been stung by the scorpion, Orion was later brought back to sense by Ophiuchus, the Serpeant Bearer, thanks to an antidote. Greeks claimed this legend was the reason why the constellations of Scorpius and Orion never appear in the night sky at the same time, and why the constellation of Ophiuchus can be found roughly halfway between the Scorpius and Orion constellations, as if the scorpion left after having stung Orion and Ophiuchus is coming to his rescue with the
light-years. Hercules belongs to the Hercules family of constellations, along with Sagitta, Aquila, Lyra, Cygnus, Vulpecula, Hydra, Sextans, Crater, Corvus, Ophiuchus, Serpens, Scutum, Centaurus, Lupus, Corona Australis, Ara, Triangulum Australe and Crux. Constellations directly bordering Hercules are Draco, Bootes, Corona Borealis, Serpens Caput, Ophiuchus, Aquila, Sagitta, Vulpecula and Lyra.
You see the star sparkling in the night and then you spot multiple stars that look like they are meant to form a shape, you connect the stars together and then you slowly get the picture. The pattern or shape in the night sky is called a constellation. There are many constellations, all different shapes and sizes. For example, there are horoscope constellations, or zodiac constellations, Big Dipper, Small Dipper, Pegasus, and etc. These constellations are all different shapes and sizes. But in this
11 Nov. 2013. . Bennett, William J., and Michael Hague. "The Legend of the Dipper." The Children's Book of Virtues. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1995. Print Coder, Errol. The Constellations: Myths of the Stars. N.p., 2013. Kindle File. 3, 79,10. "Ophiuchus." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 29 Oct. 2013. Web. 11 Nov. 2013. "Taurus (constellation)." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 08 Nov. 2013. Web. 13 Nov. 2013.
Constellations are patterns of groups of stars in the sky. They have been around for a long time, and most people know of the most common ones, especially the zodiac constellations. I find constellations interesting because I always liked trying to find them in the night sky, and I have always wondered how they came about. Constellations have an important history that many do not know about. Constellations have been around for over 3000 years. No one knows who invented them, however astronomers believe
The constellation I have chosen is Corvus. Meaning crow or raven in Latin, Corvus has been a symbol of deviance and stealth for a long time. Corvus is part of the Hercules constellation. He is also typically depicted with two other constellations, Crater and Hydrus, as this is whom he shares the sky and story with. My choice in this particular constellation is to ease my curiosity as to why the raven or crow is what it is and why, despite being two different birds, they are depicted as the same.
Religion and medicine go back thousands of years, before Hippocrates brought on the scientific method of ways to help the sick, the people only had their religion or superstitions to heal. Hippocrates and scholars like him helped open the door to more ways of helping the sick and in that helped prolong lives that might have not gotten better by just waiting on a god or using an amulet. Therefore science in medicine helped prolong the life expectancy of people. Ancient Greeks first thought illness
Grand Central Terminal is one of the most beautiful train stations in the world. Its aesthetics still amaze many people today. Also, the ceiling in the main concourse is the most famous part of the terminal; nevertheless, many of us do not know a lot about it. Thousands of commuters walked through the main concourse in Grand Central Terminal everyday since it was built; however, they were always rushing from places to places. The constellation ceiling is a sign to remind people to look up, and take
The Man Behind Hubble: Bob Williams Four weeks after space-walking shuttle Endeavour astronauts repaired the Hubble Space Telescope in December 1993, an ecstatic Maryland Senator Barbara Mikulski waved a Hubble picture of the core of the spiral galaxy M100 at her naysaying colleagues. Today, Mikulski could host a Capitol Hill star party: The orbiting telescope has generated more than 100,000 photos of celestial objects, including a cemetery of dying stars, elephant trunks of dust and hydrogen