Length Essays

  • The Length of a Wire and Its Effect on Resistance

    1265 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Length of a Wire and Its Effect on Resistance Introduction: In an electrical circuit, the current (flow rate of charge) depends on the battery voltage that causes the charge to flow through the circuit and the components in the circuit. A circuit consists of a bulb, a battery and a resistor. The bulb is like a resistor, it slows down the electrons and the battery pushes the electrons and gives them energy. A component is a resistor, it slows down the flow of electrons. The bulb

  • The Length of a Wire Affects Its Resistance

    928 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Length of a Wire Affects Its Resistance Scientific Enquiry: I know that metals are good conductors of electricity. Metals are good conductors because their electrons are easily released allowing electricity to flow. The electrons can carry current because they split up from the positive ions, so they are free to move and to carry current. Factors that affect resistance: 1. Length – the longer the wire the more atoms there are for the current to push through. 2. Width –

  • Relationship Between the Resistance and the Length of a Wire

    920 Words  | 2 Pages

    Relationship Between the Resistance and the Length of a Wire Aim: To find the relationship between the resistance of the wire and the length of the wire Background Factors: i. Temperature : If the wire is heated up the atoms in the wire will start to vibrate because of their increase in energy. This causes more collisions between the electrons and the atoms as the atoms are moving into the path of

  • Investigating the Length of Long Shore Occurence

    1038 Words  | 3 Pages

    Investigating the Length of Long Shore Occurence Reason for study: to find out if long shore drift occurs and if it does, to find defences to prevent any hazards The place of my study was porlock bay in Somerset. This is a picture of the porlock bay. [IMAGE] Aim: 1. To find out the beach material is moved by long shore drift 2. To work out a sort of defence mechanism used in porlock bay to stop the flooding in the marshes. Evidence of long shore drift: · Without long shore

  • The Relationship Between Length, Width and Resistance of a Wire

    2113 Words  | 5 Pages

    The Relationship Between Length, Width and Resistance of a Wire Aim: To investigate how the length and width of a wire affects the resistance of the wire. What is resistance? Electricity is conducted through a conductor, in this case wire, by means of free electrons. The number of free electrons depends on the material and more free electrons means a better conductor, i.e. gold has less resistance. For example, gold has more free electrons than iron and, as a result, it is a better

  • Comparing The Relationship Between The Length And Width Of A Leaf

    1463 Words  | 3 Pages

    Investigating the Relationship Between the Length and Width of a Leaf Aim: To investigate if there is a relationship between the length and width of the leaves. I will also investigate summary measures to represent my data. Data Collection: I choose to collect my leaves from a tree in my back garden, as it was easy to access. I picked the leaves from different places and different heights around the tree so that my sample of leaves would be random. I choose

  • Investigating the Relationship Between the Length of a Wire and Its Resistance

    900 Words  | 2 Pages

    Investigating the Relationship Between the Length of a Wire and Its Resistance Aim: To find the relationship between the length of a wire and it’s resistance. Planning: We conducted a preliminary experiment to help us conduct the real experiment. In this preliminary experiment we aimed to find out what thickness and type of wire would be suitable for the experiment, and what range of lengths of wire and range of voltages and currents would be suitable for measuring. We discovered that

  • The Average Length of Words From Two Newspapers

    1219 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Average Length of Words From Two Newspapers This is an investigation to compare the average length of words from two different newspapers, i.e. The Guardian and The Sun. One newspaper has to be a broadsheet and the other has to be a tabloid. Aim 1 ===== This is to find out which midweek newspapers have longer average word lengths and the age range the particular newspaper is aimed at. To find the reading age of the newspaper I will be following this formula: - This formula

  • How Length And Width Of Copper Wire Affect The Current

    1172 Words  | 3 Pages

    Investigating How Length and Width of Copper Wire Affect the Current of a Circuit Task: To investigate how length and width of copper wire affect on the current of a circuit. Prediction: In this experiment, the input variable will be changing the length of the copper wire used in the experiment, and also the SWG of the wire, which means the width of the wire. By changing this variable, the current the circuit will vary. With my knowledge in science and some

  • How does the length of Magnesium affect the rate of reaction?

    1122 Words  | 3 Pages

    How does the length of Magnesium affect the rate of reaction? Input Variables – Magnesium strip Hydrochloric acid Outcome Variable - Release of hydrogen I have chosen to investigate whether the difference in length of a Magnesium ribbon, would change the speed in which the reaction between Hydrochloric acid and Magnesium takes. We will measure this by timing how long until the magnesium strip vanishes and there is no release of Hydrogen. Aim: I am trying to find out whether the

  • The Relationship Between the Length of Constantan Wires in a Circuit and the Current

    764 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Relationship Between the Length of Constantan Wires in a Circuit and the Current Aim To investigate the relationship between the length of constantan wires in a circuit and the current flowing through. Introduction ============ In a conductor electrons are able to jump between atoms. However in insulators they remain around a single atom unable to move. Constantan, a metal, unlike most other metals is a poor conductor although it is also a poor insulator. Being a metal it

  • The Effect of Salt Concentration on the Weight and Length of a Potato Chip

    807 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Effect of Salt Concentration on the Weight and Length of a Potato Chip I am trying to find out if and how different concentrations of salt solution affect the weight and length of a potato chip in a certain amount of time. This will involve me performing the experiment, measuring the potato cylinders weight and length before and after the experiment putting results in a table producing charts showing the differences or similarities in results analysing the results and finally evaluating

  • Finding The Focal Length Of A Lens Essay

    722 Words  | 2 Pages

    Finding the Focal Length of a Given Convex Lens Aim: - To find the focal length of a given convex lens. Apparatus: - Convex lens Metre rule Screen Candle Matches Wooden blocks Theory:- In this experiment the focal length of a lens is found out. The focal lens

  • Investigating the Relationship Between Humerus Length and Height of Human Beings

    567 Words  | 2 Pages

    Investigating the Relationship Between Humerus Length and Height of Human Beings In order to investigate the relationship between humerus length and height of human beings, I collected the data of each person’s height and their humerus length (including me) in my class and created 2 scatter plots to study the relation between the 2 variables. Process of getting data Firstly, one of my tallest person in my class measured 5-6 people’s height with a ruler, then someone exchanged his position

  • Investigating How Different Lengths of Wire Affect the Resistance in a Circuit

    944 Words  | 2 Pages

    Investigating How Different Lengths of Wire Affect the Resistance in a Circuit Hypothesis: I predict that; the longer the wire, the more resistance there will be. So if the length of the wire were to double, so would the resistance. The reason for my prediction is: The flow of electrons is called a current, the electrons are constantly hitting atoms, which causes resistance. If the same amount of current is passed through a longer piece of wire, there will be more collisions, hence more

  • Investigating How the Length of a Wire Affects Its Resistance

    1181 Words  | 3 Pages

    Investigating How the Length of a Wire Affects Its Resistance Planning: Risk Assessment: * I will handle the power supply carefully. * I am going to only use a maximum voltage of 2 volts. * I will be careful when handling the mains equipment. * I will make sure I have a clear space to work in and nothing on the floor around me. In this investigation, I will set up a simple circuit to be able to read the voltage and current when the length of wire changes, so I then can work

  • An Investigation into the Relationship Between the Resistance of a Wire and Its Diameter and Length

    1294 Words  | 3 Pages

    An Investigation into the Relationship Between the Resistance of a Wire and Its Diameter and Length Introduction In this investigation I hope to see whether there is a relationship between the thickness of a wire and its length with the resistance in which it produces. First of all, what is resistance? Resistance is calculated as R=V/I Where R is resistance, V = Potential Difference (Voltage) and I = Current (Amount of charge flowing per second) Resistance is the property of a conductor

  • Investigating the Relationship Between the Lengths, Perimeter and Area of a Right Angle Triangle

    2080 Words  | 5 Pages

    Investigating the Relationship Between the Lengths, Perimeter and Area of a Right Angle Triangle Coursework Aim To investigate the relationships between the lengths, perimeter and area of a right angle triangle. Pythagoras Theorem is a² + b² = c². 'a' being the shortest side, 'b' being the middle side and 'c' being the longest side of a right angled triangle. So the (smallest number)² + (middle number)² = (largest number)² The number 3, 4 and 5 satisfy this condition 3²

  • Investigating How the Length of the Wire Affects the Resistance of the Current Passing Through Wire

    1719 Words  | 4 Pages

    Investigating How the Length of the Wire Affects the Resistance of the Current Passing Through Wire Aim For this experiment, my aim is to investigate how the length of the wire affects the resistance of the current passing through the wire. Hypothesis and Scientific Knowledge When electric current passes through a conductor, there is always a resistance against it. The resistance varies between different types of materials. Although all metals are conductors, some have a higher resistance

  • Investigating how the Resistance of a Constantan Wire is Affected by Its Length

    829 Words  | 2 Pages

    Investigating how the Resistance of a Constantan Wire is Affected by Its Length Introduction: In this experiment we will be investigating how changing the length of a piece of Constantan wire will affect the resistance. Therefore the length will be an independent variable and all of the other variables we will try to keep the same. The other variables included in this experiment are temperature, thickness of wire and density of wire. Resistance is a force, which opposes the