Frostburg State University Essays

  • Frostburg State University Scholarship Essay

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    In the United States, basic education is a gift that everyone receives. But college is an opportunity that a lot of people do not get to experience. So my acceptance into Frostburg State University is a blessing. This is a chance of great measures, but it can go to waste if I can not attend the school because of monetary burdens. The answer to this problem is financial aid, like a scholarship. A scholarship given to me will be money well spent because it will be used on a hard worker who wants to

  • Issues Raised by Use of Turnitin Plagiarism Detection Software

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    text of the statement which has been distributed on our campus. Note: CCCC-IP has begun a resource page on plagiarism detection services. Issues Raised by Use of Turnitin Plagiarism Detection Software Overview Recently, Grand Valley State University purchased a site license to plagiarism detection service Faculty members who use this service can require students to submit writing assignments electronically to Turnitin, which compares student texts against Turnitin’s database

  • Plagiarism and the Casual Plagiarist

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    Plagiarism and the Casual Plagiarist It is a random Thursday night on the first floor of Brewster Hall and the Campus of State University when a frazzled young girl wanders into the room of a fellow student inquiring about The Stranger by Albert Camus. She needs to have a three page paper completed by tomorrow and cannot find a kick start on the essay writing process. Since her peers are on the level of the common doormat concerning Camus, she was left without any further help. However, had

  • Black Women in Sports: Sexuality and Athleticism

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    counterparts. Race, class, sex, and sexuality are the operative notions in which certain sports are less "traditional" for certain groups. Black women have a long history with such sports and track and field. Tuskegee Institute (later Tuskegee State University) led the nation as powerhouses for the production of Olympic competitors from the fifties to the seventies. Despite the relative lack of funding received by these schools as compared to white schools in Jim Crow Alabama, their track and field

  • Media Violence and the Captive Audience

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    becoming a victim or target of aggressive behavior, becoming less sensitive to violence and victims of violent acts, and concurrently desiring to watch more violence on television and in real-life (A.A.P. 2001). According to John Murray of Kansas State University, there are three main avenues of effects: direct effects, desensitization, and the Mean World Syndrome (Murray, 1995, p. 10). The direct effects of observing violence on television include an increase in an individual’s level of aggressive behavior

  • References to Homosexuality in Walt Whitman's Song of Myself

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    References to Homosexuality in Walt Whitman's Song of Myself "WHITMAN WAS MORE MAN THAN YOU'LL EVER BE," said a student of Louisiana State University. When asked questions of your sexual preference or thoughts on the issue of sex, I would venture to say it makes most people uncomfortable. This is an age-old topic that people know about, yet do not want to talk about. He was particularly reticent about his issues regarding sex and his particular sexual preference. In fact, of Whitman's struggles

  • Definition Essay - The Word 'Private'

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    the labyrinthine meaning of the word private. Some of the definitions seem very similar to the way private is used in every day life, however others seem hidden as though they were private definitions themselves. Most freshmen at Michigan State University and students at Waterford Mott High School don't use that word commonly in every day conversation but when we do use it, the context in which it is used usually gives the implied meaning of being secretive or sheltered fro...

  • Someone Special

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    favorite color. I had been sitting there wondering (probably unlike all of the other kids who were at State University Orientation) what kind of guy I was going to look for when I arrived a month later to attend classes. Everyone else was talking with their parents about their class choices and housing contracts. Some were even asking the experts at the podium questions about the university. But this was way beyond me because I had more important things on my mind. I remember seeing him rise

  • Computers in the Classroom

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    to be qualified for many positions. The profession I am looking to get into is the teaching profession. I am hoping to teach business classes at the high school level and that is why I am majoring in education and business at Lake Superior State University. Computers have a very important role in teaching and in business. Some business people will tell you that the computer is the single most important business tool. Without the Internet or spread sheets, the business world as we know it today

  • Internet and Education

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    Internet and Education Since the Internet was created it has always had an effect on education. After military establishments Universities were the first real contributors to the Internet's structure. The Internet has vastly improved education. There are so many ways that education and the Internet are connected these days. Almost every textbook has a corresponding Internet sight including the one for this course. [ Some sites like these contain valuable

  • Date Rape

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    know someone who has had something stolen from them? How many of you know someone who has been held at gunpoint? How many of you know someone who has been date raped? You might and not even know about it. In 1985, Mary Koss, a professor at Kent State University, surveyed approximately 7,000 students on thirty-two campuses on behalf of Ms. magazine and found that one in eight women were the victims of rape. Experts estimate that as many as 90 percent of all rapes are never reported. But When you hear

  • Women and Literacy

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    (Albright 1996). Although women in the United States have steadily increased their educational status, millions still have a problem obtaining appropriate education and training because "[r]ace, class, and gender assumptions organize American society in ways that put all women, but especially low-income women, at a disadvantage" (Laubach Literacy Action [LLA], "Facts about Women's Lives" n.d., p. 1). The fact that 23 percent of the women in the United States aged 25 and over have not gone beyond high

  • A Global Perspective on Schooling

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    Schooling Universities and colleges across the country, as well as the world, have one goal. This goal is to educate citizens to the best of their ability. Although they all have the same objective, each of these schools has a different approach from all the others. One aspect of education that is constantly changing is technology. These changes can occur from school to school, or within a specific school. I have chosen to research and compare the different approaches of several universities from both

  • The Evolution of Sex

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    Danielle, many young adults, and teenagers, have sex without attachment. For example, more than half of 11th-graders surveyed by the Bowling Green State University, in Ohio, said they have had intercourse, and of them a 60 percent did it with an acquaintance, they survey said. That number may have been higher if the survey had included oral sex, said the university. For many teenagers having sex with acquaintances it is their first experience. The reasons why they rush into sex may vary, but include

  • Quality Education Endangered

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    colleges like Harvard and yet American college students have to work extra hard to get a good educational experience. College freshman in California are a perfect example of this. "Between 70 and 90 percent of all students entering the California State University system have to take some form of remedial course work in basic subjects like English and math" (Jennings 305). These students are starting out their college years behind where they are supposed to be so they will have enough knowledge of basic

  • Organic Agriculture

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    organic agriculture is to optimize the health and productivity of interdependent communities of soil life, plants, animals and people.î (NOSB, 1999) Many farmers are switching to organic farming for many different reasons. According to Iowa State University, ìOrganic farmers hope to reduce the 240 million pounds of herbicides applied each year in the Midwest.î (February 2002) There are also large premiums paid for organic crops. According to Born and Sullivan, ìPrices for organic grains have

  • University Food Service

    1372 Words  | 3 Pages

    University Food Service Have you ever felt ripped off at a restaurant, or realized that you paid way too much for a meal somewhere? Well, this is what many students feel on almost a daily basis. A large portion of students at State University are paying far too much for food service. This is especially true when you consider that many students are busy and end up missing meals that they have already had to pay for. Instead of having a ‘pre-paid, no miss’ policy lunch program, the university

  • Project Proposal

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    perused. This service should be considered because of the recent parking and commuting problems both on and off campus. There have been many reasons why on-campus parking has become difficult in recent years. Increased student enrollment at Kent State University has posed many problems. The parking lots cannot facilitate the growing need for vehicle parking. Campus officials have undertaken construction projects to curb the parking problem, but these renovations have closed lots in the near term. Also

  • Cellular Phones

    1011 Words  | 3 Pages

    Cellular Phones Cellular phones are a phenomenon that has engulfed people in the nineties. They have become a common occurrence whether you are waiting in line at the super market or in a movie theatre. One professor at Murray State University said, “Many students are carrying them, I had a student get a call in the middle of a test last semester.” Although many people have accepted the thought of carrying a telephone wherever they go, others have not taken the onslaught of cell phones quite

  • Lost Dreams

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    senior in high school, it was my last year to cheer with the girls I have cheered with since I was seven, and if that was not enough it was my last year on an all-girl team. I was going to attend Florida State University in the fall of 2004 and cheer on a co-ed team. The Florida State University coach and the high school coach were there to see me perform. By the morning of the competition, I was ready to prove myself to the coaches and my team. We crammed into an old school bus to ride us to the