Christian Tradition Essays

  • The Christian Tradition Sparknotes

    1004 Words  | 3 Pages

    In volume 1 of The Christian Tradition, Jaroslav Pelikan carefully studied the ancient patristic heritage of the East and the West and explored its complex relationship with classical thought and culture. Pelikan’s knowledge and ability to follow the course of Christian history and to compare the different movements of theological thought within the church communities makes Pelikan's study so significant and useful to anyone who studies the Christian faith and doctrine. This volume of Pelikan's work

  • The Christian Mystic Tradition Summary

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    London: Bloomsbury Continuum, 2015. Louth, Andrew. The Origins of the Christian Mystical Tradition: From Plato to Denys. 2nd edition ed. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 2007. Originating from a series of lectures entitled ‘Mystical Theology in the Fathers’, Louth guides us through a history of mystical thought from Plato through the church fathers, showing the unique relationship of how Christian mysticism is both rooted in and distinguishes itself from Platonic thought. A

  • Christian Communion: Catholic And Zwinglian Traditions

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    Christian Communion is understood to be the practice of translating Christ’s example of commemorating his sacrifice through the consumption of wine and bread. Since then, denominations have continued the tradition, each interpreting the scripture in ways in which they consider Biblically sound. By attending Mass and reading the Erikson essay, I have concluded that Catholic and Zwinglian traditions differ on points of Christ’ presence in the elements, efficacy of the rite, and the administration the

  • Conscience in Christian Tradition

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    we act has consequences. In this essay, I will attempt to define what conscience is. I will then show how it evolves in a human, taking into account some psychological observations. The role of God in conscience is the most important one for Christians. How do we form our conscience in the light of God's teaching though his Son Jesus Christ? Finally, I will examine the Catholic Church's teaching on conscience. What is conscience? Conscience is defined in the dictionary as: "the ideas and

  • Animal Rights is a Cause for Vegetarianism

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    already know that religions all over the world have advocated a meat-free diet. While a few are lenient, the majority is steady. The reason a vegetarian diet has been preferred over meat dates back thousands of years. Take for example, the Christian tradition. Although most are now lenient, previously many great saints advocated a meat-free diet, for more reasons than one. In the beginning it was said by God, " Here I have given you all vegetation bearing seed which is on the surface of the whole

  • Whitman's Song of Myself and The Nature of Life

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    Identifying the mystery of existence, Whitman writes "Song of Myself," section six to question the nature of the life of man. He alludes to and confronts past answers to this query by utilizing as his central image the leaves of grass. In the Christian tradition, the Bible utilizes this image of grass to describe the lives of men. Isaiah, a prophet of God cries out, "All men are like grass . . . and all their glory is like the flowers of the field. The grass withers and the flowers fall, . . . but

  • Impermanence and Death in Sino-Japanese Philosophical Context

    3172 Words  | 7 Pages

    Impermanence and Death in Sino-Japanese Philosophical Context This paper discusses the notions of impermanence and death as treated in the Chinese and Japanese philosophical traditions, particularly in connection with the Buddhist concept of emptiness and void and the original Daoist answers to the problem. Methodological problems are mentioned and two ways of approaching the theme are proposed: the logically discursive and the meditative mystical one, with the two symbols of each, Uroboros and

  • Nietzsche : God Is Dead

    752 Words  | 2 Pages

    State your understanding of the philosophy of F. Nietzsche. What does he mean by saying "God is Dead"? Nietzsche's philosophy is that of a radical view as it calls for the complete reevaluation of morals and blatantly attacks the Judeo-Christian tradition in modern society. He believed one should dare to become who they are. In order to ascertain one's full potential as a human being, the ethic system of which by society runs, must be changed as it only hampers one's will to power. According

  • Character Analysis of The Wife of Bath of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales

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    shocking response. Her clothes, physical features and references to her past are purposely discussed by Chaucer causing the reader to wonder how well she fits the rules imposed by Christian authorities regarding womanly behavior. Women were categorized as saints or sinners by their actions according to Christian tradition. There were two women who represented the sinner or the saint. Eve caused the downfall of all men “ supposedly” whereas the Virgin Mary, the mother of Christ, symbolized purity. The

  • Quilting - The Feminist Dynamic of Lucille Clifton

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    Clifton's collection of poetry entitled Quilting continues the wonderful tradition by skillfully bringing together poems that entertain, inform, and encourage. Two of Clifton's poems, "eve's version" and "a woman who loves," are excellent examples of the quilting process where material is re-worked to reveal a perspective that is female. The poem, "eve's version" defies the negative issues that have arisen from the Christian tradition of the fall of mankind. The present female condition is addressed in

  • Comparing God and AI in Neuromancer

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    supernatural encounter. Imagine how Case must have felt, to have been "chased" by ringing telephones (p.98), when behind each ring he knows that a very powerful force is waiting to impart information to him that will change his life. According to Christian tradition, God constantly tries to open a line of communication with humans, but an earthly obstacle prevents humans from "picking up the phone" and answering God's call. It could be said that it is fear of the unknown and fear of the inevitable or obvious

  • Legal Development of Abortion

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    extinction of the living" (Wis. 1:13). What is willed is life, and in the visible universe everything has been made for man, who is the image of God and the world's crowning glory (Gen. 1:26-28). In the Christian tradition, the Early Church Fathers taught in The Didache, perhaps the first Christian catechism from 70-90AD, the following in chapter 2, verses 1-2: "The second commandment of the teaching: You shall not murder. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not seduce boys. You shall not commit

  • Book Review of The Path of Prayer: Four Sermons on Prayer by St. Theophan the Recluse

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    Church whose light reaches even unto us in the present, heterodox West. Being virtually our contemporary, he was nevertheless steeped in the ancient Tradition of the Fathers. Having faced in his life existential and intellectual conditions very similar to our own, he is a bridge to authentic spiritual life in Christ, making the wisdom of the Christian Tradition easily accessible to us. This should not be particularly surprising, for as Christ himself tells us, a light is kindled not to be hidden under

  • A Non-Pacifist Argument Against Capital Punishment

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    Capital Punishment ABSTRACT: In this paper I present a moral argument against capital punishment that does not depend upon the claim that all killing is immoral. The argument is directed primarily against non-philosophers in the Judeo-Christian tradition. Oddly, the moral argument against capital punishment has not been effective in the United States despite the biblical injunction against killing. Religious supporters of the death penalty often invoke a presumed distinction between ‘killing’

  • A Complex Satan in John Milton's Paradise Lost

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    Milton's Complex Satan in Paradise Lost Milton's Satan continues to fascinate critics largely because he is more complex than the Devil of the Christian tradition appears. Satan's rebelliousness, his seeking of transcendence, his capacity for action, particularly unconventional action, endeared him to certain types of minds, even if their viewpoint might be considered theologically misleading. Milton often follows the road of intellectual definition for his characters, of reasoning demonstration

  • Emily Dickinson

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    “emotionally accessible”. She was not close to her mother and never shared any of her feelings with her, which most daughters feel they can. This might have caused Emily to be very weird and strange. The Dickinson children were also raised in the Christian tradition, and were expected to take up their father’s religious beliefs and values without any fighting or arguing. Emily did not like than she can not chose for herself her own beliefs and religion. Emily did not enjoy the popularity and excitement

  • Flood in Epic of Gilgamish and Book of Genesis of the Holy Bible

    883 Words  | 2 Pages

    Flood in The Epic of Gilgamish and The Bible The story of the great flood is probably the most popular story that has survived for thousands of years and is still being retold today.  It is most commonly related within the context of Judeo-Christian tradition.  In the Holy Bible, the book of Genesis uses the flood as a symbol of God's wrath as well as His hope that the human race can maintain peace and achieve everlasting salvation.  The tale of Noah's Ark begins with God's expression of dismay as

  • Simon as Silent Prophet of Lord Of The Flies

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    to be understood; he alone knew that the mythical Beast of the island, feared by all the boys, was in fact their own inherent savagery. (The title, Lord of the Flies, is in fact a translation of "Beelzebub," a name of the devil in the Judeo-Christian tradition). In a vision, the Beast told Simon: "Fancy thinking the Beast was something you could hu... ... middle of paper ... ... his fear, his compatriots' savagery justifies that weakness. If his flaw was his desire to be accepted, then

  • Comparing the Love of Romeo and Juliet, Twelfth Night and the Bible

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    our lives that it is fitting and proper that it should be the topic of so much discussion. Every culture and every writer has some commentary or evaluation of love. The New Testament has its share of love commentary. The entire basis of the Christian tradition is God's love for humanity. "God so loved the world that he gave his only Son." (John 3:6) Jesus preached a great deal about love of neighbor, love of God and even love of enemies. (Matt 5:44) Shakespeare's Biblical knowledge is well known and

  • Christian Tradition: THe Importance of Baptism

    803 Words  | 2 Pages

    In a contemporary Christian environment one of the most prominent practices to have a significant contribution to Christianity as a living religious tradition is Baptism. Baptism is of utmost importance for most Christian denominations. It has profound significance for the individual who is baptised and is also important for the Christian community as a whole. As a sacrament of initiation, Baptism calls its adherents to become missionary Disciples of Christ. It is through baptism that one’s faith