Electric Current Essays

  • Essay On Electric Current

    1971 Words  | 4 Pages

    An electric current is flow of electric charge in electric circuits this charge is frequently carried by simply moving electrons inside a wire. It can be carried by simply ions with in the electrolyte, or by simply both ions and electrons like plasma. Ohm’s law states the current all through a conductor among two points directly relation to the optional differences across two points. Introducing this constant of proportionality, the resistance one get to the usual mathematical situation that identifies

  • The Relationship Between Resistance, Potential Difference and Current in an Electric Circuit

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    difference will have on the current of an electric circuit. Investigative Question: What would the effect of the change in potential difference have on the current of the circuit, if the temperature in the circuit remains constant? Hypothesis: By decreasing the resistance in the electric circuit we will be increasing the total potential difference in the circuit and will therefore directly strengthen the current in the circuit. The relationship between potential difference and current strength will be directly

  • The Effect of the Amount of Sodium Chloride on the Electric Current During Electrolysis

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    The Effect of the Amount of Sodium Chloride on the Electric Current During Electrolysis Background When an electric current passes through sodium chloride solution, chemical reactions take place at both cathode and anode. If one passes through sodium chloride solution, there will be passage of ions moving through this solution. This results in positively charged sodium ions, which have been dissolved into the solution, moving towards the cathode and deposited there. At the same time, negatively

  • An Investigation Into The Effect Of An Electric Current On Copper Sulphate Solution

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    An Investigation Into The Effect Of An Electric Current On Copper Sulphate Solution Aim In this experiment my aim is to enforce and develop ideas about the investigation into the effect of an electrical current through copper sulphate solution. Safety - Electricity is dangerous - Aware of coppers sharp edges - Long hair tied back - Use of acids in experiment Diagram 1) Weigh the cathode 2) Set up apparatus below 3) After a minute, remove the copper and shake off the excess copper sulphate

  • Secret of Magnetism

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    a temporary magnet formed when electric current flows through a wire or a conductor. Most electromagnets consist of wire wound around an iron core. This core is made from soft iron that loses its magnetism quickly when the electric current stops flowing through the wire. Electromagnetism is the branch of physics that studies the relationship between electricity and magnetism. Electromagnetism is based on the fact that (1) an electric current or a charging electric field produces a magnetic field

  • Electrical Resistance

    1405 Words  | 3 Pages

    electrical circuit that opposes the flow of current. Resistance involves collisions of the current-carrying charged particles with fixed particles that make up the structure of the conductor. Resistance is often considered as localized in such devices as lamps, heaters and resistors in which it predominates, although it is a characteristic of every part of a circuit, including connecting wires and electric transmission lines. In circuits where the current (I) and voltage (V) are related by a simple

  • Dry Cell Battery Essay

    779 Words  | 2 Pages

    BATTERIES There are many kinds of batteries which consist of different materials in order to produce an electric charge. Here are some of the most common batteries, what they consist of and how they work. Bichromate Cell (see picture # 1) A battery is a device which converts chemical energy into electrical energy. A battery usually consists of two or more cells connected in series or parallel, you can also have a single cell battery. All cells consist of a positive electrode, and a negative electrode

  • Major Discoveries in Electrical Communication in the 1800’s

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    The nineteenth century was a very prolific era of discovery in electrical knowledge and technologies that laid the foundation for modern electrical communication. During this period of time the foundations of modern electrically based technologies were discovered. The nineteenth century began with a debate between Luigi Galvani, and Alessandro Volta regarding the source of electricity in Galvani’s famous frog experiment. These debates lead to the invention of the battery by Volta, and the invention

  • Superconductors and Superconductivity

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    Before Kamerlign Onnes, in 1908, was able to liquefy helium and bring its temperature down to about 1K, it had been known that the resistance of a metal falls when cooled below room temperature. However, it was not known what value the resistance would approach if the temperature was reduced towards 0K until Onnes, while experimenting with platinum, discovered that, its resistance fell when cooled to a very low value that depended on the metal’s purity. As the temperature of mercury was reduced

  • Hans Christian Oersted

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    the heating of a wire by an electric current. He also wanted to demonstrate magnetism. In order to do this, he provided a compass needle mounted on a wooden stand. Oersted noticed that every time the electric current was switched on the compass needle moved. This is a new discovery because previously no one had known that when electric current passed through a wire, it produced a magnetic field. Before this, it was generally accepted that wire carried an electric current. The compass needle’s movement

  • History of Electricity

    1357 Words  | 3 Pages

    because of the electric fish in the Nile River. In the 1600’s William Gilbert an English Physician studied electricity and magnetism; studies were continued by other researchers such as Robert Boyle and Benjamin Franklin. Then by the 1800’s scientist Allesandro Volta had identified a way to harness electricity in a battery format and he had also discovered the chemical reactions that electricity could produce. Volta also invented the first device with a steady current known as the electric battery, and

  • E-Bombs

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    The simple idea of an e-bomb is to destroy electrical circuits using strong electromagnetic fields. An e-bomb is a weaponry shell that sends out an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) of enormous power, capable of permanently disabling electronic systems. An electromagnetic bomb is a weapon instead of simply cutting off power in an area; an e-bomb would actually destroy most machines that use electricity. Generators would be hopeless as well as making a phone call and cars wouldn't run. In a matter of seconds

  • Factors Affecting the Resistance of a Metal Wire

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    Factors Affecting the Resistance of a Metal Wire 1. Investigate some of the factors that affect the resistance of a metal wire. The current and voltage will be measured and then V = IR will be used to calculate the resistance. The potential divider circuit produced better results in the investigation into how resistance depends on the number of identical resistors connected in series, so this circuit will be used for this investigation, too. Variables and Constants 2. Possible

  • Electricity crisis: Alive in Nepal

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    readers here in United States. Nepal is the second richest country in water resource but we still have problems with hydroelectricity. Everyday electric current goes off for hours and people are compelled to live in the darkness. Unable to form and established new hydroelectricity projects is the main reasons why Nepalese are still deprived to full electric facilities. Establishment of complex structure like hydroelectricity project is not a joke. It takes time, manpower and finance. The old project

  • Defibrillator

    2103 Words  | 5 Pages

    General Questions What does AED stand for? AED stands for automated external defibrillator (or automated external defibrillation). What's an AED? An AED is a device used to administer an electric shock through the chest wall to the heart. Built-in computers assess the patient's heart rhythm, judge whether defibrillation is needed, and then administer the shock. Audible and/or visual prompts guide the user through the process. How does an AED work? A microprocessor inside the defibrillator interprets

  • Finding the Internal Resistance of a Power Pack

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    taken in class. E.M.F or Electro Motive Force is the opposite of potential difference, in that; it is the situation where a voltage is gaining energy. This seems unlikely, but it is required in order to allow an electric circuit to function. An electric current is a flow of electric charge, the charge flows around the circuit, transferring some of its energy to areas of resistance along the way (resistors, filament lamps, buzzers). At some point along the way the energy must be initially supplied

  • The Galvanic Skin Response

    527 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Galvanic Skin Response The simple psycho-galvanometer was one of the earliest tools of psychological research. A psycho-galvanometer measures the resistance of the skin to the passage of a very small electric current. It has been known for decades that the magnitude of this electrical resistance is affected, not only by the subject's general mood, but also by immediate emotional reactions. Although these facts have been known for over a hundred years and the first paper to be presented on the

  • Loss of Identity in Invisible Man

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    audience. In this battle, he is blindfolded, and as they boxed one another, an electric current runs through the floor and shocks them. Symbolically, the blindfold represents the black youths' inability to see through the white men's masks of goodwill. The electricity represents the shocking truth of the white men's motives, conforming the boys to the racial stereotype of blacks being violent and savage. The electric current sends the boys into writhing contortions, which is the first instance where

  • Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs

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    well. To understand how these lights can save money we need to look at the way they work. CFs consist of glass tubes whose inner walls are coated with a material that fluoresces when an electrical current is applied. Incandescent lights contain a filament that is heated by an electric current to the point that it glows; but the majority of energy put into the bulb produces heat, not light. The CF is more efficient at turning electrical energy into light than the incandescent bulb, and electricity

  • television

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    about complete television systems and in 1877 he put forward drawings for what he called a "selenium camera" that would allow people to "see by electricity." Eugen Goldstein coins the term "cathode rays" to describe the light emitted when an electric current was forced through a vacuum tube. Late 1870's: Scientists and engineers like Paiva, Figuier, and Senlecq were suggesting alternative designs for "telectroscopes." 1880: Inventors like Bell and Edison theorize about telephone devices that transmit