Canadian Pond Weed Essays

  • An Experiment to Show the Relation Between Light Intensity and Photosynthesis

    1076 Words  | 3 Pages

    this could affect the plants rate of photosynthesis. The wattage was controlled by a transformer and the pond weed was placed inside the box directly under the light bulb and surrounded by foil. To give the plant Carbon Dioxide we added sodium hydrogen carbonate powder (this bubbles to produce Co2 bubbles).To attempt to control the temperature the test tube containing the pond weed (Canadian) was placed in a water bath- the water would absorb some of the heat. The plant was subjected to different

  • Investigating Photosyntesis in Pond Weed

    1280 Words  | 3 Pages

    Investigating Photosyntesis in Pond Weed Aim: The aim of this experiment is to find out what effects the amount of photosynthesis happening in a pond weed. Introduction: A piece of pondweed will be cut and placed into a test tube containing water and sodium hydrogen carbonate, which is placed inside a beaker containing water. A lamp will be shined on to the pondweed and the amount of bubbles released from the plant will be counted. The lamp will be adjusted to different distances

  • Rate of Photosynthesis in Pond-Weed

    833 Words  | 2 Pages

    Photosynthesis in Pond-Weed Plan The aim of this activity is to investigate one of the factors that affect the rate of photosynthesis in pond-weed. I am trying to find out if the distance of the pond-weed from a lamp will change the rate of photosynthesis. I will measure the rate of photosynthesis by counting the number of bubbles that are released by the stem of the pond-weed when the lamp is shone on it from different distances. What I think will happen is as the pond weed is moved further

  • The Effect of Light Intensity on Photosynthesis Of Elodea Canadensis

    991 Words  | 2 Pages

    alignment. Preliminary Experiment Apparatus * Piece of Elodea Canadensis * Bulb * Voltmeter * Test tube * Beaker * Box * Two electrical wires * Stopwatch * Thermometer Method I put a piece of Elodea Canadensis (pond weed) in a test tube and covered it with water. The test tube was then placed in a beaker with a thermometer so that the water stayed the same temperature, this was then placed in a cardboard box with a bulb attached to a voltmeter by the electrical

  • The Effect of Wavelength on Photosynthesis Rate

    1354 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Effect of Wavelength on Photosynthesis Rate Aim: To investigate how different wavelength (colors) of light affect the photosynthetic rate. I will use a pant that is a pond weed called elodea. I will measure the rate of photosynthesis by measuring the amount of o2 given off in bubbles per minuet from the elodea. I will do this by placing the Elodea in a test tube with sodium hydrogen carbonate then I will vary the light wavelength (color) using colored filters and count the number

  • Investigating the Effects of Sodium Concentrations Have on the Rate of Photosynthesis

    605 Words  | 2 Pages

    hydrogen carbonate. I will make sure they stay the same by checking them before each test. I will also do each test three times and make a mean average. I must also thoroughly wash all equipment, after every test. Apparatus · Funnel · Pond weed · Beaker · Water · Measuring cylinder · Stopwatch · Sodium hydrogen carbonate (NaHCO3) Risk Assessment and Safety Precautions There are not many safety precautions that need to be taken into

  • The Effect of Light Intensity on the Rate of Photosynthesis in an Aquatic Plant

    4194 Words  | 9 Pages

    Photosynthesis is the process by which green-plants use sunlight, carbon dioxide, water & chlorophyll to produce their own food source. This process is also affected by the temperature surrounding the plant (the species of plant we experimented with, pond weed, photosynthesised best at around 20 degrees centigrade.) Light, temperature & CO2 are known as limiting factors, and each is as important as the next in photosynthesis. Light is the factor that is linked with chlorophyll, a green pigment stored

  • photosynthesis

    878 Words  | 2 Pages

    Photosynthesis Investigation to find effects of distance of a light source from pond weed has on the amount of oxygen produced Photosynthesis All green plants need to be able to make their own food.They do this by a process called photosynthesis.For photosynthesis to occur they need sunlight energy.This energy is absorbed by a green pigment called chlorophyll,which is mainly found in the leaves.This energy then combinEs with water molecules (from the soil) and carbon dioxide (from the air).Then

  • Investigation Into the Colour of Light Needed to Start a Photosynthesis Reaction

    1190 Words  | 3 Pages

    experiment takes place we will place the pond weed (which has been in darkness for at least 24 hours to stop it any photosynthesis) into the beaker. I will then place the funnel over the pond weed and place the test-tube into the beaker (like the diagram above) I will then fill the beaker up with cold tap water till it covers the bottom of the test tube (450ml). This is so that we can easily count the oxygen bubbles as they come off the pond weed. Now that the experiment is ready to start

  • Elodea

    706 Words  | 2 Pages

    often called water weeds. Elodea is native to North America and it is also widely used as aquarium vegetation. The introduction of some species of Elodea into waterways in parts of Europe, the Australia, Africa, Asia, and New Zealand has created a significant problem, and it is now considered a noxious weed in these areas. Elodea canadensis, sometimes called American or Canadican waterweed or Anacharis (a former scientific name) is widely known as the generic water weed. The use of these

  • Determining the Effect of Light Intensity on Photosynthesis

    1671 Words  | 4 Pages

    Determining the Effect of Light Intensity on Photosynthesis Aim In this experiment, I intend to alter the light intensity and measure its effect on photosynthesis through the production of oxygen Introduction Photosynthesis is the process by which green plants provide a source of energy for respiration. The formula is as follows- Carbon dioxide + water Carbon dioxide and water are chemically combined to produce glucose (the energy source) and oxygen (a waste product). Since

  • Invasive Species in Wisconsin's Waters

    2519 Words  | 6 Pages

    Invasive species do not only affect other species in their ecosystem, but also cost the United States more than one hundred and twenty million dollars each year in damages (“Cost” par. 2). Invasive species come in all different forms, and all have a negative impact on the environment. These species can come into a new area without being detected at first, but as time goes on their effects can soon be seen. Efforts are being made to prevent these invasive species from destroying fish population

  • Grizzly Bears in North America

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    - what states found in 11. - range in America 12. - Alaska population and Canadian population 13. - GYA population numbers 14. - biome habitat 15. - conservation/protection

  • Peter Gabriel, Van Morrison, and Don Henley

    4257 Words  | 9 Pages

    Peter Gabriel, Van Morrison, and Don Henley Peter Gabriel has earned a worldwide reputation for his innovative work as a musician, writer and video maker. When at school, he CO-founded the band Genesis which he left in 1975. His albums, live performances and videos since then have won him a succession of awards. In 1980, he collected together a group of people to found WOMAD (World of Music, Arts & Dance). In a series of international festivals, each year WOMAD brings together traditional and

  • How High Ability Aboriginal Students Entering High School

    7708 Words  | 16 Pages

    Success for students entering high school is crucial to keeping them in school (Gray & Hacking, 2009). While there has been much research into the dips in achievement and self-perception, the combined expertise of researchers and educators acknowledges that the greatest difference in organisational culture in school years exists between primary and high school (Eccles & Midgley, 1989). This change occurs for teenagers when they are experiencing the biggest curve on their developmental trajectory