Māori words and phrases Essays

  • The Role Of The Kahuna In The Hawaiian Culture

    1290 Words  | 3 Pages

    With mana, you can call upon good or bad forces. For example, I was given the Hawaiian name “Makamae” as a child. The story that ties to my name is that my mom thought it meant “big eyes” because of the word “maka” within it, which means eyes. As a child I did have big eyes and I would be teased by other children for having eyes too big for my head. This brought a lot of negative energy towards myself. Later on in my life, my mother found out that Makamae

  • Treaty Of Waitangi Case Study

    1273 Words  | 3 Pages

    appropriate services are link inextricably with the health of the client. According to Oda & Rameka (2012), in 1980s, Maori were experience racial discrimination and poor health outcomes, such as mental illness, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, cancer, mortality, and health-risk behaviors such as tobacco and alcohol consumption. This is results of unfair health service and Maori could not access the health information and there was poor health literacy at that era and they were not able to understand

  • Health Literacy In Nursing

    1543 Words  | 4 Pages

    in 1980s, Maori were experience racial discrimination and that is linked to higher rate of illness on Maori, such as mental illness, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, cancer, mortality, and health-risk behaviors such as tobacco and alcohol consumption. This is the results of unfair health service. During to the research (Oda & Rameka, 2012), people are more attempt not to see the doctor when they are experiencing discrimination and it makes their mortality higher than other non- Maori. Another

  • New Zealand Early Childhood Education Services

    977 Words  | 2 Pages

    New Zealand Early Childhood Education services, since the year 1996, has used Te Whāriki as their curriculum basis due to the implementation and rule of the Ministry of Education. This implementation has brought about many benefits within this educational context. The curriculum is deepened and enriched through the integration of Te Whāriki throughout all aspects of it. This provides a solid bicultural framework for teachers and a higher quality education, therefore enhancing the learning of young

  • Horimyo Research Paper

    1395 Words  | 3 Pages

    art made by hand. Ta Moko In recent years New Zealand has seen resurgence in the traditional practice of ta moko - the permanent body and face marking of the indigenous Māori people. This unique tattoo form is being embraced by Māori men and women, as a sign of their cultural identity and a reflection of the revival of the Māori language and culture. Traditional ta moko is distinct from tattoo because the skin is carved using uhi or chisels rather than punct... ... middle of paper ... ...ander

  • Summary: The Warrior Gene

    2349 Words  | 5 Pages

    As Lawrence Perbal discussed in his article, "The Warrior Gene' and the Mãori People: The Responsibility of the Geneticists", found in the journal Bioethics: Volume 27 Number 7, "many studies have shown a statistical (positive correlation) or causal relationship between low levels of MAOA and aggressive behavior, mental retardation

  • Ecological Imperialism Summary

    1321 Words  | 3 Pages

    delve deep into the ecological history of the earth as we know it now, as well as it was in previous geological eras. Crosby places this chapter of human history in a larger biological sphere and navigates across “the seams of Pangaea,” to use his own phrase, to stitch together how European imperialism succeeded due to ecological domination to bring the European ecosystem to head at the expense of native ecosystems and peoples. Crosby argues that Europeans flourished and succeeded in establishing massive

  • Themes And Imagery In The Great Electrical Revolution

    1437 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Great Electrical Revolution creates vivid imagery by using descriptive words that engage the reader. An example of such imagery is: “Grandad could only crouch on the democrat, trying to hide from the enormous sky, and whispering hoarsely at Fred to go faster. He’d come four thousand miles to the wide open spaces only to discover

  • The Principles of Interpersonal Communication

    3540 Words  | 8 Pages

    information that our request is not available? (pg 1). To use clear, positive, communication is important and to be professional with the interview remembering communication is irreversible. 2 Communication is Irreversible. Once we have spoken, words can not be retracted. Every one of us would have been in a situation where we have said something in jest and have been taken the wrong way and later realized the comments could have been applied using a clearer and less confusing statement. To communicate

  • Ethnic Cleansing and Genocide

    1725 Words  | 4 Pages

    Although exterminating a multiracial society is inhumane, many countries feel there are benefits to having a “pure society.” These extremist countries tend to perform socially and ethically unacceptable acts in order to enforce their personal opinions and beliefs on others. These “acts” are present in today’s society such as genocide and ethnic cleansing. For centuries there has been conflict between countries and not until after WWII was there anything official to neutralize the conflict: The United

  • The Emergence of the Political Rastafarian through Ras Samuel L Brown

    4449 Words  | 9 Pages

    Ras Political: The Emergence of the Political Rastafarian through Ras Samuel L Brown In the 1920s, Marcus Mosiah Garvey preached a rhetoric of pan-Africanism, and of a Jamaican exodus to the homeland of Africa. One young and impressionable Jamaican, Samuel Brown was touched and motivated by Garveyism, and his self-taught schooling eventually laid a great foundation for a cohesive Rastafarian sect through political action. Although Rastafarians are a typically non-political group of people, some