Collective Action Essays

  • Korean Collective Action

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    Korean Collective Action Throughout the past two decades, boycotts and demonstrations against Korean-American grocers by African-Americans have become increasingly common. This Anti-Korean stance has been fueled by complaints of Koreans' rudeness and physical violence towards customers, shoplifting suspicions, and price discrimination. However, using these same grievances, Korean-Americans have also done their share of shaking up the system. By the early 1980's produce retail had become the

  • Interest Group Politics and Collective Action

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    Politics and Collective Action The Human Rights Campaign is the largest gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender advocacy group in the nation. With over 400,000 members, the group is able to lobby very effectively in Washington and has an impressive legislative record. The HRC began in 1980 as a fund to raise money for gay-supportive congressional candidates. It was meant to be a response to the successful right-wing groups at the time, including the National Conservative Political Action Committee

  • San Diego Collective Action Examples

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    Collective action is the participation of a large group of people to influence or change outcomes of public policy pertaining to their everyday life. The act of working together collectively as a community will result in a far more effective approach towards reaching a common goal amongst a large population requesting to be heard in a democratic political process. Modern day common collective action methods are peaceful protests, awareness-raising, educating the community; are all forms of political

  • Collective Action Problem: A Prisoner's Dilemma

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    necessary in the first place, it can be fruitful to explore it through the lens of principal agent problems and collective action problems. I will explain the scope of these problems, how and why they arise among members of a society, and how government attempts to solve them. One of the main functions of government is to solve collective action problems that arise in our society. A collective action problem is a situation in which

  • Analysis of The Logic of Collective Action Public Goods and The Theory of Groups by Mancur Olson

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    Analysis of The Logic of Collective Action Public Goods and The Theory of Groups by Mancur Olson Mancur Olson, wrote The Logic of Collective Action Public Goods and The Theory of Groups, throughout the book Olson discusses such topics rationality, group size and group behaviour, public goods, free rider, collective action problem, and selective incentives. Olson’s world-renowned book is full of useful knowledge and opinion concerning world politics. After reading this valuable text I feel both

  • Affirmative Action and Collective Responsibility

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    Affirmative Action and Collective Responsibility It is not surprising that affirmative action is under attack: along with welfare, it benefits a section of society with very little political clout. It is a convenient place for the displaced anger of working-class white men who have seen their real wages decrease for the past thirty years. It stirs up feelings of racism that politicians are quick to publicly denounce but even quicker to exploit. There is, however, very little serious discussion

  • Collective Action Dilemmas

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    Each individual in any given group may has common good or group goal, also has conflicting interests, as known as Collective Action Dilemmas. It has been recognized long time that individuals often fail to achieved the group goal when work together, one main reason is people are rational. In the state of nation and society, public interests may conflict personal interest, the government as central agent seen as a great mean to solve the problem. For example, all the modern citizens expect great

  • The Importance Of Collective Action

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    Collective action of any form has long been besieged by a multitude of problems. Organizers must not only recruit individuals, motivate them, and find the correct way to direct these individuals in order to achieve goals. The resources needed to prompt collective action have varied throughout history as changes in technology have allowed organizers to tackle challenges to collective action in ever easier ways. This proposal seeks to examine two widely publicized movements that achieved varying levels

  • Tragedy Of Commons Essay

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    to tragedy of commons is to come up with a coercion that we collectively agreed upon. As he mentioned, “only individual’s conscience will solve it” Wade “The Management of Common Property Resources: Finding a Cooperative Solution propose that collective action is the most effective solution to the tragedy of commons. Moreover, it is cheaper than government intervention and privatization but will it work? Many argued that it is not possible for ind... ... middle of paper ... ...ywhere else by creating

  • The Importance Of Collective Action In Australia

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    related to the provision of a public good and critically assess it as a collective action problem. If the problem was overcome, how was it overcome? If it was not overcome, why was it not, and how might it be? Collective Action is a unique concept, as despite it being an integral part of society, it is contradictory in it’s function with small groups often more successful then large ones in obtaining their objectives. Collective action is the rational calculus of the masses coming together in order to

  • Rationality During The Renaissance

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    adopt actions in order to acquire common benefits. Olson argues that people who are rational and seeking for self-interests will not implement actions to achieve their common or group interests unless the fewer members are in a group and the coercive or other special measures make individuals follow their common interests to act. in other words, even though all individuals of a group are rational and seeking for self-interests. Also, they as a group can obtain benefits after they take actions to achieve

  • Anti-Defamation League

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    one institution that helps a large majority to promote elitist institutions that only benefit a small minority. The ADL is very large organization with vast influence benefiting millions of people around the globe, and according to Olson’s collective action problem members could be dissuaded from parti... ... middle of paper ... ...ias. The ADL’s religious interests are mainly to promote the interest and betterment of Jews. So to listen to ADL and make legislative changes accordingly is to

  • Adult Education for Social Change

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    and take action to change social conditions. It is "popular" in the sense of being "of the people." Popular education emerged in Latin America in the 1960s-1970s; Paulo Freire is its best known exponent. However, its roots may be found in the French Revolution, in workers' education of the 1920s-1930s, and in such movements as the Highlander Folk School in Tennessee (Beder 1996; Jeria 1990). The goal of popular education is to develop "people's capacity for social change through a collective problem-solving

  • The Tragedy of the Commons and Collective Action

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    The tragedy of the commons and the problem of collective action are two key concepts in the world of political science. They act under the assumption that man is a rational being who will act in his own self interest. Humanity id broadly diverse meaning that each individual has their own ideas as to how society should run and how people should live.(heywood) This inevitably results in disagreement and this is where politics steps in. Aristotle described politics as the ‘master science’, ‘the activity

  • Free Rider Problem

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    The Free Rider Problem The free rider issue has become one of the most serious economic issues today. The free rider is a lazy type person who wants the benefits that others bring in without having to do the work. The free rider typically takes advantage of a public good. Living in a civilized society presents many opportunities for free riding, which we have yet to find a way to control. Economists regard the possibility for free riding as a problem for the free market, which usually leads to government

  • Rape - A Community Problem

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    through rape prevention. These techniques are very important in decreasing the vulnerability of individuals, but in order to eliminate the occurrence of rape from our society, we must first examine its causes more deeply so that we can take collective action. We must understand the sociology of rape in order to effectively work towards the elimination of it. Despite the necessity for rape prevention, it must focus on eliminating the conditions in society which make women easy targets for rape

  • Grapes of Wrath Essay: Steinbeck's Political Beliefs

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    idea of the holiness of all men and the unreality of sin seems less a product of his own narrowly doctrinaire age than a latter-day wanderer from the green village of Concord to the dry plains of the West. Although Steinbeck argues for collective action to achieve specific goals, only the most unperceptive critics continue to argue that he is a collectivist in either philosophy or politics. Throughout his work he decries the mindless indoctrination of the totalitarians and maintains that only

  • Bloody Thursday and Paint on the Sidewalk

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    relations in San Francisco—and the rest of the nation. ILA DEMANDS By the end of 1933, the effects of the Great Depression began to shift public opinion toward the rights of workers, and enlivened the efforts of unions working for collective action to ensure those rights. As a report before Congress in 1942 explained, Legislation such as the National Industrial Recovery Act emboldened these unions to explore the “potentialities of a protected right to bargain collectively” and, in the

  • Challenges to Implementing Collective Action in the US

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    Collective action is defined as actions taken by like-minded individuals in an effort to achieve the same goal. Though this seems to be an asset to the United States government, the country cannot seem to master the idea of working together toward a common goal due to several problems. The textbook presented many of these problems that may prevent the United States from implementing collective action including, coordination, the prisoner’s dilemma, and logrolling. Coordination is the act of working

  • Walter Sinnott Armstrong Collective Action Issues Analysis

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    This paper seeks to explore the issue of collective responsibility in regards to climate change. More specifically, an analysis of Walter Sinnott-Armstrong’s foundational distinction between situations in which the government’s failure to respond makes civilians morally obligated to act or not to act. Sinnott-Armstrong incorrectly places all moral obligation on the government in a hypothetical bridge situation, however individual are also morally obligated to act to reduce potential pain, suffering