Economic Botany Essays

  • Trends In Economic Botany: The Rising Use Of Herbal Supplements

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    Trends In Economic Botany: The Rising Use Of Herbal Supplements The use of herbal remedies to treat health problems in humans is a tradition that dates back many centuries. A precursor to modern, Western pharmaceuticals, traditional healers used herbs to treat a wide range of ailments and afflictions. While many are familiar with their use by American Indians, the practice of herbal therapy dates back to ancient Chinese and Egyptian healers. Herbs were used in ancient times to treat anything

  • Restoration and Recovery of the Botanical Garden José María Orozco

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    advances in Argentina. Acta Horticulturae 813. Golding, J, Güsewell, S, Kreft, H, Kuzevanov, VY, Lehvävirta, S, Parmentier, I & M Pautasso. 2010. Species-richness patterns of the living collections of the world’s botanic gardens: a matter of socio-economics? Ann. Bot. 105:689–696. Heywood, V. 2002. Conservation and sustainable use of wild species as sources of new ornamentals. Acta Horticulturae 508:43-53. Khoshbakht K & K Hammer. 2008. How many plant species are cultivated? Genet Resour Crop

  • Ap European History Dbq- Women

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    quest for intellectual and social parity with men. The evolution of women’s fight for equal opportunities was bogged down by a long history of stereotyping and condescension. Women were weaker physically, bore children and nurtured them. The economics and culture of Europe at this time was strongly influenced by religion and resulted in prejudice against women. The dominating religions of Europe in the 1600’s and 1700’s (Catholicism and Protestantism), citing the bible, reinforced

  • The Changing Function of Victorian Public Parks, 1840-1860

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    upper-middle class observatory of Nature to its redefinition as this class' s social observatory of the lower classes. Between the years of 1840 and 1860, the public park's role in the eyes of England' s upper crust changed drastically due to the economic and political structure of Victorian England during this time and J.M. Milton's quote reflects this reality. In the mid-19th century, public parks in England began to emerge in response to a rise in pollution and lack of open space within newly

  • Land Rights for the First Australians

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    40,000 to 60,000 years ago to 120,000 years ago (9:9). Before Europeans came and settled the same land, the Aborigines had their own law system, trading systems, and way of caring for their land (12:1-2). Then the First Fleet of Europeans landed at Botany Bay in New South Wales in 1788. The expedition lead by the new Governor Phillip, but directed by King George the Third, was told to endeavor by every possible means to open intercourse with the natives, and to conciliate their affections, enjoining

  • Ethnobotany

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    Ethnobotany Ethnobotany is the study of how people of a particular culture and region make use of indigenous plants. Cultures have been using the environment around them for thousands of years. The use of plants were mentioned in the Code of Hammurabi in Babylon circa 1770 BC. The ancient Egyptians believed that plants had medicinal powers in the afterlife of the pharaohs (King and Veilleux WWW). Indigenous cultures of the rainforests and other areas still use plants today in their everyday

  • Botany

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    Botany Choosing a career in botany ensures a person a wide choice of career opportunities, a fair salary, and an exciting life. If you prepare yourself with a good education and a positive attitude, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a successful botanist. Anyone can find enjoyment and fulfillment in a career field as fun and beneficial to others as botany. If you like nature and being outdoors, you might enjoy a career as an ecologist, taxonomist, conservationist, forester, or even a plant

  • Essay On Numinbah Valley

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    1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Location Numinbah Valley is an area and suburb approximately forty-eight kilometres south west of the Gold Coast, in south eastern Queensland, Australia. Numinbah Valley covers approximately 116 kilometres square¬¬. The area is in the south-east part of Queensland and is part of the Gold Coast Hinterland. Numinbah Valley is the upper catchment for the Tweed River. 1.2 Background. The Tweed Volcano in north-eastern New South Wales erupted 23 million years ago and

  • Herbs And Flowers In Paganism And Wicca

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    Herbs and flowers play an important role in Paganism and more specifically Wicca. Regarded as having magical properties as well as just being useful medicinally and in the home, herbs have a great amount of mythology and lore that allow them to be culturally useful too. They can represent ideas, concepts, and stories of a people. One such flower that I am personally fond of is the rose. Roses have long been regarded as one of the most beautiful flowers that nature can produce. While some people

  • Beachy Head

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    her everyday walks through the county she lives in. Charlotte Smith uses the familiar landscape of southeast England to conjure up incredible allusions to Britain’s great past. She does this with the help of an extremely specific knowledge of the botany, archeology, an... ... middle of paper ... ...overlooked despite how far above many critics place the works of the more renowned poets. Works Cited and Consulted Curran, Stuart, ed. The Poems of Charlotte Smith. New York: Oxford, 1993

  • Epigenetic Changes In Brown Bull's Behavior

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    Brown Bull have responded by evolving various mechanism to evolve resistance to pollutants, in order to have a superior performance. These contaminations can cause changes in brown bullhead’s behavior, physiology and dispersal as a adaptive response to pollution (Breckels et al. 2010) to increase their survival (Wilson and Franklin et al. 2002). These changes allowed them to increase their life span and gain highest fitness in stressful conditions. Any of these response observed in organism are the

  • The Rehabilitated Magwitch in Great Expectations

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    the character Magwitch, one will have a better understanding of Dickens' views on Australian penal colonies. Magwitch has lived the life of crime. It wasn't until he meets Pip, that he begins to change. The reason Magwitch was sent to the Botany Bay penal colony was for "putting stolen notes in circulation" (323; ch. 42). His companion, Compeyson, and chief engineer of the project was given a lesser sentence due to his education and wealthy appearance. Magwitch was not so lucky and was

  • A History of the Brooklyn Botanic Garden

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    A History of the Brooklyn Botanic Garden Growing from its humble beginnings as an ash dump in the late 1800's, the Brooklyn Botanic Garden has come to represent today the very best in urban gardening and horticultural display. The Brooklyn Botanical Garden blooms in the middle of one of the largest cities in the world. Each year more than 750,000 people visit the well-manicured formal and informal gardens that are a testament to nature's vitality amidst urban brick and concrete. More than 12,000

  • Descriptive Essay About The Garden

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    The city’s gardens are an immense oasis with a variety of flowers, trees, and bushes. In the spring and summer, the sun often shines warmly on the garden’s visitors. The guests wander down miles of wide cobblestone paths that lead between the brightly colored plants. The garden has a few very popular and beautiful sections. The individual gardens considered the most spectacular are the tulips courtyard, the rose garden, and the exotic plants hothouse. A visitor is encouraged to plan on spending several

  • Biology

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    Biology is the science of living systems. It is inherently interdisciplinary, requiring knowledge of the physical sciences and mathematics, although specialities may be oriented toward a group of organisms or a level of organization. BOTANY is concerned with plant life, ZOOLOGY with animal life, algology with ALGAE, MYCOLOGY with fungi, MICROBIOLOGY with microorganisms such as protozoa and bacteria, CYTOLOGY with CELLS, and so on. All biological specialties, however, are concerned with life

  • Aritotle: Thoughts and Philosophies

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    experienced the birth of their son, Aristotle, in a small town on the north east coast of the peninsula of Chaldice called Stagira. Descendent of a medical family, Aristotle would pursue studies in physical science, biology, psychology, chemistry, zoology, botany, mechanics, mathematics, and many more. You name it, and Aristotle studied it. He was also interested in the search for knowledge. (Aristotle, Barnes PG. 2). A quote of his states- “ the acquisition of wisdom is pleasant; all men feel at home in philosophy

  • How to Grow an Herbal Garden?

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    An Herbal Garden Any plant used for food and medicine called herb. Many plants used in cooking, such as Basil or Thyme, can used as medicine also. In addition, many aromatic herbs enhance the growth of certain vegetables when planted nearby. These herb gardens have a lot to offer the gardener. It can used to enhance the garden with their sensual interest. This herbal gardening is also very rewarding. It combines fresh air with enjoyable exercise, plus a little mental therapy to relieve a stressful

  • Transportation 1788-1868

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    depository for its surplus criminal population; and, for a time, these excess numbers were housed in floating jails - 'hulks' - moored on the Thames. This proved an unpopular policy and so, in 1787, a British fleet set sail to build a penal colony at Botany Bay in New South Wales - seventeen years after James Cook had landed there. Robert Hughes, in his study The Fatal Shore, describes this undertaking as 'a new colonial experiment, never tried before, not repeated since. An unexplored continent would

  • Ethnobotany

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    Ethnobotany The knowledge of plants usage by the native people is called Ethnobotany, which provide opportunities for better understanding of the traditional uses, find new ways of transffering this knowledge to future generations, make improved use of the available resources, and explore new pharmaceuticals for biomedicine (Tor-Anyiin et al., 2003; Kufer et al., 2005). Some of the ethnobotanical studies reported from Pakistan are, Dar (2003) explored ethnobotanical information of Lawat and its allied

  • Biological Classification: Linnaeus System

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    The following paper outlines the use of the Linnaeus system of classification as applied in the field of biology and evolution. The aim of the paper is to highlight how living things are related to other in the ecosystem (Pierce, 2007). It takes us through the evolutionary system highlighting all the important features of life development amongst all the living things. Biological classification Classification is the process of categorizing all the living creatures into group hierarchies citing