Blood Transfusions Essays

  • Blood Transfusions

    696 Words  | 2 Pages

    Blood Transfusions were a huge step into the field of medicine. Blood transfusions are when someone receives blood through an IV into their own blood vessels. People are able to be kept alive for longer if not for good with this discovery. Once they figured out how blood circulated throughout the body, blood transfusions became the next step. The first transfusion was done in the mid-1600’s using animals. It was only a couple years after that when a transfusion was performed on an actual human, and

  • Blood Transfusions and Disease

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    “Blood Safety in the Age of AIDS” reflects upon the history of blood transfusions, the advancement in performing clean (disease-free) transfusions, and, specifically, the appearance of and efforts to prevent the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) virus in blood donations. The AIDS epidemic hitting the blood banks is not only examined as an urgent problem in its own right, but also as a warning to both doctors and patients who regularly or spontaneously require blood transfusions. This warning

  • Blood Transfusion

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    human blood transfusions. Blood transfusions have not always been as successful as they are today. The procedure was even made illegal in some countries. The pioneer of successful human to human blood transfusions was James Blundell, born in London, 1791 (Dzik, 2007). This essay will describe the discovery of blood transfusion, also how the discovery of blood transfusion came about, the effect or importance of successful blood transfusion, and the future of blood transfusions. Blood transfusion is

  • Blood Transfusion Essay

    2222 Words  | 5 Pages

    Blood transfusions have become a common part of medical care with nearly 5 million Americans a year receiving a transfusion. Blood transfusions are used in the treatment of many different conditions, from replacing blood lost in surgeries or injuries to fighting diseases like liver disease, anemia, and bleeding disorders like hemophilia (, 2014). Blood collection and transfusion are overseen by many different agencies including the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the

  • Blood Transfusion Essay

    2657 Words  | 6 Pages

    Blood transfusion practices in patients having caesarian section. A prospective multicenter survey. Introduction: There has been a dramatic rise in the rate of caesarean section (CS) in the last two decade making it the most commonly performed procedure worldwide. 1Surveys (2, 3) have indicated that 3-5% of total red cells transfusion is related to obstetrics with higher rate in CS patients compared to those having vaginal delivery (1-7% versus 1%) (4, 5). Transfusion in CS needs special consideration

  • Blood Transfusion Essay

    705 Words  | 2 Pages

    Blood transfusions are potentially life-saving procedure that can help replace blood lost due to surgery or injury. Every two seconds someone in the United States needs blood (Blood Facts 1). Blood has been used as a form of therapy for a variety of ailments dating back as far as the 17th century. There is no question that blood is an incredibly valuable resource. Over the years, there have been several significant advances made in not only the research of blood but also medicine. The history and

  • Blood Transfusion Essay

    1870 Words  | 4 Pages

    many improvements such as blood transfusions, x-rays, vaccines, and sanitation. Although blood transfusions had been used before the First World War, many were not successful due to lack of knowledge in this type of treatments. World War I pushed the development of blood transfusions, allowing them to be safer. Before the war in the 17th century, blood transfusions often occurred with the use of animal blood, a practice that did not achieve desired results. These transfusions often times came from sheep

  • Dr. Blundell: Revolutionary in Blood Transfusion

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    procedure of blood transfusions including testing surgical strategies would save thousands of lives in the1800 as well as millions at this moment in time.

  • The Human Blood Transfusion

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    The Mayo Clinic defines a blood transfusion as “a routine medical procedure in which donated blood is provided to you through a narrow tube placed within a vein in your arm”. The first human blood transfusion on record was conducted by Dr. Jean-Baptiste Denys, a French physician during the late 1600’s. Although Denys’ transfusions weren’t sound proof and often written off as unorthodox, he unknowingly ushered in a new era of medicine and laid the foundation for modern advances in Hematology. I choose

  • No Blood Transfusion for Jehovah's Witnesses

    770 Words  | 2 Pages

    they do not accept blood transfusions. This belief arises from a biblical passage that states "Only flesh with its soul- its blood-you must not eat (Genesis 9:3-4), "You must not eat the blood of any sort of flesh, because the soul of every sort of flesh is its blood. I will set my face against that person who eats blood...Anyone eating it will be cut off” (Leviticus 17:10, 13-14). These passages are interpreted by Jehovah's witnesses as forbidding the transfusion of any blood products. The following

  • Essay On Blood Transfusion

    1301 Words  | 3 Pages

    Blood Transfusion A blood transfusion is a medical procedure that involves transferring blood from one individual to another. Earlier blood transfusion practices uses whole blood as a product for transfusion, meaning all of the components in the blood. But modern technology and discoveries enable doctors to transfer specific components of blood such as red blood cells or plasma. Blood transfusions attempts dated to the 17th century but not until an Austrian American physician discovered the blood

  • Case Study On Blood Transfusion

    819 Words  | 2 Pages

    Blood Transfusion, Pediatric Introduction A blood transfusion is a procedure in which your child receives donated blood, including plasma, platelets, and red blood cells, through an IV tube. Your child may need a blood transfusion because of illness, surgery, or injury. The blood may come from a donor it may be your child’s own blood (autologous blood donation) that he or she donated previously. The blood given in a transfusion is made up of different types of cells. Your child may receive: • Red

  • Blood Transfusion Essay

    1228 Words  | 3 Pages

    Much of the blood needed for transfusions in Mississippi is shipped from nearby states as people in Mississippi do not usually donate enough to supply the demand for blood with in the state. The donated blood obviously goes to a multitude of patients in Mississippi; from people in car crashes, to cancer patients, to people sickle-cell disease, and many more. Every two seconds someone needs a blood transfusion only 10% of Americans who are able to donate blood actually do donate. Keep going with

  • Forced blood transfusion of a memeber of Jehovah's Witnesses

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    Forced Blood Transfusion of a member of Jehovah's Witnesses The guidelines that are in the Belmont Report give many important principles that doctors and allied health workers should follow. The guidelines in belmont principles cover a wide variety of bioethical situations that persons working in a medical field might encounter, or rights that one might expect to receive if needing medical treatment. The four main key points included are, beneficence, justice, non-maleficence, and autonomy. What

  • Blood Transfusion on Pregnant Jehovah’s Witness

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    Blood Transfusion on Pregnant Jehovah’s Witness We all can agree that blood is the most precious liquid that a human being possesses, and without it, life and existence would be diminished. Up to this date, Jehovah’s Witness have refused blood transfusion procedures due to their religion, but this issues becomes more of a predicament when it jeopardize somebody else’s life; a life of fetus in a pregnant woman. Based on Jehovah’s Witness’s Old Testament and New Testament, “It seem good to the

  • Essay On Blood Transfusion Process

    677 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Blood Transfusion Process It is stated in the National Blood Transfusion Service (2013) guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO) that donor recruitment must begin from donors who belong in a low risk, safe and healthy population of a community. It is also strongly prohibited to pay any donors. The blood transfusion process is a very thorough and meticulous process to ensure the safety of the donor and the recipient of the blood unit. Blood donor recruitment begins with the dissemination

  • Understanding Blood Types: Importance in Transfusions

    1820 Words  | 4 Pages

    project is to identify the unknown blood types of the synthetic samples. Synthetic blood is used for blood transfusions and is important because if someone was given the incompatible blood type, you could become very sick and possibly die. Blood transfusions are very helpful for saving lives but negative outcomes will occur if the blood is not compatible. This background research paper will discuss different blood types and the importance of blood transfusions. Proteins are any of a large class

  • Blood Transfusion as One of the Most Common Hospitals Procedures

    1973 Words  | 4 Pages

    The topic chosen is blood transfusion. Blood transfusion is one of the most common procedures that are performed in the hospital setting to save lives and help improve one’s health. People who have serious injuries may need blood transfusions to replace the lost of blood. Some of the injuries are more critical than others and require an enormous amount of blood. In addition, many people have illnesses that prevent their body from making blood properly. Blood circulates in the body providing oxygen

  • Essay On Blood Transfusion

    878 Words  | 2 Pages

    Types of Blood Transfusions Tami Sellers Delaware Technical and Community College Types of Blood Transfusions Introduction Blood transfusions serve a key function in saving lives within hospitals. Health professionals use them to substitute blood loss during a surgery or following a serious injury to a patient. Blood transfusions also contribute to boosting the body’s health and preventing further bleeding by giving patients blood rich in nutrients and coagulation factors. A small needle inserted

  • Blood Transfusion In Dracula

    624 Words  | 2 Pages

    However, Van Helsing proposed the concept of blood transfusion, so that the group of men could stop the transformation and save Lucy’s life. “As the transfusions went on something like life seemed to come back to poor Lucy’s cheeks, and through Arthur’s growing pallor the joy of his face seemed absolutely to shine” (106). As a result, the blood transfusions were preventing the transformation to complete, and Lucy’s pure soul was returning as well. Despite