Ella Essays

  • Ella Enchanted

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    Ella Enchanted Once upon a time there was a girl named Ella Enchanted. She was so beautiful. Her mother died so she moved with her stepmother and step sisters and her 1 real sister. One day her fairy godmother gave her a gift. She had to take it or she will be turned into a rat. So of course she took it .the gift was kind of like a spell. It was kind of like a spell because the spell / gift was to be obedient, so for an example if someone told her to jump she would have to jump. After ever

  • Ella Baker

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    Ella Baker Ella Josephine Baker was born in Virginia, and at the age of seven Ella Baker moved with her family to Littleton, South Carolina, where they settled on her grandparent's farmland her grandparents had worked as slaves. Ella Baker's early life was steeped in Southern black culture. Her most vivid childhood memories were of the strong traditions of self-help, mutual cooperation, and sharing of economic resources that encompassed her entire community. Because there was

  • Ella Ella Fitzgerald´s Music

    523 Words  | 2 Pages

    Ella Jane Fitzgerald was born April 25, 1917 (“Ella Fitzgerald”). The location was Newport News, Virginia. She was born to be the daughter of Temperance “Tempie” and William Fitzgerald (“This Day in History”). As a child, Ella and her mother moved to Yonkers, New York to live with her mother’s new husband after William Fitzgerald’s death. She grew up there for most of her childhood. Although today Ella is known as the “Queen of Jazz, ” she lived a normal childhood. When she was younger, she collected

  • Ella Fitzgerald

    615 Words  | 2 Pages

    Ella Fitzgerald To some, Ella Fitzgerald had a hard life from the moment she was born. To others, Ella had it made. Ella Fitzgerald was born April 25th 1917 in Virginia. Soon afterwards, her parents separated and Ella followed her mother to Yonkers, New York. Ella was barely a teenager when her mother died. While still coping with this tragedy, Ella found herself failing school and having frequent run-ins with the police. She was also abused by her caretakers while in the custody of a reform

  • Ella Fitzgerald

    651 Words  | 2 Pages

    Ella Fitzgerald Singer. Born April 25, 1917, in Newport News, Virginia. (Though many biographical sources give her birth date as 1918, her birth certificate and school records show her to have been born a year earlier.) Often referred to as the "first lady of song," Fitzgerald enjoyed a career that stretched over six decades. With her lucid intonation and a range of three octaves, she became the preeminent jazz singer of her generation, recording over 2,000 songs, selling over 40 million albums

  • Biography Of Ella Fitzgerald

    812 Words  | 2 Pages

    "When I'm on stage I feel at home" - Ella Fitzgerald ELLA FITZGERALD Entitled "The First Lady of Song," Ella Fitzgerald was the most famous female jazz singer in the United States for about more than half a century. In her life time, she won more than 10 Grammy Awards, and also earned the title “The First Lady of Song.”Her voice was flexible, wide-ranging, prefect and ageless. She could sing sultry ballads, jazz, blue, and imitate every several instruments. She worked with all the jazz musicians

  • Biography: The Life And Biography Of Ella Fitzgerald

    1282 Words  | 3 Pages

    Erika Poeling 6R Ella Fitzgerald Ella Fitzgerald was a great role model to many people including the members of several bands that she played in. She inspired the people of her generation and those after to pursue their dreams. She loved children that liked to play and do other fun stuff that she liked to do when she was a kid. She wanted to make people happy by singing. She is known as The First Lady of Jazz. Ella Fitzgerald was an African-American that was born on April 25th, 1917 in Newport

  • Pedro Almodovar's Talk to Her (Hable con Ella) and Live Flesh (Carne Trémula)

    1998 Words  | 4 Pages

    Pedro Almodovar, in his recent films Talk to Her (Hable con Ella) (2002) and Live Flesh (Carne Trémula) (1997), has brought a thoroughly modern interpretation to the genre of melodrama. These fresh illustrations of human love, loneliness, frustration and individuality explore the complexity of human interaction and interestingly, in Talk to Her, the interactions of the sentient in relation to the insentient. "Nothing is simple," Alicia's ballet teacher muses in Talk to Her, this statement accurately

  • Ella Fitzgerald: The Most Famous Jazz Singer

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    truly amazing? For Ella Fitzgerald, her gift was singing. Whether it was singing on her own, or with the Chick Webb band, Ella knew, as did many, that it was her gift. Ella Fitzgerald is considered one of the greatest jazz singers in the history. Her innovative style of singing lifted her to a realm that granted her the title that she is well known by, “The First Lady of Jazz”. Ella Fitzgerald, one of the most influential jazz singers in history, lived an incredible life. Although Ella Fitzgerald is

  • Reading Response Log: Dialect Journal for Ella Enchanted

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    for Ella Enchanted Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine is the story of a girl who is cursed at birth by a fairy named Lucinda. The fairy Lucinda tries to bestow a blessing on Ella but instead curses her with total obedience to every command. This "gift" is very dangerous because Ella must obey every command anyone issues her, even if they were to command her to kill herself. This book tells of Ella's journey to find Lucinda and reverse the spell that has haunted her since birth. Ella meets

  • El inconformismo femenino en La Bella Durmiente

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    poderosa. Su padre fue gobernador de la isla durante los años del 1968 al 1972. Como todas las mujeres en esa época se casó y comenzó una familia, destinada a una vida como dama elegante y ociosa. Pero se dió cuenta que su vida pertenecía a la literatura. Ella rompió un taboo y molde cultural, que convertía a las mujeres de clase media alta, en muñecas. Esa generación de mujeres exigiendo cambios en la sociedad se encontraban en el medio de la revolución femenina. Cualquier mujer que quisiera cambiar su

  • Comparing The Withered Arm and An Imaginative Woman

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    that it is very old fashioned, which tells us these novelettes must have been written some time in the 19th century. The main characters in both stories are women. In "The Withered Arm" Gertrude is the main character, and in "An Imaginative Woman" Ella is the main character. The main themes in both stories are fate and irony. This makes both stories very tragic, which intrigues the reader. This is why Thomas Hardy has chosen to write in this style. Although the two stories are set around

  • Spanish Essay

    851 Words  | 2 Pages

    Siempre vivió en su casa, bajo el cuidado de su madre. Ya estaba cansado y decidió salir solo por una vez. Le pidió permiso a su madre y ella acepto. Caminando por su cuadra vio muchas tiendas. Al pasar por una tienda de música; al ver el aparador, noto la presencia de una muchacha de su edad. Amor a primera vista! Abrió la puerta y entró sin mirar nada que no fuera ella. Acercándose poco a poco, llegó al mostrador donde se encontraba. Lo miro y le dijo sonriente: "Te puedo ayudar en algo?". Mientras

  • Spanish El Recado

    1251 Words  | 3 Pages

    estereotipos de antes. Esta problema social tomo un afecto en Elena. Aunque ella no viene de un movimiento literatura directamente, ella escrita con el concepto de compremetido. En su narrative El Recado ella crea un mujer estereotipical que no puede controlar sus emociones. La titula es eso porque ella viene a ver su amante, pero el no esta, asi ella escribe las cosas que sentia. La perspectiva es de un personaje y ella nunca interacta con otros personajes. En facto la unica descripcion de un

  • La Cultura y la Mercancía

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    "mónada" del capitalismo. ¿ De donde viene esa dimensión metafísica que domina el trabajo de los hombres y sus productos? - pregunta Marx. La mercancía no es una mera cosa: no es aquello que aparenta ser. La adherencia de valores externos hace de ella la portadora de "sutileza metafísica y mañas teológicas". (Marx, 1983: p.70) Ese procedimiento no es propio del valor de uso, en la destinación de los productos para la satisfacción de la necesidad de los hombres. Esa adherencia es propia de la forma

  • The Wars - Timothy Findley

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    Two people also convict Robert of madness. The two people are the hooker and the commanding officer. Ella, a prostitute, tries to get Robert to have sex with her but he did not want to. Ella gets mad because she does not get paid if she does not have sex. Another reason for why is because the whorehouse will get a bad reputation. After hearing the explanations Robert expresses his anger and Ella cowers in fear. After expressing anger, he did not have to have sex. He is being forced into having sex

  • Intranets

    2690 Words  | 6 Pages

    "intranet". Aunque una intranet comparte con Internet una gran cantidad de características, al menos en una de ellas, es básicamente diferente. De la misma manera que Internet está teniendo un efecto profundo en la manera en que nos comunicamos, la intranet promete transformar el mundo corporativo. Compañías tan variadas como Ford, Silicon Graphics y Tyson Foods han implementado todas ellas esta tecnología, mejorando la productividad al tiempo que reducen costes. ¿Pero qué es una intranet? Es posible

  • Information and Comunication in The Truman Show

    8843 Words  | 18 Pages

    encontrar una película donde pudiera aplicar de forma clara las teorías aprendidas en clase y que no se tratase ni de una película que me disgustase, ya que entonces me resultaría imposible trabajar con ella, pero que tampoco fuese una película que me encantase porque temía acabar saturada de ella. Escogí El Show de Truman porque un día haciendo zapping vi la mitad de la película, y sin darme cuenta estaba intentando ver y aplicar las teorías que habíamos estado dando en clase. A continuación expongo

  • Mimesis, Imitacion - Representacion

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    objetivo apoyándose en la imitación de la realidad, a través de la representación literaria o, lo que es lo mismo, mimesis. Ésta consistía básicamente en imitar las acciones humanas, pero no cualquier acción, sino la que permita sacar alguna enseñanza de ella. Se comenzó a hablar de mimesis en la república de Platón, concepto que sería tomado posteriormente por Aristóteles en la poética. Según Aristóteles, la mimesis estaba presente en todo lo que él llamaba especies, llámese epopeya, tragedia, comedia

  • Eulogy for Mother

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    you for showing up here today. I see a few people she used to work with at CFB Borden. How she ever got up at 4AM to work those shifts, I’ll never know. Thank you for coming out. I’m glad we have Maurice, my mother’s younger brother here today. Ella, her older sister, unfortunately couldn’t make it, but I know the news of my mothers death hit her hard. And I know that she prayed with all her will, for my mother. It was nice to meet a cousin I hadn’t met before. Mark and his wife Michelle drove