industrial revolution in Great Britain and

  • The Effect Of Enzyme Experiment On Catalase Concentration

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    experiment, the intention was to analyse the effect that an increase in catalase concentration had on the amount of oxygen (O2) produced if the hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) concentration was constant. It was proposed that when the catalase increases in concentration at the increments of 0.5%, 1%, 2%, and 4% and the hydrogen peroxide remained at a fixed concentration, the oxygen production would rise gradually. It was suggested that this would occur due to the collision theory ("BBC - GCSE Bitesize: Collision

  • The History and Production of Hydrogen

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    They found that by applying an electric current to water, the resulting reaction produced both oxygen and hydrogen gases. This discovery eventually gave birth to the concept of the fuel cell. In essence, a fuel cell is no more complex than performing electrolysis in reverse. In 1839, a Swiss chemist, by the name of Christian Schoenbein, performed the first fuel cell experiment wherein he combined oxygen and hydrogen to produce water and a small electric current. Only six short years later, in 1845

  • Experiment: The Effect of Different Temperatures on Germinating Beans

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    respiration of these beans are under these varying conditions. We performed two experiments, the first with temperature at 22ºC and the second with the temperature at 13ºC, both as the independent variable. Then, we measured the amount of carbon dioxide and oxygen from the bean container as the dependent variable. Our hypothesis was that the germinating beans respiration would be most effective at the room temperature. Our null hypothesis was that temperature wouldn’t have any effect on the germinating bean's

  • Yeast Temperature Lab

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    needed amount of energy (Campbell, pg. 83). The experiment tests the reaction rate of hydrogen peroxide, water, and yeast at different temperatures. Naturally as hydrogen peroxide and water combined the chemical reaction will release oxygen gas as a product. The oxygen gas

  • Essay On Human Respiratory System

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    consists of organs responsible for taking in oxygen and expelling carbon dioxide gas. Oxygen in air enters through the upper respiratory tract, which begins with the nose and the mouth, and is carried into the pharynx, the trachea, and into the lungs, where the exchange of gases occurs. The Human Respiratory System Human life depends on the presence of food, water and oxygen in order to sustain the body’s various functions. Every cell in the body needs oxygen to carry out its functions, including converting

  • Analysis Of Elodea Densa

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    Abstract: In this experiment, the amount of oxygen gases produced by an aquatic plant was measured in various concentrations of sodium bicarbonate. The plant Elodea densa was submerged into two test tubes, containing a specific concentration of sodium bicarbonate for each individual group, and the total amount of O2 produced in mL was recorded for each test tube in a specified in amount of time. The data from the groups was collected a put into table. It was predicated that, with an increase in sodium

  • Pyrolysis Essay

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    Which other pyrolysis types are available? Compare torrefaction to other pyrolytic techniques. Pyrolysis Pyrolysis is a rapid thermal decomposition process of organic biomass, in absence or little supply of oxygen, brought about by high temperatures into useful biofuel products such as pyrolysis oil, ethanol, biodiesel, methanol etc. During the process, large hydrocarbon molecule’s chemical composition structure breaks down into relatively smaller molecules into solid (char), liquid or gas phase

  • Three Different Energy Systems Essay

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    P7 – describe the three different energy systems and their use in sport activities ATP stands for Adenosine triphosphate. It is an important question in sports training because all energy production is powered by this. The training programs that are designed for you or others will target you’re ability to produce energy for power and endurance. ATP is often referred to as the energy currency of life. The body’s cells use a special form of energy called adenosine triphosphate to power almost all their