Digestion Essays

  • Of Digestion In The Process Of Digestion

    833 Words  | 2 Pages

    Digestion is a process that involves the breakdown of nutrients in order to be thoroughly absorbed by the body. The cephalic phase includes smelling, seeing, and thinking about food, which is the preparation for digestion. This is operated by the parasympathetic nervous system, which prepares the gastrointestinal tract (GI) by increasing saliva, gastric secretion, peristalsis, and the increased blood flow to the GI tract. Digestion then begins in the mouth, where salivary amylase assists with the

  • The Beginning Process Of Digestion: The Beginning Process Of Digestion

    937 Words  | 2 Pages

    The beginning process of digestion starts as pizza enters the gastrointestinal tract through the mouth, where the oral cavities begin mechanically breaking down pizza by the cutting, ripping, and grinding actions of the teeth. As the pizza breaks down it is mixed with saliva; salvia contains salivary amylase, this converts the starches in carbohydrates into simple sugars. Therefore, as your saliva and rolling motion of the tongue turns the pizza into a soft, pliable ball called a bolus. As the bolus

  • Digestion of Cheetos

    1001 Words  | 3 Pages

    Digestion of Cheetos It’s a typical day. After school you get home and you are starving, but you just want a snack. “What should I eat?,” you ask yourself. Then, after looking through the cabinets for a few minutes, you find Cheetos and decide to eat a few. With just the presence of those Cheetos in your sight, the digestion process begins in your 9 meter long digestive tract. Crunch, Crunch, Crunch. As you munch on those first few Cheetos the digestion process begins in your mouth. Here

  • Digestion Essay

    1582 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Detail Digestion Process & Body Absorbs of Nutrients Digestion is the chemical breakdown of complex biological molecules into their component parts, i.e. lipids into fatty acids, proteins to individual amino acids, and carbohydrates into simple sugars. The functional objective is to produce various chemicals to break down the food, filter out harmful substances when possible, and get rid of solid wastes. The mechanical way the digestion works in order to change the physical form of the food is

  • The Digestion Of The Liver

    983 Words  | 2 Pages

    and Bibliography…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….5 In the following piece of work, it will discuss what the pancreas and liver do, what they produce, how they do it and why they are important regarding to aiding digestion. The Liver The liver is a vital organ in the body which does many things in order to keep the body functioning smoothly. The most important functions of the liver are: • To store vitamins, sugar and iron to help provide energy to your body • Controls

  • the digestion of macronutrients

    1435 Words  | 3 Pages

    breakdown of nutrients is achieved through mechanical and chemical digestion. Mechanical digestion for all macronutrients begins in the mouth and it involves the physical breakdown of food through tearing, chewing, mixing and churning (Bowers et al., 2002). Mechanical digestion prepares the food for chemical digestion by increasing the surface area upon which the digestive enzymes can act (Bowers et al., 2002). In chemical digestion, polymers are broken down chemically through the process of hydrolysis

  • Digestion and Metabolism

    968 Words  | 2 Pages

    Digestion occurs in the gastrointestinal system, which is composed of the gastrointestinal tract (GI tract) and the associated accessory organs. The process of digestion occurs through six steps, namely ingestion, secretion, mixing, digestion, absorption and defecation. (Tortora & Derrickson, 2008). Anatomy of the digestive system The GI tract is also called as the alimentary canal, which is essentially a long winding tube of approximately 30 feet (9 meters). The mouth, esophagus, pharynx, stomach

  • Digestion of a Sandwich

    1738 Words  | 4 Pages

    is stored until I have enough to defecate through my anal sphincter. That was only my the first bite of my "ham" sandwich. I have the rest of the sandwich to go. But I think my digestive system is a little screwed up. For most people, the whole digestion process takes quite a few days. The food stays in their stomach for up to eight hours, the small intestine for a long time, and in the large intestine for anywhere from three to five days. For me, this whole process took a little over five minutes

  • What Is The Process Of Digestion

    1077 Words  | 3 Pages

    while he enjoys a hamburger, French fries, and root beer. As I pilot my way through his body, I will be describing the process of digestion and what major structures I see and come across. Can you imagine being part of someone’s meal? Neither can I, yet here I am being chewed and mixed with a juicy burger by Fred’s teeth. As Fred enjoys his meal, the first part of digestion is happening in his oral cavity. Fred’s burger is a mixture of carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins. As he chews and moves his food

  • digestion of a sandwich

    574 Words  | 2 Pages

    Imagine you are eating a sandwich containing wheat bread, ham, lettuce, and Swiss cheese. Do you ever wonder where the nutrients go from all of the previous listed ingredients? Well, when a bite of this sandwich is taken, the mouth produces a saliva enzyme called amylase. This enzyme immediately goes to work by breaking down the carbohydrates that are in the bread. Once, the bite is completely chewed, the contents then are swallowed and go down the esophagus and begin to head towards the upper

  • Digestion Research Paper

    766 Words  | 2 Pages

    What do they mean when they say digestion starts in the mouth? What they mean is the process starts in the mouth which is known as mechanical digestion whereas the food is broken down into smaller pieces. Your mouth has teeth that can grind, chew, and tear different kinds of food. But your tongue helps in the aid of efficient mechanical digestion by being able to move the food around in your mouth and by mixing it with saliva to help break the food down easier. Why is it important to include fiber

  • Nutrition And Digestion Essay

    2515 Words  | 6 Pages

    Nutrition and Digestion Part 1 Nutrition in humans is a product that require to supply the human body to function, nutrients also helps to prevent any disease in human organs. A Nutrients Definition Role and Function Deficiency Symptoms Carbohydrates Is an important extract that contain the glucose were the body is in needed to form energy. Provide muscle energy, fuel for the nerve system, the fat metabolism and protect the protein to been used as energy Extreme weight loss, irritation

  • Digestion Case Study

    967 Words  | 2 Pages

    The digestive tract Salivary glands and teeth The salivary glands aid with the teeth in breaking down food into smaller pieces to aid with digestion as an increased surface area leads increased efficiency. They are a form of chemical digestion which involves enzymes breaking down the molecules into smaller pieces in order to increase the surface area or make the molecules needed for consumption these glands Salivary amylase which is used to break down starch into maltose in a process known as Hydrolysis

  • Digestion Lab Report

    950 Words  | 2 Pages

    The digestion lab experiment was conducted for the purpose of understanding digestive enzymes and how they work, and under which conditions they function best. Digestive enzymes are present in the body’s gastrointestinal system and mainly function to break down food into nutrients to be absorbed by the body (Oxford Journal, “The Effect of Enzymes on Digestion). The organs that secrete and/or make use of these digestive enzymes are the mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, liver

  • Essay About Digestion

    760 Words  | 2 Pages

    The process of digestion is really quite fascinating. I completely understand why you would think that digestion only occurs in the stomach. There are lots of people out there who think that. One of the first steps of digestion begins in the stomach. The stomach is an organ, which gets the bolus from the esophagus and helps with chemical and mechanical digestion. Now, let’s break that down a little bit. First of all, if you don’t know what the stomach looks like, it is J-shaped. That should make

  • Food Digestion Essay

    1546 Words  | 4 Pages

    Name: Student Number: 1) Describe the process of food digestion within the gastrointestinal tract. In your answer, make sure to address the following questions: (19 marks total) a) Where does chemical digestion begin? What is the first enzyme to access food that is ingested? What macromolecule does this enzyme digest? Where is this enzyme produced/secreted? (4 marks) Both chemical and mechanical digestion begins in the mouth as food materials are broken down into more absorbable units

  • Digestion: The Function Of The Digestive System

    1346 Words  | 3 Pages

    is a series of hollow organs joined in a long, tube from the mouth to the anus. The main purpose of the digestive system is to break food into smaller substances that your body can use for energy. After you take your first bite of pie, chemical digestion begins in your mouth. The salivary glands here produce enough digestive juices (saliva) to begin breaking the food down chemically. The saliva moistens the food and helps you chew, taste, and swallow. Besides the salivary glands in the lining of

  • The Effects Of Emulsification On The Digestion Of Lipids

    1266 Words  | 3 Pages

    In part A of the lab, our group measured the effects of emulsification on the digestion of lipids in the presence of cholic acid, a purified bile salt, and distilled water. The tube containing vegetable oil and no bile began to separate into two layers within the first minute of being mixed together. Although there were no clear distinctions within the first 15 seconds, by the fifth minute, there appeared two separate layers; one resulted in a yellow appearance while the other one was clear. As

  • Protein Digestion With The Enzyme Pepsin

    1656 Words  | 4 Pages

    acids. Protein digestion occured Tube.If you add egg white pr albumin with sodium hydroxide the color of the mixture after adding biuret reagent the result is a light pinkish purple which shows protein digestion. In Tube 4 there was not a protein digestion the egg white plus HCl after adding biuret reagent gives a clear color. Enzyme catalyzed chemical reaction with greatest efficiency within a narrow range of pH.The effect of pH on protein digestion with pepsin is a protein digestion enzyme in (gastric

  • Mechanical Digestion Research Paper

    703 Words  | 2 Pages

    Mechanical digestion begins in the mouth, by chewing, using teeth. Incisors, cuspid, and bicuspids cut the foods into smaller pieces, and molars grind and crush food. Then, saliva starts the chemical digestion, and causes complex carbohydrates to breakdown into smaller molecules. Amylase, an enzyme in saliva, breaks the chemical bonds in starches. Saliva contains lysozyme, which fights infection by digesting the cell walls of bacteria that enter into the mouth. Chewed food, called bolus, is now