College Pressures Essays

  • Unveiling College Pressures: A Zinsser's Perspective

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    that you must send an appeal letter to financial aid plus you almost forgot about your exam tomorrow. College life is not easy at all and William Zinsser provides realistic and true examples of how difficult it can be. From the desperate letters of anxiety under the dean’s door to the late night screaming “Does anyone care?” Zinsser furthermore explains while studying for exams in one thing college students also have to ponder about how to pay for school, and the debt they will amass over the course

  • William Zinsser College Pressures Analysis

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    Many college students face or feel some kind of academic pressure by graduation. Author William Zinsser wrote, “College Pressures,” published in 1979 in the magazine Country Journal. He insightfully complains that America does not proclaim the right to fail and the young are becoming old. His wish is for all students to have some release from their grip of their future. He strongly expresses that he wants students to have a chance to enjoy each part of their education and experience in itself

  • College Pressures Zinsser Summary

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    In the essay “College Pressures” by William Zinsser, Zinsser speaks about the pressures and anxiety that plague college students, all the while wishing that they had “a chance to savor each segment of their education as an experience in itself and not as a grim preparation for the next step.” Referring to the 1979 generation of college students as “panicky to succeed”, he lists four of the following stressors for college students. Economic pressure is the first pressure listed in Zinsser’s essay

  • Analysis Of College Pressures By Zinsser

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    Zinsser’s work entitled “College Pressures” intent to expose a critical flaw within the educational system, in hope that it will encourage students to relax when it come to their academic success. Zinsser’s is doing more than illustrates a difficult situation, he is enforcing new ideas and principle just as: academic freedom and freedom to explore career opportunities without judgement and criticism from the school system and their parents. By enforcing these principle Zinsser’s hopes to awaken

  • College Pressures By Zinsser Summary

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    In “College Pressures”, William Zinsser expresses his concern with society and driving people to a preplanned path and downgrading free expression and exploration. He portrays this to readers through literary techniques such as repetition, metaphors, and anecdotes. Repetition William Zinsser uses repetition to try to show the importance college students need to learning to relax and live their lives day by day. College is supposed to be this great experience preparing you to take on the

  • Is There Too Much Pressure On College?

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    Is there too much pressure on teenagers to go to college? There is a lot of pressure on this generation of teenagers to go to college, because we are use to hearing the saying “you need to graduate high school, so you can go to college to get you a good job.” Personally I agree with this saying, because there are plenty of successful people in this world with a college education, but it takes a lot of hard work just to prepare for college. For example, having to take SAT or ACT to maintain a certain

  • William Zinsser College Pressures Summary

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    “College Pressures”, by William Zinsser, describes some of the biggest pressures college students are faced with in today’s society. Some of those pressures include: Developing time management skills, study skills, the desire for good grades, meeting parent expectations, and finding employment in a competitive job market after graduation. All college students struggle with the same stresses and use the same excuses as to why they need more time to get certain assignments done. Today, there are four

  • William Zinsser College Pressures Essay

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    William Zinsser’s essay “College Pressures” emphasizes the struggles students have in trying to conquer the college milestone in life. Zinsser believes that college has lost the authenticity of the overall goal of gaining knowledge for one’s own interest, rather than the overall need of going. He sympathizes with struggles college kids go through and hopes to provide insight on the overall situation. One of his major points are that succeeding the first time is not always the best way in learning

  • William Zinsser College Pressures Analysis

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    College students seem to worry too much about their futures and how financially sound they want to be when they graduated from college. Therefore, this unnecessary worry has hindered many students from channeling their positive energy into something they love to do. They think they need to have it all figured out now. Thus, they forget to take creative classes that will aid in open-mindedness. William Zinsser, the author of “College Pressures”, speaks about the four types of pressures on college

  • Essay About Pressure In College Life

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    College years are often the years that are worth living for in our lives. They are the years when we can effectively identify ourselves in the society today. They are also the years when we can be able to look back and say they are worth after all. They are the years that make us who we are in life. It is these years that enable us to shape our careers in our life. My college years just like any other student who remembers their college years were fantastic. There are however different types of pressures

  • Analysis Of College Pressure By William Zinsser

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    College Compression The Words College and stress go hand in hand. As a freshman in college you do not know what to expect. There are so many things are going on that we end up looking like a deer caught in the headlights of a car. I am enthusiastic to learn but just not sure where to start. 
My first real compression came before school started. I had my first deadline for The Forum, I was overwhelmed by the other writers on the staff. The compression to show them that I was a good writer was very

  • College Pressures By William Zinsser

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    expected to keep on driving as fast and as powerfully as they can in order to get into a “great” college, which would be followed by graduate school and then an actual job that would make a lot of money. In American society, common values include working hard, determination, and being so productive that free time is not even a question. However, this philosophy is taking a major toll on American college and high school students. For at least 40 years, America’s future has been steadily growing unmotivated

  • Analysis Of College Pressures By William Zinsser

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    Numerous college students today feel as if they are not adequate enough. So much is put on their plate, and above it all, in order to maintain moving forward academically towards a career, they must showcase themselves. This idea is explored in “College Pressures” by William Zinsser. He discusses why students are driven to try so vigorously in order to earn a step ahead, yet the reasoning is arguable. One of the central struggles among college students today is that they are required to compete

  • What Are The Four College Pressures By William Zinsser

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    of stress and pressure which affect the student’s everyday life. From a large homework load, to not fitting in with the right crowd, students face a lot, which their parents may not be cognisant of. College students are new to the adult world and are pushed right in with little time to think through what they want to spend the rest of their life doing. For this reason, college students face much more pressure than most other learners. William Zinsser discusses four college pressures in his essay “College

  • College Pressures By William Zinsser Analysis

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    Hunger, A.J. SR “College Pressures” Background William Zinsser is a lifelong journalist and nonfiction writer. He also is on the faculty at Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, and the News School. He started his career on the New York Herald Tribune in 1946. He is the author of eighteen books ranging from commentary, to baseball, to memoir, to travel, to jazz, to American popular song, and to the craft of writing. He was the master of Branford College, where he used his own

  • College Pressures William Zinsser Summary

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    College is a scary and stressful undertaking. In William Zinsser’s writing “College Pressures” he talks about just that. Throughout this piece his observations and first hand encounters focus upon certain pressures that range from economically induced to self-induced. Mr. Zinsser shares his knowledge of these pressures by telling two stories about students who were affected personally. He also shares how he believes a majority of students take certain courses just to please their parents. The students

  • Analysis Of College Pressures William Zinsser

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    In “College Pressures” from The Seagull Reader: Essays, William Zinsser examines the societal ideology of obtaining a degree from a university being the only path to financial and social success. Zinsser also discloses to his audience the encumbrances that college students face while enrolled in a higher education facility. The author’s main point is that college students should not be heavily pressured throughout their college career, for college is a time to relish the educational experience that

  • William Zinsser College Pressures Essay

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    the feeling of stress. It is something that weighs heavily on some, especially those in college. There are many causes of these stressors, some of which I personally experience. William Zinsser, the author of “College Pressures”, discusses the many stressors of college in 1978. Throughout this article, he highlights the main factors that hinder students from reaching their full potential, such as economic pressures, which I can fully relate to. One of the main stressors that Zinsser highlights is the

  • High School Pressure and College Prep

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    Most students aspire to attend college, but some do not expect the enormous pressure which will be put on them to go to the best school. Young adults think by receiving a high grade point average, doing community service, and taking part in several extracurricular activities throughout high school will guarantee a spot at any college, but it is not as simple as it may seem. Students receive pressure from their peers to achieve the highest of standards during high school in order to receive an acceptance

  • The Negative Effects Of Peer Pressure On College Students

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    going off to college. The importance of earning a college degree is higher than ever. College gives these young adults the opportunity to start a new life and work towards a career of their choice. With this new experience, these students have to learn how to balance their schoolwork, social life, and any other extracurricular activities they are involved with. As a result of this, students start to feel pressure from many places. Economic, parental, peer, and self-induced pressures have been problems