Notable Essays

  • A Comparison of Butler's Life and Kindred

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    From 1). She grew up in a location that had a wide variety of racial backgrounds, however Butler never felt like she lived in a world of segregation (Notable Black 144). She describes the situation best when she states, "I never...lived in a segregated neighborhood nor went to segregated school; the whole community was an economic ghetto" (Notable Black 144). The lack of money sometimes creates a humble atmosphere and that must have been the case with Pasadena throughout her childhood. Until this

  • Night of the Notables: An Wang

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    “Success is more of a function of consistent common sense than it is of genius.” This is something that has struck me my entire life, that through good work ethic and keeping rational, one can succeed in life. I didn’t get to college with genius, or start a company with it. Only by keeping myself intact was I able to grow my company, and make sure it never hit rock bottom (At least while I was head of the company). I believe that without my inventions, we could have been behind in the development

  • An Analysis of ?The Meanings of Seneca Falls, 1848-1998?

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    had several attendees with notable assiduousness to the cause. The founders were Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott, a highly acclaimed speaker and abolitionist. She was even founder of the Philadelphia Female Anti-Slavery Society and its long-term president! Martha Wright, Jane Hunt, and Mary Ann McClintock were all women who worked in anti-slavery fairs that also wanted women’s rights (203). Among other attendees, Frederick Douglass was also present! With the notable group assembled, a road

  • Blindness and Sight - Nothing and Blindness in King Lear

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    him the most, she cannot bring herself to praise him falsely. Instead, she says "I love your majesty according to my bond, no more no less" (1.1.92-93). In this short dialogue between Lear and Cordelia, the word "nothing" is said four times. What's notable is that each time it is said, it implies a different meaning. The purpose of this repetition is to show the audience its importance in the text and to make the ideas and imagery that go along with the word to be clear. By replying "nothing" when posed

  • Geoffrey Chaucer: A Near Contemporary of Malory

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    six labeled links. The creator of the website, Anniina Jokinen, includes her email address and source citation for her music at the bottom of the page along with other useful citation information. Clicking on the “Quotes” link leads to a page of notable lines from the text of the Canterbury Tales. The actual texts containing these quotations can be found by clicking on the link labeled “The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer.” The information provided by clicking on these links is broad. The website offers

  • Indian Music

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    Most notable is the bhajan, dhun or kirtan for Hindus, the kawali (qawali) for Muslims, and the shabad for Sikhs (Indian music). Not all the music is serious for there are also many popular genres. The gazal is one style, which is known for it rich poetic, and romantic content. The Hindi geet which is basically just a song and undoubtedly the most popular is the film song (Indian music). There are also a few genres which are oriented specifically toward musical education. The most notable example

  • Modern Western Thought

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    reasoning from the time of Copernicus, Galileo and Newton. The scientific revolution gave birth to a new era of thought, in which observations were made to support an idea. This involved what man could prove through sense, not religion or superstition. Notable ancient Greek historians, philosophers and scientists, such as Thucydides, Socrates, Aristotle, and Hippocrates, laid down the seeds of modern Western thought. An ancient Greek writer who demonstrated modern scientific objectivity was Thucydides.

  • An Analysis of Narrative Style of Leo Lionni's Frederick

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    An Analysis of Narrative Style of Leo Lionni's Frederick Frederick, a children’s book written by Leo Lionni, is considered a classic in this genre. It received the Caldecott Honor, was an ALA Notable Children’s Book, and was a New York Times Best Illustrated Children’s Book of the Year. The book is a fable of a mouse, Frederick, who is the dreamer in a group of tiny field mice. Frederick, the main character, demonstrates the importance of dreams and imagination by giving his fellow field

  • The Supernatural in Shakespeare's Macbeth

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    many men. The day is fair because of his absolute triumph and assured rewards. This, as with many things in the play, see-saws back and forth: his fair winnings and heightened position turn foul again by the end of the play. Possibly the most notable switch occurs between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. When Lady Macbeth learns of the witches' prophecy, she is absolute in her decision to kill the King. Macbeth, while he clearly likes the idea, and even shares her desire, falters on holding his promise

  • Sun Imagery in Shakespeare's Richard III

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    Sun Imagery in Shakespeare's Richard III Shakespeare's Richard III is a play pervasive in figurative language, one of the most notable being the symbolic image of the sun and the shadow it casts. In an examination of a short passage from the text, it will be argued that Richard is compared to a shadow in relation to the sun, which has traditionally been held as a symbol of the king. The passage is significant not only because it speaks volumes about the plots of Richard, but also because

  • Shakespeare's Macbeth - The Two Sided Lady Macbeth

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    Lady Macbeth.  Lady Macbeth is a very two sided character in this play.  She consistently acts differently when she is with her husband than she does when she is not.  There are various examples of this exhibitied in the play. One of the most notable examples of this is contained in Act I Scene v when Lady Macbeth reads the letter written to her by Macbeth.  Shortly after reading it, she makes the comment that she feels Macbeth is too kind to  murder Duncan and that he will need her help, strength

  • Art in many different forms

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    forms of art are poetry and paintings. William C. Carlos’ poem “The Dance” paints a picture while Pieter Brueghel’s painting “Peasants’ Dance” tell a story. The odd thing is that both the poem and the painting have many similarities as well as many notable differences. Tone, image, and imagination show the many similarities and differences between William C. Williams’ poem “The Dance” and Pieter Brueghel’s painting “Peasants’ Dance.” Tone creates the attitude when reading the poem by putting ideas into

  • Ever Heard of Chance Music?

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    sections of a work, the possible exclusion of such sections, and subjective interpretation of temporal and spatial pitch relations. Also called “chance music,” aleatory music has been produced in abundance since 1945 by several composers, the most notable being John Cage, Pierre Boulez, and Iannis Xenakis. Aleatoric (or aleatory) music or composition, is music where some element of the composition is left to chance. The term became known to European composers through the lectures which acoustician

  • This I Believe

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    Life is all about change. It's pretty obvious to most of us that the corollary states that if you stop changing, you are dead. Having said that it makes the job of describing my beliefs difficult. After all, in a year I may see things very differently. When I look back at the things I have believed it is clear that many have withered away, seemingly to make room for the growth of new ideas. Perhaps this should discourage me from trying to form a personal philosophy but I can't be convinced that

  • Philosophy of Education

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    fundamental concepts of mathematics and science we would not have vehicles, airplanes, televisions, compact discs, computers, and the list continues. In other words, our world would virtually not exist as we know it. One example, from a long list of other notable achievements possible only thought the education process is a man by the name of Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft. If there had not been teachers to help him understand the basics of math, science, English and other usual subjects, he would not have

  • Review - Revolting Librarians Redux: Radical Librarians Speak Out

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    Ever curious about the astrological breakdown of librarians? You'll find an extensive article complete with enough statistics to make you break out your notes from IRLS 506. [Leos dominate the field, with Aquarians an astrological minority.] Another notable essay concerns what services librarians can offer to day laborers. From my perspective as a library graduate student, however, my attention was drawn to the section titled "Library School is Revolting." This collection of essays explores questions

  • Gummo - Movie Critique

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    of hardship, something that is not at all seen in the film. In short, the social order, much like the town itself, is in shambles, with little or no social solidarity. Gummo is meant to be entirely symbolic in one way or another. One of the more notable symbolisms is that of cats and their murder. The function of their deaths is rather straightforward: in a town such as this, there appears to be very little to do. In fact one thing that is never seen in Gummo is the playing of any kind of sport or

  • Free College Essays - Plot Sequence of Melville’s Moby Dick

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    be introduced such as Queequeg at the Spouter Inn. As for the rising action, this takes up most of the novel, at least three fourths of it anyway.  Many adventures are described to us from Ishmael as the story progresses.  Some of the more notable events that take place include when Ishmael and Ahab first meet and the almost frightened feeling that takes over Ishmael, when Ahab describes the purpose of his voyage, when various ships are encountered such as the Enderby and the Rachel, and when

  • The Hero in The Stranger by Albert Camus

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    Camus’s The Stranger, is notable for this description. While his murderous crime and indifference to emotions make him seem to be cretinous, his dramatic transformation at the end of the story make us feel for him. When he finally grasps the theme of the book, embracing the “gentle indifference” of the universe, he also grabs our hearts, in becoming an “absurd” hero. To begin, the outside observer of Meursault would find him a distressingly hardened criminal. Most notable, of course, is his cold-blooded

  • A Tale Of Two Cities: Sydney Carton Vs. Charles Darnay

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    perspective on the situation in France as opposed to Charles Darnay. Darnay also possesses worthy heroic qualities. However, the reader could interpret a misuse of them. Darnay’s return to France to save Gabelle and help save the peasants was very notable, but probably not the most intelligent act to make. The revolutionaries of France were known to try to trick aristocrats into coming back to murder them. Darnay could have been walking into his death. Darnay’s financial sacrifice was also note-worthy