Diarrhea Essays

  • Diarrhea Case Studies

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    Which essential questions will you ask a pediatric patient or their caregiver when the presenting complaint is bloody diarrhea? Will these questions vary depending upon the child's age? Why or why not? The most common cause of acute diarrhea is a viral infection. Other causes include; bacterial infections, side effects of antibiotics, and infections not related to the gastrointestinal (GI) system. When blood is seen on a child's stool can be frightening. However, this is a common condition in children

  • E. Coli Cause Diarrhea In Bacteria

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    In 1885, Theodor Escherich had isolated the bacteria Escherichia coli from fecal material in newborns. Although it was initially thought to be a commensal organism, fifty years later scientists noticed that E. coli was in fact the cause of diarrhea in infants. E. coli is a gram-negative rod bacteria and a facultative anaerobe. This means that it can live with and without the presence of oxygen (1). Their preferred temperature in which they grow is 37 degrees. This is the equivalent to our body temperature

  • Cholera Informative Speech

    558 Words  | 2 Pages

    you ever had explosive diarrhea? Have you been feeling dehydrated? Was it because you drank unclean water? Well I have the solution for you! You may have a disease called cholera. Cholera is a bacterial disease that is in the small intestine. It is caused by the bacterium Vibrio Cholera. This bacteria releases a toxin that causes an increased amount of water to be released by the cells that line the intestine. This increased amount of water causes severe diarrhea. Cholera causes severe

  • E. Coli Case Study

    577 Words  | 2 Pages

    Preamble E.Coli outbreaks across the United States are a serious and life-threating issue. There is a serious need to take practical, realistic measures that are achievable to reduce the risk of outbreaks. E. coli O157:H7 is frequently found on the hide, hoofs and in the digestive tracts of cattle. As a result of this, meat can potentially be contaminated during the slaughter and processing of the meat. Since E. coli O157:H7 contamination can cause serious human illness, it is critical to reduce

  • Gastroenteritis Research Paper

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    every day. For this example, we are heading to Florida for a standard football game between a North Carolina football team and local Florida team. During the football game, several players on the North Carolina team suddenly began to vomit and have diarrhea. Despite their illness, the players continued to play. Due to the nature of the game and football being a contact sport, it made it difficult for players to avoid contact with feces and vomitus. After the game, the Florida players also had similar

  • Cholera Essay

    633 Words  | 2 Pages

    and intravenous fluids and electrolytes can lower fatalities to well under one percent. Next, antibiotic treatment, a mainstay of cholera treatment, decreases the duration of diarrhea and the stool volume which result in faster recovery. Furthermore, a scientific study in Bangladesh shows that severity and duration of diarrhea and be reduced with zinc treatment. There are several steps that a person can take to prevent cholera beforehand. Drinking and using safe water is a vital step in preventing

  • E Coli Infection Essay

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    parts of your body, including your intestines. E. coli bacteria normally live in the intestines of people and animals. Most types of E. coli do not cause infections, but some produce a poison (toxin) that can cause diarrhea. Depending on the toxin, this can cause mild or severe diarrhea. This condition can spread from one person to another (contagious). Toxin-producing E. coli can also spread from animals to humans. Most cases of E. coli infection come from cattle. In some cases, this infection

  • Rotavirus Cause Gastroenteritis In Children

    897 Words  | 2 Pages

    causing gastroenteritis. After this discovery, other viruses causing gastroenteritis were discovered, such as rotavirus, adenoviruses, calicivirus, and astrovirus. Before vaccines were introduced in 2006, Rotavirus was the leading cause of severe diarrhea in infants and young children. Rotaviruses are 70-nm non-enveloped RNA viruses in the family Reoviridae, and they have a wheel-like shape. The viral nucleocapsid contains eleven segments of double-stranded RNA enclosed by three concentric shells

  • Essay On Cholera

    719 Words  | 2 Pages

    Secretory Diarrhea (Cholera) Abstract: Cholera is an acute, bacterial infection of the small intestine caused by the Vibrio cholerae bacteria. The Vibrio cholerae bacterium, after attacking the human intestine, is responsible for devastating diarrhea resulting in severe dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. The key cause of this is the ADP ribosylation of the human signaling protein Gsα, catalyzed by the cholera toxin, which produces a biochemical cascade. In this review, we will elaborate on

  • History of Chemistry

    722 Words  | 2 Pages

    Chemistry, because I just had one recently about the invention of Pepto-Bismol. This invention of Pepto-Bismol was a key invention to the society because this helped people cure their rare disease in the late nineteenth century that people called diarrhea. Today, I am going to take you on an adventure through time that was the late eighteenth century to the early nineteenth century and you will come to see that Pepto-Bismol was an amazing invention. Let’s start with the beginning stages of the creation

  • Things that You Can do to Prevent Noroviral Infection

    692 Words  | 2 Pages

    It is three o’clock in the morning. You have a low fever, are extremely thirsty, and have chills. Your muscles ache and you have a general feeling of sickness. You decide to cancel your first appointment the next day and go to the doctor. The diagnosis? Norovirus, a markedly contagious single stranded DNA. The norovirus is commonly referred too as viral gastroenteritis, winter-vomiting disease, non-bacterial gastroenteritis, and food poisoning. Viral gastroenteritis is transmitted through food, water

  • The Effects Of Food Poisoning

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    Food poisoning typically causes nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, fever, fatigue, and even dehydration. When one contracts food poisoning, they can start feeling symptoms at different times. This is because there are different incubation period for each type of food poisoning. Some of them have

  • Gastroenteritis Essay

    715 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Cruise lines from all over the world have been hit hard with outbreaks of the “Stomach Flu.” This concerning illness is known as gastroenteritis and it can be caused by a handful of different bacteria and viruses. However, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the “norovirus is the most common cause of acute gastroenteritis in the United States.”(cite cdc overview). Cruise lines have taken large measures to prevent and contain the spread of the norovirus but the

  • Taco Bell E. Coli

    700 Words  | 2 Pages

    E. Coli is a class of bacteria that is often found in the intestines of humans beings and animals. Most strains of E. Coli are harmless but they are few that can cause intense stomach pain, vomiting and diarrhea. In severe cases, it can lead to kidney failure. The Taco Bell E. Coli outbreak began in November 2006 in New Jersey. This outbreak sickened seventy-one individuals mainly in the NorthEast. Taco Bell originally blamed the E. Coli outbreak on the green onions they were currently serving; this

  • E. Coli Case Study

    1614 Words  | 4 Pages

    Escherichia coli (E. coli) E. coli is a bacteria that normally lives inside the intestines of humans. There are many different strains some of which, cause human infections. E. coli infections are normally started through cross contamination with feces or stool of human or animals. E. coli is able to case Urinary Tract Infection because it resides around the anus. Since the anus and the urethra are so closely connected in women, this allows for direct transmission of E. coli. The virulence factor

  • Newborn Bowel Movements - Normal or Not

    697 Words  | 2 Pages

    A newborn baby's watery poop can surprise new parents, especially when the baby is breastfed. However, even veteran parents may be concerned about watery stool, which might be a sign that the baby has diarrhea. It is important, therefore, to determine if a baby's watery poop is normal or something to be concerned about. Newborn Watery Poop---What’s Normal and What’s Not Normal? 1. Normal. It is normal for a newborn baby to have watery or loose stools in the early months after birth when she is only

  • Hand Washing Essay

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    the Cochrane Collaboration, focused on the effect of hand washing with soap on diarrhea, of water quality improvement and of excrete disposal, respectively. The risk reduction in this specific study was a reduction of 48%, 17%, and 36% respectively in reduction of diarrhea. They recognize that water, hygiene, and sanitation have important benefits to people’s health. It does not only prevent the spread of diarrhea, but also prevents other types of illnesses contracted through direct contact (Cairncros

  • Clostridium Difficile Case Study

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    Often patients encompassing with Clostridium difficile have no symptoms or they may express symptoms of mild diarrhea, pseudomembranous colitis, and inflammation of the colon causing pain (Mitchell, 2014). Clostridium difficile is a bacterial infection of the intestine and it may occur in patients who are immunocompromised or taking broad-spectrum antibiotics. Walter

  • Summarize The Exclusion Criteria

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    18. Summarize the exclusion criteria. In other words describe the characteristics of subjects who were NOT eligible to participate in the study. Any patient that did not have diarrhea or if they did have diarrhea but did not follow the criteria mentioned above were not eligible to participate. Also, those who constantly use laxative medications, or any other probiotic especially in the last month, had gastrointestinal bleeding or would not survive within the next 48 hours. Patients who had an oral

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome Research Paper

    563 Words  | 2 Pages

    food foods. You should also consider eliminating gluten from your diet. IBS can cause diarrhea or constipation. Foods that are naturally high in fiber can cause constipation. You should take fiber supplements if your IBS causes constipation. Your doctor can prescribe