Kantian Essays

  • Kantian Morality

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    Kantian Morality Kant's theory of morality seems to function as the most feasible in determining one's duty in a moral situation. The basis for his theory is perhaps the most noble of any-- acting morally because doing so is morally right. His ideas, no matter how occasionally vague or overly rigid, work easily and efficiently in most situations. Some exceptions do exist, but the strength of those exceptions may be somewhat diminished by looking at the way the actual situations are presented

  • Lyotard on the Kantian Sublime

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    Lyotard on the Kantian Sublime ABSTRACT: In this essay I explicate J.F. Lyotard's reading of the Kantian sublime as presented in Lessons on the Analytic of the Sublime (1994) and in "Answering the Question: What is Postmodernism" (1984). Lessons articulates the context in which critical thought situates itself as a zone of virtually infinite creative capacity, undetermined by principles but in search of them; "Answering the Question" explores how the virtually infinite creative capacity of thought

  • A Kantian Interpretation of Demonstrative Reference

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    A Kantian Interpretation of Demonstrative Reference ABSTRACT: According to Kant, we refer to what is out there in the world by performing a demonstrative act, like pointing at an object with a finger. A Kantian mode of demonstrative reference is characterized by the existence of a real, 2-placed affective relation between an intuiting subject and the referent. Parsons suggests that Kantian intuition is both singular and immediate, and immediacy demands an object of intuition to be present, a condition

  • Active Euthanasia- A Kantian Perspective

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    Active Euthenasia – From A Kantian Perspective Euthanasia is one of society's more widely debated moral issues of our time. Active euthanasia is; "Doing something, such as administering a lethal drug, or using other ways that will cause a person's death." In the other hand, Passive euthanasia is; "Stopping (or not starting) a treatment, that will make a person die, the condition of the person will cause his or her death." It seems that this one is not to debate, as much as the other one (active)

  • Kantian Ethics vs. Utilitarianism

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    1.     Explain Onora O’neil’s argument for preferring Kantian ethics to Utilitarianism. 2.     How would Richard Taylor respond to O’neil’s defense of Kantianism? In the following questions, Onora O’neil defends Kantian ethics while Richard Taylor agrees more with the Utilitarian ethics view. To fully understand both views and why each author defends their view, a brief introduction of each author and who they are is necessary. Onora O’neil is a philosophy professor at Cambridge University, while

  • Representationalism and Antirepresentationalism - Kant, Davidson and Rorty

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    the other "end of the line" one of the most influential contemporary American philosophers Richard Rorty proposes that we should abandon epistemology and Kantian picture of representation. In this paper I pose the question, whether Rorty is thorougly succesful in his abandomnent. I try to investigate the differences and similarities of Kantian and Rortyan thinking with the help of the epistemological notion of representationalism and of the antiepistemological notion of antirepresentationalism. If

  • The Moral Importance of the Beautiful in Kant

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    psychology requires embodiments of moral ideas. Finally, I seek to modify Martha Nussbaums' argument in Poetic Justice (1995) for the increased use of the literary imagination as a means for improving public moral reasoning in this country, with the Kantian insight that aesthetic autonomy is the key to any aesthetic-moral link. In this paper, I investigate the overall Enlightenment role that Kant conceived for aesthetic experience, and especially, of the beautiful. (1) I argue for an interpretation

  • Kant's Idea for a Universal History with Cosmopolitan Purpose

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    then discuss the idea for a philosophical account of human history (eighth and ninth propositions), it will provide a brief explanation of John Rawls’ contemporary, Kantian influenced “Law of Peoples” and will finally briefly observe Kantian influence in contemporary international politics offering some critique of the Kantian universal notion of freedom. Kant begins the essay with an account of nature. The first proposition describes a determinism in nature “All natural capacities of a creature

  • Bioethics

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    the doctor morally obliged to do everything that he/she can possible do in order to restore the patient’s health even if that includes to go so far as to take this decision out of the hands of the patient? I would like use Rule utilitarianism and Kantian deontology to help determine what course of action could be morally justifiable in this case. Rule utilitarianism says “A person ought to act in accordance with the rule that, if generally followed, would produce the greatest balance of good over

  • Kant’s Formula of the End in Itself

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    devolution: How does a co-obligation for all persons devolve upon me? For instance, given that we must maximize happiness, it does not seem to follow that I must always act so as to maximize happiness. In partial answer to this problem, I claim that some Kantian duties do stem from co-obligations. But this claim has as a crucial assumption the following conjecture: The "Formula of the End in Itself" is to be read as implying that we must treat each person as an end and not simply as a means. I Kant’s

  • Relativism: The Tangible Theory

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    believe that this question is best answered by a single moral standard, while others debate if there can be a single solution. Cultural Relativism explores the idea that there can be no one moral standard that applies to everyone at any given time. The Kantian theory, on the other hand, states that a universal sense of duty, would most benefit humankind. I believe that the Cultural Relativist theory takes into consideration the different cultures that make up the population as a whole. The idea of universal

  • Algebra As Thought Experiment

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    Algebra As Thought Experiment ABSTRACT: This paper addresses the problem of understanding what mathematics contributes to the exceptional success of modern mathematical physics. I urge that we give up the Kantian construal of the division between mathematics (synthetic a priori) and physics (experimental), and that we ask instead how algebra helps synthetic a posteriori mathematics improve our ability to study the world. The theses suggested are: 1) Mathematical theories are about the empirical

  • Kantian Ethics

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    lives it is their responsibility to make certain that young children will learn to make logical decisions that would contribute in a positive way in society. An ethical theory that would best describe people that influence young children would be Kantian`s ethics. His ethical theory elucidates that morality is when we act based on duty for duty`s sake not for self-interest. For this reason in order to respect the law, a sense of duty to one`s actions is necessary (Kant, 287). Based on this analysis

  • Kantian Deontology

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    Kantian deontology is an ethical theory that was developed by the German philosopher Immanuel Kant. The founding principle of this theory is known as the categorical imperative. Within the Kantian categorical imperative, there are two fundamental formulations to be observed. The first formulation is specified as, “Act only on that maxim which you can at the same time will that it should become universal law.” In other words, one should consider if an action is right or wrong by asking themselves

  • Kantian Imperatives

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    upon applying the concepts of choice, imperatives, human worth, and external human conditions to an analysis of twenty first century societies: Tibet and China. We began by listing indicators of freedom of choice in the movie that were distinctly Kantian or Utilitarian. For instance, the captains initial strategy for keeping the lifeboat moving towards land was to save everyone, not even considering the hardships of having ill and injured people aboard. However, there was a socialite on the boat who

  • Kantian vs Utilitarianism

    596 Words  | 2 Pages

    case. It really questions a person’s morals. Was the doctor right in taking the dying patients organs in order to save three people, which would be using the Utilitarianism view, or is the Kantian Deontology view right? I will argue that the Kantian Deontology view on morals is much better in this case. Kantian Deontology is a theory of ethics written by Immanuel Kant. He argues that to be acting in a morally correct way, one must be acting from duty. He also argues that it isn’t the outcomes of the

  • Essay On Kantian Deontology

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    Define Kantian deontology, and give an example. Why is deontology a moral principle? Kantian deontology is defined as a system of beliefs based off morals. Kant concluded that rationality can only decide what the guidelines of morality are. Kantian’s ideology came from human reason. He believes that people’s consequences and emotions shouldn’t play a part in moral actions. Instead, he believes when taking action it should depend on obligations and well thought out. He defines good will by

  • Hume and the Ethics of Virtue

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    be characterized as a virtue ethics, by which I mean a view according to which character has priority over action and the principles governing action: virtuous character guides and constrains practical deliberation. In a traditional utilitarian or Kantian ethics, character is subordinate to practical deliberation: virtue is needed only to motivate virtuous action. I begin by outlining this approach in Aristotle's ethics, then draw relevant parallels to Hume. I argue that virtuous character in Aristotle

  • Jeremy Bentham : Father of Utilitarianism

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    situation. Unlike many moral approaches you are not restricted by rules such as ‘it is always wrong to lie,’ or ‘killing is never right.’ This allows the philosopher to consider any dilemma or problem in it’s own specific context. For example applying Kantian ethics, abortion or euthanasia would have to be defined as wrong, however a utilitarian has the scope to make there own decision considering a range of factors and situations. Bentham realised that because this theory is based on the outcome of our

  • Kantian Ethics

    853 Words  | 2 Pages

    An overall goal of ethics is determining the morality of the human kind and judging their actions as good or bad. One of the many strategies of this goal is called deontological ethics founded by Immanuel Kant. Kant focused on an individual’s motives and judged them on the fundamentals of good will, duty, and universality. He believed that if an action does not have these structural foundations, then the actions are unworthy to claim good moral. Kant also created formulations in order to help decide