Eyewitness Testimony Essays

  • Eyewitness Testimonies

    710 Words  | 2 Pages

    Eyewitness testimonies do not yield an exceptionally high validity, however they are a fairly effective way of gathering information. The Criminal justice system should take notice of the fact that they can be misconstrued since memories are fallible and can be easily influenced. Eyewitness testimonies can be affected by many psychological factors, these include anxiety/stress, reconstructive memory, weapon focus and leading questions. Anxiety or stress is almost always associated with real life

  • The Reliability of Eyewitness Testimony

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    The Reliability of Eyewitness Testimony Part 1 - How reliable is Eyewitness testimony? The Reconstructive nature of memory - Schemas and Stereotypes The reconstructive nature of memory is related to the schema theory. A schema is a package of memory that is organized and developed throughout our lives. Schemas are stored in long term memory. Most people have similar schemas and this was recognized by Bower, Black and Turner (1979) when they asked several people to recall the schema

  • The Accuracy of Eyewitness Testimony

    1985 Words  | 4 Pages

    Eyewitness testimony is defined as, “an area of research that investigates the accuracy of memory following an accident, crime, or other significant event, and the types of errors that are commonly made in such situations.” Much emphasis is placed on the accuracy of eyewitness testimony as often-inaccurate eyewitness testimony can have serious consequences leading to wrong convictions. Eyewitness testimony is a powerful tool within any field, particularly that of justice, as it is a readily

  • The Effect of Hypnosis on Eyewitness Testimony

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    The Effect of Hypnosis on Eyewitness Testimony Works Cited Missing Under hypnosis an eyewitness could produce false information whist giving a statement to the police. This is because one of the characteristic of being hypnotised is being sensitive to suggestion. Therefore the witness can give suggestive information through leading question (even if this isn't intended). It could lead to an alteration of the existing true memory. Although hypnosis might produce increased recall, it also produces

  • Roman Ballantyne's Eyewitness Testimony

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    second-degree murder in the death of a Fort St John man. At the trial, they presented eyewitness testimony as evidence of his guilt. 1. The problem Eyewitness testimony plays an important role in any crime nowadays. It is also one of the most important types of evidence in court cases. However, many researchers have suggested that judges and investigators should know more about how reliable is eyewitness testimony. According to Read (2002) “It is important that we recognize the possibility of several

  • Inaccurate Eyewitness Testimony

    1150 Words  | 3 Pages

    Eyewitness testimony is the sworn statement of a person who witnessed a crime or accident and goes to trial to provide the court with details of what he or she had seen. The process is not as simple as going to the police station and identifying a suspect in a line up. The witness is questioned about the events that led to the crime and why they were at the scene. Questioning covers what happened before, during, and after the crime occurred. The eyewitness is usually interviewed by a number of police

  • Eyewitness Testimony

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    There have been several cases in which eyewitness testimony led to the conviction of an innocent person. In one notable case, Raymond Towler was wrongly convicted in 1981 of the rape, kidnap, and assault of an 11-year old girl based on eyewitness testimony in which the victim and other witnesses identified him from a photo. Towler had been serving a life sentence and was released in 2010 after serving nearly 30 years until DNA evidence proved that he did not commit the rape (Sheeran, 2010). In another

  • Eyewitness Testimony

    1668 Words  | 4 Pages

    Within the criminal justice system, it is evident that jurors rely heavily on eye-witness testimony in determining the guilt of a suspect. Psychological research in relation to this issue primarily focuses on the correlation between confidence and accuracy and in doing so asserts that jurors perceive that the more confident a witness appears, the more likely they are to be accurate in their testimony (Cutler & Penrod, 1995). By corroborating both Wise et al. (2009) and Cutler et al. (1995), it is

  • The Controversy Of Eyewitness Testimony

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    Eye Witness Testimony An eyewitness testimony is when an individual witnessed an evert firsthand and recalls the details. This can be as simple as recalling a time with friends and family at Christmas, or something as serious as a crime that has occurred. Eyewitness testimony has been controversial in court cases for a while. The reason for controversy is because eye witness testimony can be inaccurate or influenced. The judge and jury do not want to make a wrong decision by trusting the eye witness

  • The Importance of Eyewitness Testimony

    628 Words  | 2 Pages

    is going to look at eye witness testimony. It will discuss whether or not it is reliable and studies will be looked at and evaluated to either back up or refute eyewitness reliability. A witness is someone who has firsthand knowledge about a crime through their senses and can certify to its happening and someone who has seen an event at firsthand is known as an eyewitness. Witnesses are often called before a court of law to testify in trials and their testimony is considered crucial in the identification

  • Eyewitness Testimony Essay

    1393 Words  | 3 Pages

    Eyewitness testimony is the evidence given in a court or in police investigations by an individual who has witnessed a crime or offense (Loftus, 2003). Eyewitness testimonies rely heavily upon a human’s memory. “Given the complex interaction of perception, memory, judgment, social influence, and communication processes that lead up to an eyewitness’s story of what happened, it should hardly be surprising that such testimony often is a faulty version of the original event (Wells, 1987)." Eyewitness

  • The Pros And Cons Of Eyewitness Testimony

    550 Words  | 2 Pages

    The use of eyewitness statements and testimony’s can be a great source of information, but can also lead to wrongful convictions. Due to eyewitness testimony, innocent people are convicted of crimes they have not committed. This is why the wording of a question is important to consider when interviewing witnesses. Due to the fact that eyewitness testimony can be the most concrete evidence in an investigation, witnesses may feel they are helping an officer by giving them as much information as possible

  • Eyewitness Testimonies Essay

    1332 Words  | 3 Pages

    In recent years, the use of eyewitness testimonies as evidence in court cases has been a subject in which various researchers have been interested in. Research suggests that eyewitness testimonies are actually not reliable enough to use as primary evidence in court cases. There have been many cases in which an innocent person gets sent to prison for a crime they did not commit because an eyewitness testified that they were the ones that they saw at the scene of the crime. Researchers’ goal is to

  • Are Eyewitness Testimony Acurate?

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    prayed for his release–prayers which were not answered for nearly eight years. In August of 1978, the United States Court of Appeals set aside Jackson’s conviction. With great appreciation, Loftus explained that, “The court found that the eyewitness testimony presented by the prosecution was so tainted by the suggestive procedures of the police investigators that its admission into evidence against Jackson constituted a denial of due process” (Loftus xi). Such devastating mistakes by eyewitnesses

  • Essay On Eyewitness Testimony

    702 Words  | 2 Pages

    he did not commit. He was convicted of brutally beating and raping a child based on three eyewitness identifications of him at trial. The case against him was substantively weak: there was no physical evidence linking him to the crime, circumstantial evidence indicated that the intruder was not him, and his pregnant wife testified at trial that he was home with her at the time. But, eyewitness testimony is viscerally powerful evidence, and the jury found Calvin guilty beyond a reasonable doubt

  • Problems with Eyewitness Testimony

    1385 Words  | 3 Pages

    Eyewitness testimony has been used for many centuries and continues to be a part of our criminal justice system. Although, there has been many controversy debates on whether to allow the continuation of these testimonies in court, and allow it to be used as evidence. Eyewitness testimony can either be harmful or useful for an individual. We must fully analysis and see what certain factors (psychological, and age wise) come into the equation before coming up with final conclusions. A case study titled

  • Eyewitness Testimony Analysis

    1245 Words  | 3 Pages

    eyewitnesses are the most important. Eyewitness testimony needs to be reliable as it can have serious implications to the perceived guilt or innocence of a defendant. Unfortunately, the reliability of eyewitness testimony is questionable because there is a high number of eyewitness misidentification. Rattner (1988) studied 205 cases and concluded that eyewitness misidentification was the factor most often associated with wrongful conviction (52%). Eyewitness testimony can be affected by many factors

  • Analysis Of Eyewitness Testimony

    2214 Words  | 5 Pages

    eyewitness’s testimony. Loftus has focused on misleading information in both the difference in wording of questions and how these questions can influence eyewitness testimony. This research is important because frequently, eyewitness testimony is a crucial element in criminal proceedings. Throughout Loftus’s career she has found a witness’s memory is highly flexible and subject to being influenced. The classic study by Loftus and Palmer (1974), illustrates that eyewitness testimony can be influenced

  • The Reliability of Eyewitness Testimony

    952 Words  | 2 Pages

    based upon information they acquired visually. However, due to memory processing, presenting this information accurately is not always possible. This paper will discuss the reliability of eyewitness testimony, its use in a relevant court case, and how the reasonable person standard relates to eyewitness testimony. One cannot always accurately reproduce information due to the stages of memory processing that occur after witnessing an event. With each stage, the accuracy of the memory decreases.

  • The Reliability of Eyewitness Testimony

    754 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Reliability of Eyewitness Testimony With regard to the extent of psychological research which supports the view concerning the unreliability of eyewitness testimony, a number of judgements can be made. Firstly, one can refer to a study carried out by Loftus and Palmer in 1974, where one hundred and fifty participants were asked to watch a video of cars colliding, and then fill in a questionnaire about what they saw. The important question involved the speed of the cars at the point